Are you mad the girl screamed angrily coming out of her car.
I could predict she's my age mate, and I could see the resemblance between us and seems she noticed it too.
Why do you look like me she asked coming towards me.
I don't know I said holding my bicycle .
Oh so you have mouth to tell me that huh, do you even know who you are talking to she asked Rudely .
Am really sorry miss for hitting you car, it wasn't intentional it was a mistake.i said
Just shut that thing you call mouth, you this poor thing, you disgust me I wonder how am being able to talk to you bastard she said and walked angrily to her car and drove off.
I smiled out tears, the problem is that I can't fight back even if I fight back who would support me am always to blame .
I cleaned my tears and entered my bicycle, and rode back, I really needed to be back early.
Why are you coming late my madam asked coming out angrily.
Am sorry ma I got into an accident .
Yes you always get into accident, do you know how many customers I had missed just because of your foolishness and stupidity , everything about you is badluck, I would have listened to those people who said I should not employ you but I was just having pity on a useless girl.
But ma am really sorry I said crying.
Just shut up you this useless girl you are a bastard that was why your parents left you in the dustbin to rot away she said.
Yes am badluck I said crying, you don't have to remind me about that I just wanna die and leave this misrable life.
Just get the hell out of my restaurant she said.
What about my pay i asked and she threw some cash at me .
I hurriedly picked them up even though they aren't enough at least it can sustain me today because tonight am ending my life , I would kill myself and everything would end.
I cursed angrily, I hate talking to those people from the slups how much they disgust me I hate them .
Welcome back honey my mom said and kissed my cheek .
Why are you frowning you face, you know princess always smiles my dad said.
Well I met a poor girl and she hit my car with her useless bicycle and gave it a scratch I said
Am sorry sweetheart but am sure it's a mistake and stop calling other's poor and disgusting my mom said .
Well that's always mom with her useless sermon I wonder why she gave birth to me because we are too different people.
I don't care mom they have their own world I have mine hope you get it and stop comparing us together you are making me sick I said and stormed to my room angrily ignoring her calls .
I looked at my room it was just the way I left it before I went to study outsides the states but now am back, I so much missed Danny.
I looked at myself in the mirror I got those killer shape but that girl that looks likes me got more, I really hope we don't cross paths again because she's not gonna be lucky.
I strip off my clothes as I entered the bathtub so cool, just then my phone rang .
I quickly picked it up as I saw the caller, my exicement knew no bound.
Danny I called immidiately I picked the call.
Hey baby he said in those dreamy voice .
Babe I really missed you I said smiling to myself.
Why don't we switch to video call I really wanna see you he said.
I immediately Change to video call, sexy he said as he fixed his eyes on my body .
Love what you see I asked with a smirk.
Yeah of course I wanna fuck you hard until you screamed my name for the whole world to hear he said.
Well am all yours .
Ok get dressed am gonna pick you up he said and cut the call.
I hurriedly took my bath I can't for him to be here, am gonna give him all the styles I have learnt so far I really missed him.
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