I open my bedroom door and collapse on my bed. James, James, James... I just want to kill him with my own hands. Giving us such a challenge is one thing but saying it in front of the whole fraternity is another! I've never felt so embarrassed in my entire life in front of guys.
How are we going to fake Caleb and me? We don't have anything gay in our house. It's not that I don't like gays, on the contrary they do what they want, it's in no way my problem at bottom. But pretending to be is beyond my means at the moment. So let's not even talk about Caleb! I don't think he likes the gays on his side very much.
I hear someone knock on my door and open it slowly. I don't need to turn around, I already know who it is. Caleb.
- Elijah, I think we should talk..
I roll over onto my back with my arms crossed behind my head.
-You know I just feel like we're being played a bad joke, I whisper.
Caleb sat on the edge of my bed with his back to me.
-You know James as much as I do Elijah, he won't stop until this charade is over.
- That is to say in 3 months..
The door opens suddenly and I get up to see who it is.
"Sorry guys, I didn't mean to bother you," said a guy younger than us named Ethan.
"It's okay man, you're not bothering anything," Caleb said calmly.
-It was just to tell you that tonight is pizza. Luke, Jack and Arthur are going to pick them up and they asked me to come and tell you Caleb.
-OK, no worries. Thanks dude.
He nodded and was about to turn around closing the door when he stopped.
-In fact, I wanted to tell you that... he scratches his neck seeming to be embarrassing, I find you very brave to assume yourself. Hope you two last!
Ethan didn't give us time to thank him, he was already gone. I turn to Caleb who is sitting next to me.
-What was that ? I say laughing.
"I don't know," Caleb says, throwing up his arms.
We have a good laugh and then he drops on my bed. I sigh and decide to lie down next to him.
-I don't know how we're going to make everyone believe we're together Elijah..
-I know, we drag our reputation behind us...
-In addition we will have to kiss and touch all the time!
I see disgust on his face and feel him shiver at the thought of doing this.
-I don't like it too.. But we have no choice.
- I don't know what's the worst honestly, said Caleb propping himself up on his two elbows, whether we pretend to be gay or people believe us so easily!
I laugh at his reflection. If people believe that we're gay so easily, I wonder how we should take it... Wrong or right?
-Okay, I have to go, otherwise they'll show up like furies, these jerks, Caleb declares, getting up.
Before he opens the door I get up, attacking myself and I call out to him, being in the mood to have a little fun to release the pressure.
- To all my darling!
I can't help laughing at his expression which is somewhere between surprise and disgust. He finally let out a sigh of amusement.
-We'll have to agree on the nicknames we're going to give each other.. Baby!
I stop laughing at the nickname he gave me and look at him surprised.
-You would see your face man! I can't take it anymore haha...
He goes out holding his stomach so much he laughs. Even closing the door I can still hear it on the stairs.
I laugh alone. We will never be able to play a couple without laughing and screwing up everything!
I hardly go down the stairs so much I laugh. Elijah's face made me laugh so much that I think about calling him that all the time just to piss him off.
-Finally, you come down!
-Sorry, I was talking to Elijah.
Luke and Arthur look amused at the situation their two best friends find themselves in.
- Don't fuck with me you assholes! And after that is said to be friends huh.., I declare while pretending to be offended.
"We love you too!" Luke said, putting an arm around my shoulders.
-Be careful Luke, Elijah is not going to like that you are so close to him, writes a guy from the fraternity sitting on a sofa not far from us.
-He is right ! We'll be watching you now! Shout another.
-What ? Don't you know? Luke said amused.
The guys and I look at him not understanding what he meant. What bullshit is he going to release that one again?
-They love threesomes these two! It is their favorite pastime.
I glare at him and he quickly scoots off, running for the door. Arthur laughs while holding on to the wall but as soon as he meets my glare he leaves quickly to join Luke.
- Don't listen to him, it's fake!
The guy sitting on the couch seems to be enjoying the situation and nods.
- We have nothing against threesomes! Said the other going into the garden giving me an amused look.
I'm going to join the two imbeciles who serve as my friends outside without responding to his reflection. Jack is already waiting for us at the wheel of his car.
During the whole drive to the pizzeria, Caleb kept insulting us with all kinds of names, especially Luke. It was particularly funny to see him like that for so little.
-At least now you know that the guys from the frat are going to be constantly watching you, says Luke, pizza boxes in hand.
- Damn but your right!, Caleb takes his head between his hands having deposited the pizzas in the back, how am I going to fuck me!
I sigh in amusement, Caleb only thinks about sex. He has an incredible roster. The best of all the brotherhood.
-It's not just that, you'll have to be careful with Elijah all the time, Jack reminds him to piss him off.
- Holy shit, I didn't catch that! We're screwed, that's for sure.
Before getting into the car, I put my hand on his shoulder to show him my support.
-You have no choice, my friend.
-I know I know..
-Hurry up, Caleb has to go find his Prince Charming! Yells Jack as he runs like a little girl to the driver's door.
Luke does not take long to burst out laughing followed by me too. Facing us three Caleb sighs in exasperation. I don't know how these two do to you, but it promises to be fun.