The days go by quickly and I've been in this mansion surrounded by vampires for a month now.
I ended up being allowed to leave my room and spend my days in the garden or admiring the horses that Ian owns. I never dared to ask him if I could ride one. Even though our relationship has improved and we are... . more intimate, it still intimidates me. Especially these days, he is in a bad mood and dismisses anyone who comes to disturb him.
So I wait for him to come see me, which he often does and which surprises me. Only Ian and Stanley talk to me, the other vampires, uh, don't calculate me and ignore me. As for their blood donors, they are hypnotized and speak only of non-existent love. I can't help them, they are already crazy....all of them.
So I stay in the garden and I think. I think I could run away, Ian wouldn't find me all right away and I might have time to reach the city...but to do what? My family is gone and if Ian finds me, my life would be hell. I only have five short months left.
I caress the muzzle of the horse that has just approached me. He has a beautiful white dress without imperfection and he comes to see me every time I lean on the barrier.
-Her name is Lumina, whispers a voice behind me.
I jump and turn around, Stanley is standing in front of me leaning on a tree. I smile gently at him,
-You know I could make a force attack? I say, turning my attention to Lumina rubbing against my arm for more caress.
Stanley approaches me in turn.
-You humans are scared for nothing, he sneers, giving a sugar to another horse with a beige dress.
I do not respond to his pike, otherwise we would start a debate that I would end up losing. But I want to tell him that we humans are not afraid of everything.
We just appreciate that we weren't snapped out of our thoughts so abruptly. Well, for me.
-The sun is going to set and you should go home, otherwise Ian will be even more in a bad mood, the boy points out to me.
I roll my eyes.
-It's ridiculous, he only comes to see me at 9 p.m., so I think I can stay out a bit longer.
Stanley sighs and turns to me.
-He sent me to get you and I don't want to take a knife to my stomach again...
We wince at the memory of when Stanley and I got home a little later than expected when he was showing me around, Ian then accused him of starving him on purpose and he stuck a knife in his stomach. I didn't know at the time that vampires heal very quickly and I cried all night in shock believing that Stanley was dead. The relief of seeing him in the morning had been a release for me and he himself had appreciated that I was worried about him.
He's kind of like a friend to me and I don't want to get him in trouble.
We then take the way back.
- You're lucky, you know? Stanley said suddenly after five minutes of silent walking.
-For what ?
I'm quite surprised that he tells me that I'm lucky, because I don't think that's the case.
-Ian is very patient with you and...I don't know...He's protective of you whereas usually his donors are treated like nothing at all. He's nicer to you than to me, though I'm of his own kind. It's fascinating. I think he cares about you.
I shrug my shoulders, even though I've made the same remarks to myself, and the fact that Stanley makes the remark to me himself makes me feel a sweet warmth that warms my heart. Even though I know that deep down Ian is interested in me because it's new to him. I am more an experience than a person in his eyes.
-Ian doesn't care about anyone but himself, it's not fascinating, I reply a little more curtly than wanted.
The sad truth pisses me off, and the fact that I have some feelings for this vampire pisses me off even more.
-Believe me, YOU are fascinating! Even I like you, and it never happened to "like" a human.
I laugh and give him a clap on the arm that doesn't seem to feel.
-I don't know if I should take it well or not. So I'm still going to thank you for loving me...even though I'm human.
The boy is amused by my answer and we resume our silent walk towards the mansion. After a while I hear Stanley sigh, then another and another. I turn to him, frowning because I know what he wants.
-Stop sighing, I don't want you to carry me, it makes me sick to my stomach.
He gives me the cutest pout in the universe and I roll my eyes.
-Come on ! It will go faster! I feel like we're not getting there! He groaned, pointing to the path we have traveled.
-It's the daily lot of us "people without super speed".
-I couldn't live like this, come on Aly! It's the last time, I promise.
I push a sigh in my turn and I am resigned knowing full well that this is not the last time. I let him take me in his arms, hanging mine around his neck and closing my eyes so as not to see the landscape pass by. A few seconds later I smell the familiar smell of the mansion and Stanley puts me down in the great hall. He holds me in his arms until I come to my senses.
"Last time," I grumbled, staggering over to one of the red couches to sit on.
Stanley sits down beside me and waits. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and a warm feeling come over me.
"Stanley leave us," he commands in a loud voice that means he's in a bad mood.
The young man complies and I wait to find out what fault I have committed. I look up into the vampire's face and see the anger in his eyes.
-What were you doing with him? he asks curtly.
-He came to get me, because you asked him to, I point out to him, trying to control my voice knowing that if I raise my voice, he will take it very badly.
His question annoys me! What does it matter to him what I was doing with Stanley?!
- And where were you for it to take so long?
-At the horse paddock.
He nods a little more convinced and his body seems to relax. I get up to go to my room and take a bath but he holds me back.
- Do you like horses? He asks suddenly interested.
-Yes, I was horseback riding before.
He nods and I slowly pull away to take the stairs.
He still follows me and that annoys me, because sometimes he is suffocating. I thought the contract between us was clear: I feed him and in return he leaves me alone.
But I never have peace and the worst is that when he's not there, sometimes I miss him but when he's there he annoys me. I walk into the bedroom and he's already lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. I close the door and stop in the middle of the room, waiting for him to tell me what he wants.
-You are hungry ? I finally ask seeing that he doesn't seem to want to talk.
He gets up suddenly and approaches me nonchalantly. I hold my breath when he stops a few centimeters away.
-No, I am not hungry. Well, no blood.
I swallow and pull back, pretending not to understand his hint.
-Eat chips then, there are some under my bed, I say, pointing to the bed and moving away a little more.
Ian smiles and his blue eyes light up. My heart races seeing how handsome he is with that mocking smile.
-Alyson you know very well what I'm hungry for, and I'm sure you're starving too.
When he utters this sentence, the feeling in my lower abdomen increases and I squirm in front of his gaze, ill at ease. I must not give in even if deep down, I'm dying to.
- I can not do anything at this level, I let go, heading to my chest of drawers to take a towel.
I then head for the bathroom to lock myself in, but Ian is already there and has closed the door behind him. He holds the key in his hand and makes it disappear like a magician.
- Can I take my bath in peace?
My voice sounds like a squeal and I hear Ian giggle before walking towards me. I'm suddenly in his arms and his lips are on my neck. Where I now love that he asks them.
- Can I take this bath with you? he asks in a soft, terrifying voice.
I hold back a moan as he runs his lips and nose over my skin.
"I…you said you didn't want to sleep with me," I reminded him, stammering pitifully, shattering all my credibility.
Ian puts his mouth under my ear,
-Maybe I want to, after all. I had a trying day and I need to relax.
His words have the effect of a cold shower and bring me back to reality. I push him away and cross my arms over my chest.
-I am your donor not your instrument of relaxation... you have no right to play with me in this way.
Ian seems stung by my words and when I think he's going to get angry, his gaze turns soft and he takes her hand to kiss her.
-You are everything, except my instrument of relaxation and I do not play with you. Waiting for you to beg me to take your virginity because you will...I'll feed myself if you don't mind.
His words disturb me and I promise myself that I will never sleep with him, much less beg him. "You're all but my trigger and I don't play with you" loops in my head as I watch Ian wait for my response. Does he see me as a person? Maybe Stanley is right. He cares about me.
-Aly! I'm waiting!
-Ah uh yes yes, sorry, I was in the moon.
Ian shrugs and runs the water in the tub before pouring foaming soap into it. When I see him undress, I panic.
- Uh Ian, what are you doing?
- Well, I'm taking a bath with you like that, we'll do two things at once.
He gives me his seductive look and I can only accept.
-Very well, but I keep my underwear.
-As you wish.
He says that taking off his boxers and I look away waiting for him to step into the gigantic bathtub. I take my turn off my clothes, just keeping my black panties and my matching bra. When I sit in the tub Ian pulls my back against his chest and starts kissing my neck. While his hands wander over my thighs, my stomach and the top of my chest.
-It is now that the supplications begin, he murmurs while passing his fingers in the bonnet of my bras.
I moan as he takes care of my chest. I am still as sensitive to his caresses. Ian puts his mouth on my neck and at the same time unhooks my underwear to throw it on the floor. I did not react, enjoying his caresses and his mouth on my skin. When he sinks his teeth into my flesh, the pain immediately disappears to give way to pleasure. I let myself go taking advantage of this magical feeling that begins to arise in my lower abdomen. Ian finally pulls away from my neck and I'm almost disappointed that it's over already.
"Thank you, sweetheart," he said, kissing my shoulder. Ian gently kisses my neck, my cheeks, it's almost cute. I'm getting ready to get out of the bath, breaking our embrace when three knocks are given at the door. Ian growls and stops me from leaving.
Me, I try to struggle but he holds me firmly and when I turn my head to look at him he signals me to be quiet. Knocks still ring out.
-What ?!
-Your father is here, comes Crystal's voice from behind the door.
I blushed in shame as I silently thanked Ian for closing that door.
- Tell him I'm coming when I'm done, now go away! He said dryly.
The slamming of my bedroom door signals to me that she's gone and I try to get up. Ian holds me back and turns me to face him to look at me and press his torso against my chest.
"Hey, I didn't even thank you for this fabulous meal," he said, brushing a wet lock of hair from my face.
I smile at him shyly and shake my head.
"I didn't ask for anything," I pointed out, observing the muscles in his chest.
Ian tilts his head to the side and caresses my lips with his warm finger. He never kissed me on the lips and I wish he would, because nobody ever kissed me. I have a feeling he will. He leans towards me and I close my eyes waiting for my kiss but he suddenly pushes me away and I nearly hit my head on the edge of the tub.
When I open my eyes, Ian is already out, leaving wet footprints on the bathroom floor. Why did he push me away? I thought we were intimate enough to kiss....I feel humiliated and angry. I cover my breasts with my arms, promising myself that I will never let him touch me like that again. Anyway the bite is more pleasant to me now, I don't need it anymore.
After putting on jeans and a beige cashmere sweater. I leave the room to get some food. Giving blood is tiring and always makes me hungry. When I go down the hall to reach the kitchen. I see Ian greeting a man of about thirty years old, he looks a lot like him and I deduce very quickly that he is his father. The man sees me and immediately frowns. Ian turns around to see what's causing his father to grimace and he suddenly appears in front of me.
-Alyson go back to your room and lock yourself up, I'll bring you food later, he said in an anguished voice.
I look away from Mr. Lazuli and run up the stairs.
But the loud voice of the man makes me stop in the hallway. I decide to play spies.
-It's her ! The human distracting you?! Roars a strong and grave voice.
I shiver, but I can't stop listening.
"She's not distracting me, she's my donor," Ian replies.
- Well change it! You can't afford to dishonor our family name by falling in love with that red-haired vermin.
- It's not vermin and I don't intend to change donors!
-Your mother warned me and I didn't want to believe her, but yes. My own son fell in love with a human!
I don't hear Ian reply and my heart quickens. Ian loves me? So he really cares about me? Do I love him myself? I don't know and I don't want to know, it's all too unhealthy.
-My son, if you want this human in your life, make her a vampire, otherwise kill her. If you don't make your choice I will make it for you and death will be my decision.
My eyes widen when I hear that. Kill me or turn me into a vampire? No ! I want to go home! Ian promised me.
When I hear his answer, my world crumbles.
- Don't worry, Father. She will die in a few months, like all donors. I swear to you.