Jannie's pov
While I was making brewed coffee in my shop, a call came from the phone...I don't know why
Desi approached me and one of my baristas said the call was important
While I was holding a cup of coffee, I sprinkled it with sugar
I answered the phone
"Hello... Jannie Montes speaking" as I said on the other line
I waited a few minutes until someone answered
"Jannie! How are you this is Therise...I need you here...please come here...I'm at the motel with Ihra I don't want to talk to her...Give me some advice...please best friend" he said that his tone was obviously drunk
Therese, what is her problem again...is she getting drunk again because her husband broke up with her...that's why I'm not ready to get married, there are many complicated problems going on
I hurriedly put on my jacket and said goodbye to Desi
What kind of motel is that... is it her motel
While I was driving I was looking for the motel where Therise checked in and I found out that it was quite close to the coffee shop...luckily they have a branch here
"What's wrong with you Therise...is it all about your ex husband or your boyfriend" I asked while Ihra helped me fix Therise so that she was already bathed in alcohol when I found her
He smiled at me
"My boyfriend...his wife doesn't want him to divorce, so it's very complicated...if he doesn't agree to a divorce, I'll go out...I don't want to be a mistress...but I don't want him divorce me I love him! why is everything so complicated Jannie tell me!" he says
Aaah I don't know what to say I never commit I make out with some random girls but after that I don't know them even their names...and I don't know how to love I've never been hit by cupid's arrow what should I say to Therise...I don't know what advice to say to her
I put some hot compressed on her to massage her at least a little
Until she fell asleep I looked at her
"I'm sorry Therise... I don't know how to love because I'm numb. Because this is your best friend, I can't give you love advice... I'm sorry" I said as I fixed her blanket
I saw Ihra come in with the coffee she made
"Brother, drink first" he said
"Its okay I'm going home...take care of your sister Ihra she needs you especially now that she has a problem" I said
"It's okay, brother, so when I do that, I never fall in love because it's hard. That's why it's like this, brother. I guess I'm a single idol because of you," he said.
Ihra is so mature when it comes to mind...even though this boy is only fifteen years old, he already understands everything
I left the hotel room and I'm going home
But I didn't expect it when I saw that there were two customers who seemed to be fighting because that man was dragging the girl with him
Until I saw that he pushed the woman so she bumped
I came closer, I couldn't stop myself from helping that girl, I punched the man with her until I knocked him down and suddenly ran away
I have seen it. The woman he was trying to get up from falling down earlier but she didn't seem to want help because she was pushing me
I was surprised that there was blood dripping on the floor
I lifted his face then I saw a very familiar face
Cracille Sebastian is the woman Aizel left at their wedding
He tried to distance himself from me until he stood up and was about to fall, luckily I caught him
I carried him outside and put him in my car. I took my handkerchief and wrapped it around the part of his head that was bleeding.
He didn't respond at all until we got to the hospital
I don't know if he's still breathing or what, the only thing I know is that he still has a pulse
I quickly took him to the Emergency Room of the hospital
I'm waiting to see how he's doing...before I was sleepy but now I can't blink my eyes even for a few seconds because I'm nervous that he might have passed out
A few more minutes and it was over...I saw that he had a piece of bandage on his head
But while I was staring at what he was wearing, I didn't even notice that he was a dietician
She wears a fitted shirt and a miniskirt and why is she with a man in the motel forcing her...I don't know I'm confused
I kept him out of the room until I spent the night there
I'll just sleep on the couch...I'll keep an eye on him
Charity or mercy... I don't even know but I am really concerned about this girl...
Why didn't they remember him anymore?
Because I can't forget his name... Cracille... Cracille
I approached him again and caressed his face
"Cracille Sebastian is the woman left at the altar
I want to know you more..." I said
Cracille POV
I felt as if a bright light had hit my eyes
I was surprised when I remembered that the last person I was with was Jannie Montes and I saw that there was dextrose attached to me
And what surprised me was that there was someone sleeping on the couch
I'm confused that man shouldn't see me
But how can I escape from this room...I have to
I removed the dextrose from me, it hurt a bit and my hand even bled
I also tried to walk my foot even though it was still numb, I could do it Cracille, what else did you endure all the hardships if it was simple
you can't just run away
I was in a hospital gown when I saw myself I was only wearing underwear shorts
I shouldn't go out like this
I saw that there was a jacket on the side of him, I think it's "I'll borrow it first, I'll just run away from you" I whispered as if he was going to sleep, I think he's too tired, well maybe that's because they're rich
I left the room and walked straight without being noticed
I just walked a bit, I can't go home yet, so I'll just go straight to my sister Crisa, my brother's wife, even though my brother and I are separated, I still have a connection with them, especially my niece
A simple barong barong where they lived appeared to me
"Aunt Cracille!!!" Crizia screamed my niece I was happy when I saw her that child is only five years old but already happy
He hugged me, I could see his face pale, especially his lips
"Crizia, are you tired again? Look, you seem to be weak again" I said while rubbing her back
I held his hand, this boy's hand was quite warm and we went straight to their house
Sister Crisa greeted me, she looked troubled...maybe she was thinking about debt again
His treatment for Crizia is expensive, especially since his condition is not good right now
Because my nephew has a heart disease and it has a hole that needs surgery
It's a pity...when I see that child I can't stop my tears from falling, I can't even imagine that inside that little body he felt all pain
"Cracille, I think you came for a visit? You were kicked out. Are you back where you're staying?" He asked me
"No...Can I be here tonight, sister?" I said
He nodded, after all he and Crizia were the only two in the house, I was better there
As long as I'm still hot in Aling Esther's eyes, I'm sure she's fuming with anger because of what happened...
Jannie's POV
I can't stop squealing in anger now, I don't know? Because she ran away...that girl didn't even say goodbye and I couldn't catch her
He also took my jacket, not because I couldn't move on with my jacket. I don't care if he took that, that's what I'm thinking because is he okay, he ran away from me
The brandy I was drinking was almost gone as I looked at the scenery of the city from my condo unit
"Cracille Sebastian...what happened to your family...no one answered my question...and why are you at the motel...I'm confused" I said
Suddenly my phone rang
"Sir...I got the information about Cracille Sebastian" said the man on the other line
I can't even close my eyes now, I used to drink a bottle of brandy and I fell asleep but now... I don't think so...I'm not an insomniac
When I found out about Cracille's life now, I felt guilty even though I had no connection or did anything to her
Maybe because of what Dad did
He brought everything down to Kay Rein's company and took all of the Sebastian family's property
I don't even know anything about what happened...maybe when I was Jalri's manager
Her Dad passed away
Her mom left them
Her brother is a gambler and a part of a syndicate
And Cracille she was hiding to her brother
Cracille lives in a small shantytown... And most of all she works at the Club she's a Guest Relations Officer in short G.R.O but my private investigator said something else that she is also a waitress
I was biting my lip while thinking about all that
I don't know why...I want to help her with my own
That woman...she messed up my mind...now I'm having problems with her too
There's a part of my brain that craves about her...
I will find that girl...