We advance with our backs to the palace wall. Why? To escape from my mother. We will say that I did some stupid things... Nothing serious!
I think she's angry... My brothers are screaming with laughter! Until my mother, Ophélie Lune.
Me: Mom, you're home!
I explain to you my mother, a brunette with gray eyes, goes from time to time to my father, Finn Helios, blond with sky-colored eyes and comes to him when he can see us.
My mother: In my room! RIGHT AWAY!!! You guys too!
Ethan&Nathan&Aaron: But we didn't do anything, it's her!
Me: Aaron with me...
Aaron is my twin. And Ethan, Nathan and Gäethan are tripled! Except that Gäethan has decided to have a soul mate suddenly he is on earth. My mother snaps her fingers one is transported on the ottoman of his room; and she bursts.
My mother: Humans are not games, Allyson.
Me: I never said they were games.
My mother: You killed 162!
Me: Technically it was a natural disaster that killed them...
My mother: You are the only ones who can trigger them!
Ah yes, we are hybrids we can all do: Telepath, Vampire, Werewolf, Teleporter (he teleports), Elemental (he controls the elements), Transformer (he transforms himself if he wants), Spirit...
Me: OK, but the triplets or Aaron could have done it!
My mother: No because one you are the only one who ran away and two the triplets were busy filling your father's bathroom with melted cheese!! Even Gäethan came for this occassion!
Ethan: I admit that it's us!
Me: And Aaron!?
My mother: He was obeying you by coating my whole office with P.Q!
Me: How do you know?
My mother: Only you have such ideas! Even the bathroom I know it's you!
Aaron: It's true that the twisted ideas are your spring!
Me: Shut up!
Aaron: Shut up yourself!
Me: Wow the line of phew! (note the irony)
My mother cracks and collapses on a seat!
My mother: No, but you are abusing 162 like the same...
Me: Mom they die easily too! At least I didn't touch the Werewolf and the Elemantair!
You should know that my mother loves werewolves and my father the élémantair!
My mother: Still happy but you hurt an Alpha's soul mate...
Me: But she's not dead!
My mother: OK, OK, but you will be severely punished!
Me: Alright.
She got up and left the room.
Nathan: Lucky I thought you'd be on dead house cleaning duty!
The chore among the dead knows how to explain to them how and why they died and listen to them blablaring!
Ethan: Horror!!
Aaron: But it's Mom, she's going to do something you're not going to like for sure!