"I thought you were going to lose to that witch again ... you're really good!" Kiara praised me as she lay on my bed.
He also gave me my own room. But he is here to help me.
"What's so good about fighting ..." I said and returned my focus to reading.
"W-wait, I'm dizzy ... w-what? What's so good about fighting? What if I could present to you everything you've fought!" It said to me and glared at me.
I immediately went to my bed and lay there.
"That's different ..." I defended myself.
"You look different!" He said to me and covered me with a blanket. I was still surprised at what he did so I asked him.
"Will you sleep here?" I asked in surprise, I only received a 'yes'. I did nothing but go to sleep.
"It's like your older brother Dylan is screaming!" Kiara says to Dylan who is currently reading ANOTHER book.
"That's really how it is" Dylan replied boredly without even looking at him.
"Here, sir, get ready!" Carlo shouted at us so we sat down.
Sir entered without even noticing the clutter on the floor. As usual, the KINGS were late again.
FOUR entered with Chase without even ignoring sir.
It started teaching until one teacher and another followed.
They ended up teaching me nothing at all.
"Tara sa cantene" my nanny to Rina who is now arranging things.
"We're just here" he replied hesitantly.
Kiara and I wondered.
"Why?" I will ask.
Probably because he was afraid of Sections 1.
"I'm sure when they see Section 11 in the Cafeteria, they'll sing"
Rina answered us. We did nothing but return to the chair.
I'm hungry! Food --- that's all I have on my mind right now. Am I afraid of the high sections?
Ivan didn't come either so we all Section 11 gaped here in the room.
"I'm really hungry" I whispered to Kiara who now has a much longer snout. I'm sure this woman is also hungry.
"Let's go to the cafeteria" said one of my classmates. I immediately turned my head to see who it was in case all my classmates were sitting.
What what I hear because of hunger.
The class of the day ended when we ate only one biscuit each and we just ate our fill of water. Kiara and I went home immediately when we went home to eat.
Kiara and I already have a bag, and we each have a bag of biscuits, of course we're ready.
"You have no plans to clean up?" Kiara asked a kind question to our classmates who were busy with their respective activities.
No one listened so Kiara and I just sat down. dirt of the room.
"If you want to clean ... just clean up" Jayden who was at the door suddenly said.
"Miracle! Get in early!" Pretty much. my voice got louder. In fact, because e.
"Are we not allowed to enter early?" Ivan asked ... he just got a mysterious irap from me.
"Chase, aren't you the pres.?
Order me to clean up oh "I begged Chase who is currently eating lollipops again. May you break your teeth, man.
"Section 11 Listen! There's a cleaner here on the floor! Clean here in the front! You have 30 min. To do that but you can't enter this room!" Chase ordered so we were all mobilized.30 min. Just really? Hanep naman oh, pero okey na rin yun basta malinisan lang tong maruming room na to.
"What won't you help?" I asked the four sitting pretty just on the side.
"We're lazy" Ethan replied, I smiled at him ..
"Ah lazy? A nice broom oh ... a nice swab--"
"Here's the cleaner" Ivan suddenly said and took a broom, Ethan and I were still fighting but Ivan won.
I looked at the two and stared. What can I gain there? E if I'm lazy they are more lazy.
Yesterday, Stella's head was still hot. Even I was surprised, did you say that my hand has germs, alas, I'm drinking alcohol.
"She should be taught a lesson!" ---- that's Stella.
Unable to move on from what happened yesterday. Daniel (Deyn-Nyel) stood up, he was Dylan's brother in Section 11, his face was serious and he went to the door.
"If you hadn't rushed then ... our Section wouldn't look defeated" he said in a gentle tone but I knew he was disgusted.
We looked at Stella and didn't say a word.
Finally! Lunch Break too HAHAHAHA. Kiara and I took out our lunch box, we still didn't go to the Cafeteria ...
I would have been sad to see my classmates just looking at us ... I put down the cutlery and looked even behind me-everyone was looking at us.
"H-didn't you bring a b-pocketbook?" I hesitated to ask and they shook at the same time ... Ivan and Ethan were leading.
"A-what ---" Dylan interrupted what I was about to say as he knelt in front of me and held out both hands.
"can I have it?" he said and made puppy eyes.
"I hope someone gives away"
"Yes I'm hungry"
"Just give a little"
Listening to my classmates. What should I do ?!
"We only have a little baggage," I told them, causing the crazy people to become withered vegetables.
"But I have --- a bag of biscuits in the bag --- HOY!"
Jayden suddenly grabbed my bag and left the room.
I could do nothing but chase him --- my classmates also chased after him.
"HEY JAYDEN COME BACK HERE!" I almost failed to scream ... because.
I don't care if people look at us. I also don't know where we are --- all I know is that we're running now.
While running, I suddenly stumbled. It's good that there is someone in front of me who is supporting me ---- wait .... is there someone ?!
I slowly raised my head..and .... and ... DYLAN'S BROTHER!
"Eh, why did you run with my bag ?!" Annoyed I asked Jayden who was now eating the biscuit that was in my bag.
"I'm hungry" he replied while chewing, I hope you choke ...
"T-water ..." He said with difficulty while slapping his chest, they gave water to the madman who immediately breathed properly.
"I just want to know who wished to choke me!" Annoyed, he shouted and drank the water again "I'm about to die!" He added that it made me gather. You're greedy for that.
The day passed again. Of course in my lecture I focused my attention, later I might not have learned anything again.
A few weeks have passed.
Our entry into the Academy was easy. They only heard left and right.
We seem to be working on section 11 for such a case --- just be jealous, don't be too jealous, it might get too much.
"Hey Jayden! Aren't you going to clean up ?!" I asked him a sarcastic question. Sitting pretty again because he's crazy.
"I just got the noise from your mouth again Zoe!" Chase replied that he had just arrived.
"Why! Are you planning to come in ?!" My sarcastic question. "Clean up!" I ordered them and took the broom I was holding. If it wasn't for the clean room, our artistic teacher wouldn't be teaching ... in a few weeks the class started and I'm still complaining.
We ended up cleaning except for the two mokong who are still sitting until now --- one dot I'll kick it.
"Hey don't be too much of a mistress there!" Rina stopped me who was now wiping sweat, even Kiara was wiping her sweat as well.
"Wipe you too?" It offers me a little bit of slapping.
"You see from your sweat you will wipe me too?" I asked annoyed.
"I'm sorry hehe" he said. I just scratched my eyebrow and turned my back on them ... suddenly there was a hand in front of me and he was holding a handkerchief.
"Use this ..." Chase said calmly. He thought he was offering me a handkerchief and I can forget that they didn't clean the other day.
"What if I don't want to?" I asked a rude question here while sober.
"Edi you'll be sour all day ..." He said and was about to pocket the handkerchief. I took it and looked at him, I also looked at his handkerchief ...
"Use that, it's clean ... it's just you and I might be infected with your germs"
It says reason for my eyes to widen ... you are very gentleman Chase.
"I'm just joking" he chased and came out. I wiped the handkerchief on me and looked at the two women who were still slapping each other.
"Why?" I wondered.
"You're biased/I'm biased!" They said almost at the same time and continued to strike. Fools.
As time goes on, I can see their behavior more and more. They are naughty like children.
"Zoe do you still have a biscuit?" Dylan asked while having a mouthful of biscuit. Cool ... I'm just kidding.
"Did you finish it?" Annoyed, I said this, he smiled and scratched his neck. I gave him the rest of my biscuit. It was just my last biscuit because I bring a biscuit every day and then they are the only ones who run out.
"Hey Dylan you're free!" One of my classmates shouted. Everyone's attention immediately went to Dylan.
"Tommorow" was its short answer which caused the lunatics to scream.
"Guys I have good news!" ... one of our classmates.
"What?" The President asked him nonsense ... who else? But Chase.
"Our section is part of the Quiz Bee to be held on Friday." We looked at the calendar together, it's Wednesday ... never mind there's another day to practice and on Friday we'll fight.
"Miracle! A great miracle!" Pretty much. annoyed Jayden.
"B-why?" I will ask..
"Because section 11 is not really included in such things" Dylan replied. My news since then is that sections 11 are not really included, I thought it was different last year but not yet ... this year .
"That's okay! Why not participate?" Rina groaned.
Others agreed.
"It doesn't matter one student per section" said my classmate.
"Who will fight?" Chase's question made him eat another ...... lollipop.
"Dylan" I said and their attention went to me.
"Why me?" Dylan asked in astonishment, pointing to himself. Medj. I turned my head but was still looking at Dylan.
"It's embarrassing because of the books you're reading, isn't it? You ... I know you're smart" I told him and we arranged to sit down because the teacher had arrived.
"I-I'm nervous" said Dylan who had been walking around in his place.
"Hey get well! I'm sick of you!" I sat here so it sat down. He was still nervous.
Now it's the contest. Yesterday he reviewed all day and we didn't bother. He also wasn't free yesterday because he was busy. He said that after the competition, he will also be free.
We even found out that the Quiz Bee was supposed to be announced on Monday. Oh no --- section 11 is really late in the news.
"You can do that, aren't we already reviewing" I encouraged him ... he nodded and started reviewing again.
The fight will be held in Ampi ... only the five sections will fight and the price? Trophy and grades.
"To all 4th years who participated in Quiz Bee ... please procide into the ampi.I repeat to all 4th years who participated in the Quiz ... please procide into the ampi" we heard words from ampi. I looked at Dylan and adjusted his uniform.
"Hey fools! Cheer Dylan before you fight!" Sigaq of Kiara who was immediately followed by the lunatics.
"You can do that Dy"
"You must win!"
"Win our section!"
They shouted at each other. Dylan smiled.
"You're fine" I said and sent him to the amp alone.
All we have to do now is wait for the result. The competition is only this morning and this afternoon ... back to normal.