Undergrowth, 9:34 a.m.
My paws trod the soft ground offered to me by the undergrowth. I ran, the intoxication of freedom pushing me to go even faster, to do what I wanted. I zigzagged through the trees, jumping over the dead trunks lying on the ground, showing my power and the air whipping my muzzle.
In this air, there was the smell of the undergrowth. The moss, the earth, the leaves, the trees, the flowers, the deer browsing on the thick grass, the squirrel nibbling on a nut, the bird bringing food to its chicks. A smell made me stop short. I lifted my muzzle, and sniffed eagerly. A foreign smell was present.
I turned to the left and galloped quickly, to see who had dared to intrude on our territory, my father's territory. My developed hearing allowed me to hear everything, the animal in question was drinking in a stream. I picked up the pace. Bushes blocked my way to reach the stream where the stranger who had dared to enter here was drinking. I cross them by jumping over them. A magnificent wolf was there. He was the intruder. His black coat was smooth and shiny, his green eyes looked like jewels. He was tall, imposing. However, he was on the territory of my father's pack, and he had no business there.
I groaned, letting him know he had no business being there and had to leave, when he lifted his big head up at me. His ears pressed against his skull and he groaned as well, swelling his body to look menacing. He was, but he didn't impress me. I did the same, and growled even louder, baring my fangs. He got angry and jumped over the stream. I scooted to my right as he landed where I had been before. I put myself in attack position, and jumped in my turn, mouth wide open. He didn't see the blow coming, my teeth closed on his throat and a moan escaped from it. Preferring not to struggle, the wolf lay down on the ground, my teeth still closed in case it was a trap.
- Emilie, let him go, ordered my father.
- He's on our territory! I growled in thought.
- He's an Alpha. Release him! my father told me.
An Alpha? What was he doing here? I let go and backed away quickly, ashamed. The black wolf got up, and stared at me for a moment that seemed extremely long. An equally large gray wolf came from my left, my father, Peter Lemon.
He stared at me with his blue-gray gaze, and understanding the order, I metamorphosed into a human. I was folded in on myself, in the fetus position when a fabric covered my naked body and I opened my eyes. My mother was there, looking at me tenderly. I grabbed the hand she held out to me, and she lifted me up. I gave her a thankful look and turned my attention back to the two Alphas in front of me, in their wolf form. They were looking at me. My dad in displeasure, and the other was looking at me in a way I couldn't decipher.
I raised an eyebrow in her direction although I had no right to do that since it could be considered a disrespectful gesture, and my mother gently tugged on my arm before transforming into a beautiful silver wolf with some cream undertones. and redheads. She lay down and invited me to climb on her back.
- I'm not going to climb on you while I'm naked! Especially in front of a stranger!
- There are clothes at the foot of the bushes, she indicated.
I looked at the bushes in question, and noticed a pile of clothes there. I put them on while being careful not to lose the sheet, when a growl was heard. The black wolf. He started to approach when my father stepped in front of him, drawing himself to his full height. I hurriedly put on the sweatshirt, jeans and pair of boots and climbed onto my mother's back. My dad looked at us before my mom sped off to our mansion.
- Be careful Emily. This Alpha is after you…, my father informed me.
Lemon Manor, 10:06 a.m.
"This Alpha is after you..." My father's words kept repeating themselves in my head. What did he mean by that? Well, getting after me, getting blown up in the throat couldn't be very pleasant. Especially for an Alpha. That said, he didn't have to be in the territory.
- Emilie, your father will be arriving soon with the other Alpha. Could you go take care of the children to teach them? she asked me, although her tone suggested that it was an order.
- Yes mum, I obey.
My gaze left the window to fall on my mother's. Her amber gaze surprised me every time, not for its unusual color, but for how easy it was to read a person, as if everything she was thinking was displayed just for her. She had a knack for always guessing what I wanted to do, when I was lying or hiding something from her. It was very frustrating. But it wasn't just his look that surprised me, no. Its striking beauty as well. Long blond hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders, her skin was tanned just right, there was no contrast to her blondness. She was tall and thin, she could become a model as she is beautiful.
You had to admit, my mother looked like an angel. She had the physique and the character of this perfect being. She was my reference, my role model.
Now I had to fulfill my duty as a daughter of Alpha, even though I was the daughter of the most powerful wolf in the pack, I had to participate in its organization. Before I was born, my mother was in charge of giving lessons to the wolf children, they were taught to control their emotions, they were also told how their first transformation would take place, the age at which it would be and how to behave in its form of wolf. We also gave them lessons on our history. After I was born, my mother raised me until I was ten years old, my first transformation. In general, it took place at the age of fifteen but being an Alpha girl, I escaped the rule. Since my mother had to resume her duty as a full-time Alpha wife, accompanied by my father during his many councils, my father's second-in-command's wife, Gabriella, took it upon herself to teach me the rules of life in the high rank. She was really very nice to me, but I was very temperamental and wanted my mom, which had earned me the first reprimand from both my parents. After that, I listened and obeyed Gabriella.
Since I was eighteen, I had to pass on my knowledge to the youngest, wolves aged four to nine. From the age of ten, education had to be taken care of by the parents. The little ones were very nice to me, and respected me, much to the surprise of my parents. I did not follow the traditional courses, I preferred to have fun. I transformed into a wolf at times, under their request and thanks to the telepathy I made them study the anatomy of a wolf, as well as its capacities. The little ones rode on my back, and I galloped gently around the others while teaching them what I had learned. It was a real pleasure to be with them.
I walked out the back of the house, waving at my mother as I passed, and headed for the hill that was a few yards from my house. From its summit, you could see my mansion, as well as some houses of the wolves of the pack. I began to walk with an energetic step towards the hill, happy to join my little wolves. On the way, the chirping of birds was pleasant music to my ears, the weather was sunny. The weather was good for late summer. I arrived at the hill, and none of the students were there. I called out to them, imitating a yelp, a signal they had to make if they couldn't find me, but no one answered me. I spun around, inspecting every spot, starting to panic. A snap of a twig snapped me out of my search, followed by small angry voices and one protesting. The tricksters.
- If you wanted to attack me by surprise, you missed the kitties! I say laughing.
They came out of their hiding place running towards me and we hugged together. It was our last day of school for the year, and some would stay home with their parents. A little brunette girl with azure blue eyes approached me, and showed a sad pout.
- I'm going to miss you Emilie…, she said sadly.
- I'm going to miss you too Laure..., I confessed.
A twinge of heart felt in my chest. This little girl was very endearing. Not wanting to be overwhelmed by emotion, an idea came to mind. An idea that will please them and will make them forget the end of the course for a day.
- Today, I suggest you go into the undergrowth to make bouquets of flowers! I informed the Cubs. It will allow you to learn which flower is toxic or not for us, okay? And in the end, whoever has the biggest bouquet can offer it to the Alpha's female.
- Yeaaaah!! they all shouted in chorus.
The children had never seen my parents up close. And they had asked me many times if they could one day meet them and talk with them. Meeting them was an honor in the pack.
As the children began to head into the undergrowth, I called them to order.
- Children, you stay behind me! You never know what's in the woods.
They waited for me to pass in front of them, lined up and we went into the undergrowth. There was a clearing full of flowers, in a place that was not dangerous for them. This clearing was peaceful and very sunny. The rays of the sun made the flowers even more beautiful and colorful.
The little ones were very excited, and their competitive spirit was at its peak. I heard their words so innocent: "It's me who will win!", "You're dreaming! It's me who will have the privilege of meeting her!" and I laughed heartily.
We arrived at the clearing at ten to eleven, the children had until noon to make their bouquet. I had established some security rules, and a security perimeter so as not to lose sight of them. I transformed into a wolf to intervene directly in case of danger. My red coat reflected the rays of the sun, and the heat of the latter was very pleasant.
The children had finished their bouquet. All were as beautiful as each other, colorful, fragrant, the choice would be difficult. I had left a change of clothes on the hill, and this time it was the children who were in front for the return. Their sense of direction was tested and they managed to find the hill by watching and listening. When we got to the hill, I got behind a rock and transformed again. I put on my purple sweatshirt and my black jeans and joined the children, who were arranged in a circle, each of their bouquet in front of them, waiting for my choice. I stood in the center of the circle, and analyzed each of the bouquets carefully.
After several minutes of reflection, my choice fell on a brightly colored and well-filled bouquet. This bouquet was the work of the most discreet boy of all, Yanis. A little dark-haired boy with charcoal eyes and very tanned skin.
- Yanis, I am happy to announce that you will hand-deliver your bouquet to Lucie, the Alpha's female! I announced with joy.
The little boy's eyes lit up and Yanis landed in my arms. The other students were happy for him and hid their disappointment at not having been chosen. This decision marked the end of the course, and the children left, bouquet in hand to offer them to their parents. Yanis' fragile little hand found itself in mine, and we returned to the manor.
I opened the kitchen door, and our housekeeper, Giselle, greeted us with a smile. I smiled back politely, when her gaze fell on the little boy she smiled at him too, he smiled very shyly and I led Yanis to the living room. My mother was on the sofa, filling out various papers.
- Mom ? I called him. This little boy has something for you.
My mother looked up from her paperwork and turned her attention to me and Yanis. His serious face gave way to a tender and happy face. I encouraged Yanis by pushing him gently and he left proudly to give the bouquet to my mother.
- Oh, what a pretty bouquet my little one, thank you! thanked my mother, taking the bouquet. What's your name ?
"Yanis," he answered shyly.
- Well, thank you Yanis for this magnificent bouquet. I'll take good care of it, you have my word.
She placed a tender kiss on the forehead of Yanis, who smiled with happiness. I took the cub home, and he proudly announced to his parents that he had met the female Alpha and his parents thanked me. I returned home, and when I entered my mother was in the kitchen, visibly worried.
- Oh Emily! Your father is waiting for you in the living room... He's not alone, this morning's Alpha is with him, she added in thought.
I nodded and headed to my room to change into more proper clothes, wondering why my father had met this Alpha and then invited him to our house.