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I watch her laugh, her face tilted back and her smile ear to ear.

Deep down inside, it makes me feel good to relive that kind of moment. Those so important moments that have become so rare with Sohan.

-Tell me all my biche, she says, placing her hands on mine, looking at me intensely.

I smile at his acting but deep inside me, a ball in my stomach is forming.

I don't know if I really want to confide, if I'm ready.

On the one hand, she has been so sincere with me from the beginning by telling me about her traumas that I want to give her back the device.

On the other hand, I remember how difficult it is to confide, especially if you are not sure that this person will not betray you.

I've never been the kind of person to talk openly easily. I keep a lot for myself, even if it means carrying a heavy bag on my shoulders.

For me, giving in to others means taking the risk that they will use your weaknesses to hurt you. And when you know where to press, it hurts even more.

Romy opened up to me even though I had only known her for a short time. But on my side, am I strong enough?

She frowns noticing that my answer isn't coming and gives me a worried look:

"Of course you don't have to," she reassures me.

"You already know why I'm here," I said, trying to stifle the resentment in my throat.

She is surprised at my surprising response and leaves my sentence empty.

-And I'm sure you know the story better than me, I add with a smirk.

I know very well that she knows about him.

In fact, she knows a lot more than me because she has the missing pieces of this puzzle that is so complicated for me to put together.

Because I, on my side, can't yet associate them and understand all the details.

Sometimes I feel like I finally figured out why they took me away. Then, a piece does not stick and I go back to square one.

It's as if every time something brings me closer to the truth, a little thing prevents me from accessing it. And I'm starting to get tired of living like this, in doubts and lies.

- Maybe you could finally tell me why I'm here.

-Kali, you know I can't. Daemon has forbidden us to give you any information about his plan. And then I'm not aware of much, believe me, he tells us what he wants.

-His plan ?

She quickly puts her hand over her mouth as if once again something had escaped her.

And I laugh thinking back to yesterday when the word "event" accidentally came out of his mouth.

Better not tell that girl, she can't hold her tongue.

-Oh no, Daemon will kill me again.

She takes her head in her hands and wiggles her leg nervously.

- Please Kali, pretend you didn't hear anything, she begs me with a look.

I hesitate for a second to make her walk to pull the worms out of her nose. Then I remember it's Romy and the demon is a monster.

I nod and she lets go of all the air she's been holding back, surely relieved.

-It's not for me to tell you, I've already said too much, exclaims Romy after a few seconds of silence.

I huff in frustration.

-But you yourself said that Daemon does not want me to know! You know if I ask him he'll kick me.

She shrugs her shoulders and pays no attention to my torture.

My heart is pounding oddly fast in my chest. I could have known, but as usual, the demon is here.

Daemon said no so we're not doing it.

Daemon wants to have a meeting so we do it.

Daemon here, Daemon there, I swear I'll strangle that man with my bare hands.

Because of him, I feel like I'm going back two squares with every step I take.

I have to think about it.

I have to dig.

-What you miss the most ?

Romy's question surprises me and interrupts my thoughts.

I remain silent for several seconds, what do I miss the most?

My double bed.

My cat Alfred.

Literature classes.

The laughter of my best friend.

Sweet words from my mother.

So many things that I cannot summarize in a few words.

So, after several seconds immersed in my memories, I let go:

-my life.

- you will find her kali, I promise you, she whispers to me as if to reassure herself.

I look into her eyes, part of me hopes she's right, that everything will go back to how it was.

it will never be like before, my conscience reminds me.

- maybe even your future life will be better.

hope gives life as they say.

- who do you miss the most?

"My mother," I said trying to hold back my tears thinking about how I would never see her again.

His eyes fill with sadness and his voice is softer:

-Why are you crying, she asks me.

A tear escapes and I suddenly realize that I've failed, my eyes watering.

-Because she died that night.

Immediately, his arms wrap around my lifeless body and I try to stay strong when the images come to mind.

-I can't imagine your pain, but if you want to talk about it, I'm here, she whispers softly in my ear.

I nod, grateful to have her by my side.

I then withdraw from his embrace and quickly change the subject.

I don't want to talk about it, it's too early.

I wipe my moist eyes and take a breath:

-I don't really know what to tell you, so ask me the questions you want and I'll try to answer them.

She nods and thinks for a moment before saying:

-A boyfriend ?

His teeth stretch into a smile and I chuckle at his first question.

She is unbelievable.

-No, to be honest, those things never really interested me.

She opens her eyes wide and passes her hand over my forehead as if to check my temperature.

- You are not serious, reassure me? How it is possible ? Love is so important, so essential, so... arg I don't understand, she gets annoyed.

She seems really shocked by my words and expects me to explain more precisely.

But in reality, there is not much to say.

-I don't think it's that important. I still think that being alone is better than being in bad company.

-It's because you fell only on jesters that you say that.

-No, actually, I never had a serious relationship. I had a few boyfriends when I was younger but it wasn't really love between us, it was just friendship. But I just had to look around to understand that love only brings shit. Love makes us suffer more than it does us good. Every relationship ends in tears and sadness and yet each time they make the same mistakes and stubbornly tell themselves that this time is going to be different. But this is not the case and, once again, they suffer. So, I prefer to avoid these things.

And yet you dream of finding the one who will be different.

Shhh conscience!

She remains unmoved by my speech and for a second I wonder if she listened to me.

Then she rolls her eyes and I understand that she doesn't share the same point of view as me.

-Kali Carter, you are officially the weirdest girl I know.

I laugh at these words said so naturally and she ends up smiling.

- The day you find the right one, believe me, even if it can make you suffer, you will dive into it head first. And you know why ?

I shake my head negatively.

-Because the feeling you will experience here, she said pointing my heart with her index finger, will be the best you will ever have. And you will still want it despite the pain it may bring you. Because it's human, love is vital.

-I'm not so sure, I replied to his speech full of lies.

If love is equal to suffering, then I would go my way, believe me Romy...

She smirks at me and whispers:

-We will speak again.

I roll my eyes and don't linger any longer.

She does the same and continues her questioning:

-Tell me a bit about your childhood.

-There isn't much to say either.

"Kali," she chides me.

She is waiting for details, as she was able to do with me.

-I do not have very good memories of my childhood.

The ringing of her phone interrupts me and she excuses herself and looks at the name that appears.

She gives me another sorry look, whispering that it's work and goes to the kitchens.

It is at this moment that the demon decides to make its appearance without paying me any attention.

Dressed in a black T-shirt showing off his dark eyes and a gray tracksuit, he walks confidently towards the bookshelf next to the table.

He retrieves a piece of paper from one of the drawers near the bay window then leaves, without a look, without a word, and it's better that way.

I hope he didn't hear our conversation. That he knows my private life scares me, I don't know what he is capable of.

His passage left a chill in the room and shivers run through my body.

I now understand why the fireplace is sometimes lit.

After several minutes of waiting for Romy to return, she comes out of the kitchen with a piece of bread in her mouth:

- Che zui ...decorated...ze...go there.

- And in French it gives what, I say, laughing.

She laughs and takes the time to chew her piece of bread, then reformulates:

- I'm sorry, I have to leave, a client is in deep shit.

She retrieves her things quickly and furtively kisses my forehead before greeting me, under my questioning eyes.

But I don't have time to ask her for explanations as she has already left the house.

Tired of sitting on this couch, I get up and go to my room.

The hallway is dark and silent. I notice paintings hanging on the walls, like portraits, old portraits.

I quickly go back to my room and take the precaution of closing the door. Seeing the demon tumble is the last thing I want.

I look around the room and see only now that a small room is located in the hollow of my room. Small and hidden, I hadn't noticed it before.

I walk forward and push the small door to discover a sink and a toilet.

The walls and tiles are white and a painting of a face I don't know is on the wall just in front of the toilet.

Not creepy at all.

I breathe in disappointment when I notice that there is no shower and that I will therefore have to leave my room and risk encountering the demon, perhaps even sharing it with him.

Not at the same time of course.

I'm crossing my fingers that he gets a private one.

It wouldn't miss that I fall on him when I get out of the shower.

I look up at the mirror and fall from above discovering the image it reflects.

My brown hair is messy, my eyes are red with fatigue and my complexion is pale.

Speaking of showers, it's time for me to take one.

So I retrieve a towel from the closet and internally thank Elsa for thinking of everything, this woman is incredible.

I unplug my new phone that Romy lent me and go looking for showers.

I pace the long hallway and open rooms at random, looking for the bathroom. But the doors pass one after the other without me finding a shower.

Maybe there isn't?

-You have finished opening all the rooms or I have to point a gun at your head for you to stop, growls the voice of the demon behind me.

I stop just outside a door and turn around, glaring at him.

His voice pierces my eardrums and I hold myself back from answering him with a mixture of insults all made up for him.

"I'm looking for the shower," I say, pointing to the towel I'm holding in my hands that he's apparently too blind to see.

-I thought you would never make up your mind, he said, looking down at me.


I glare at him and wait with my arms crossed waiting for his help.

He walks slowly towards me, his gaze down along my legs and then slowly back up to my face.

My hands are getting more and more sweaty and the towel more and more heavy.

He continues his approach and when his face bends to my ears, he pretends to hold his breath and almost pushes me into the room he has just opened.

The light turns on automatically and in the next second, the door slams and I find myself locked in the room.

First I want to scream and kick the door for trapping me here, but then I look around and realize I'm in the bathroom.

The shower is spacious and rather large, gray sinks several meters stretch along the width and a green plant brings light to this so dark room.

Like all the others, despite this darkness, the room remains very cute and a familiar feeling exudes from the walls.

I plug in my phone and let a piece of Britney Spears relax me.

I check that the door is securely locked, undress and enter hot water.

The much too high temperature burns my skin but I don't lower it.

I like this feeling against my skin, it helps me for a moment to forget my wounds of the moment.

I stay a long time savoring this well-being, taking advantage of Celine Dion's wonderful voice and even begin to hum when the Spice Girls song sounds.

-"I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha "

Thoroughly in my concert, I let my body burn under the hot water.

But suddenly, the water becomes freezing and a cry comes out of my mouth.

No matter how warm I turn the temperature, the water does not heat up one degree.

It's as if the hot water had been turned off.

Annoyed to have had to interrupt my favorite passage in the song and frozen by this sudden temperature change, I reluctantly step out of the shower.

I take the time to tighten my towel around my wet body.

My hair drips onto the floor when I open the door and the remaining shampoo stings my eyes.

I walk with a determined step towards his room, certain that this mischievous blow comes from him.

But as I walk, my steps become less and less when I realize that I don't know where his room is.

When Elsa helped me get up to leave because he couldn't stand my presence in it anymore, I was still in a daze and I now realize that I didn't remember which door it was.

There are so many too!

So, with a firm and powerful fist, I pound on all the doors, in the hope that this gesture will bring him out of his hiding place.

I hit hard until it hurts, I have to make some noise, he has to hear me.

And as my arm began to tire, footsteps slowly approach me.

Still up, I turn my head determined to make him understand that it is better not that he starts to annoy me.

But then I find him walking quietly to his room, a smile glued to his lips.

His insolence puts me in a rage and I rush at him.

With a quick gesture, I push him and yell in his face:

- It's good, are you happy? Monsieur turned off the hot water, wow applause ladies and gentlemen, I say theatrically. You're the fattest kid I've ever seen, you're pathetic, I spat, hoping I had shown him his stupidity.

Throughout my outburst, his eyes are fixed on mine, staring at me so intensely it's even creepy.

But when I thought he would be angry, he laughs.

A frank laugh escapes his mouth and he doubles over.

What's funny?

My nervousness continues to increase and I clench my fists, holding my arm from leaving.

I glare at him and wait like an idiot for his laughter to stop.

He annoys me!

After several seconds of trying to catch his breath, the demon finally stops laughing and raises his eyebrows as if to defy me.

His gaze examines me from head to toe and I tighten the towel around me when I remember that my naked body is hidden only by a towel.

His eyes linger along each of my curves and I shiver as I feel his demon eyes on me.

The more the seconds pass, the more I feel my heart speeding up.

Under his gaze, I feel like I'm losing all my confidence.

He closes the space between us with a stride, and now I can smell his minty scent wafting from his hair.

This proximity lets me discover his face more precisely.

His eyes, which I thought were black, are actually dark brown with darker spots scattered all over.

A scar at the corner of his forehead catches my eye but when he notices my eyes scanning him, he covers it with his hair with a nod.

Short of breath, I try to regulate the rhythm of my breathing to the beating of my heart.

And, trying to keep all my credibility, I ask in a cold tone:

-Why did you turn off the hot water?

His eyes continue to scrutinize me and in a curt tone he spits at me:

-Your voice was so unpleasant that the neighbors would have complained.

Our neighbours ? I'm not even sure we have any.

-It was either that, or I gave you a good reason to scream and, believe me, you would not have preferred.

- Stop insinuating all day long that you are going to rape me, the only time you will touch me will be for...

He chuckles sarcastically as he cuts me off and raises an eyebrow.

- Rape you? Because you really think I want to fuck a poor girl penetrated by more people than I know, he exclaims cruelly.

The words used make me feel like a slap in the face and my chest compresses violently.

I feel my legs shaking but I mustn't flinch. I have to fight not to show him that he hurt me.

I would not leave him that honor.

I know these lyrics are chosen to hurt me and these raw words are just plain words, but then why does it hurt so much?

Maybe because deep down I know he's right.

Touched by these words and irritated by his person, I turn around and hurry to my room.

- And frankly, Celine Dion, you could have found better.

It is better for him that he does not launch into this field, she is by far one of my favorite singers. His voice is amazing, unlike the unpleasant buzz the demon's voice gives me.

How can you criticize her, she is exceptional.

I increase my stride to get away from him as quickly as possible and never see his face again.

My hands are still shaking when I push the handle and I slam the door shut, unleashing the rage boiling inside me.

He drives me crazy.

His crooked smile, his dark eyes, his harsh words, everything about him infuriates me.

He manages to put me in such a black rage that I have obscure thoughts that I would never have thought of before.

He manages to knock me out of my mind so quickly that I hate him.

I hate him.

I try to calm myself by remembering the breathing exercises that my shrink had taught me and empty all thoughts approaching directly or indirectly to the demon.

I don't want it in my head. I want to keep control of my emotions.

Eyes closed, hands clasped, head held high, I inhale all the air until I completely fill my lungs and then block it in my body for a few seconds.

I then release very slowly and think of the positive sides of my presence here.

I put several seconds before being able to find some but cling to these few points so as not to fall.

The house is beautiful, I can't complain about the comfort, Romy is adorable and Elsa cooks the best pancakes I've ever tasted.

Maybe these little things will help me, I hope...

I get dressed quickly, putting on the pajamas that Elsa has put aside for me, I don't know what time it is but night will soon fall.

The sun is low in the sky and the moon is already beginning to be visible.

The speed at which the sun sets has always fascinated me.

When I was little, we lived near the sea and I loved sitting on the beach, watching this little luminous circle go down so quickly.

But then we had to move and I looked at the sky more than from my window, thinking back to the times he was with me...

I tie my hair in a quick bun and when I'm sure my fist won't go away on its own when I come across the demon, I walk out of my room.

I don't want to stay locked in a room when I'm sure Elsa needs help cooking dinner.

Especially since I love to cook and would be happy to help!

With a smile now on my lips, I go out and follow the delicious smell emanating from the kitchen.

But my smile fades as soon as my eyes land on the person sitting on the sofa across from my room.

The demon does, I'm sure, pretend to read something and doesn't look up when my door slams.

-You can already do without me, I coldly throw, his words spinning in a loop in my skull.

"You really think I want to fuck a poor girl penetrated by more people than I know"

Seeing him here brings back memories of the last time.

Crossing him three times in less than an hour, I think an urge to vomit will not be long in coming.

He doesn't pick up and I continue on my way.

I must not approach him.

If I only have two months to last with him, I might as well spend them away from him.

-I want the names of the puppets of Sohan, he exclaims without a look in my direction.

Asked so nicely...

I ignore his question and not giving him a look, I rush up the stairs.

-I asked you a question, he gets angry.

"And I don't have the answer," I replied.

It's wrong.

I indeed may have a name or two.

But the way he treats me, if he thinks I'm going to tell him, he can fuck himself deep.

What do I gain in the story?

He gets up and rushes over to me, glaring at me with his usual gaze.

He pushes me back and I lose my balance.

With one arm, he keeps me firmly pinned to the wall and his body prevents me from being able to escape.

-I think you're lying, he whispers in my ear.

I feel like I'm reliving the same scene as before and my stomach twists thinking about how it ended.

I must not let myself be pushed around, not this time.

I'm strong, I'm strong, I'm strong, I repeat myself over and over, imagining that it gives me confidence.

I forget my trembling body and the fear that gnaws at me inside and articulates:

-You think wrong.

His grip tightens on my shoulder and I grit my teeth.

-And yes, the great Daemon Cole will have to be satisfied with an unanswered question.

His eyes fill with darkness and his jaw tenses.

He begins to boil, a wrinkle appears between his eyebrows showing his nervousness and his breathing is becoming more and more jerky.

I can tell from the look he gives me that his information is important.

So, taking advantage of this advantage I have over him, I stare at him.

What will he do to me? To kill me ?

Impossible, he would not have kidnapped me to kill me the following days.

He needs me, I don't know why yet but I will find out.

Our gazes locked, my lips stretch slightly into a devilish smile when I notice that it's now his turn to grit his teeth.

I know I have to stop, that playing this game with him is dangerous, but it's stronger than me.

-Give me the names, he squeaks.

His body crushes me and mine weakens from remaining in this position and having to support his weight.

He presses on a sensitive spot on my shoulder and I tense up, suppressing a moan of pain.

- Let me go, I spit in his face.

No longer supporting the pain in my shoulder, I managed to free my right arm and tried to slap it.

But he stops my hand in mid-movement and squeezes it until it crushes my bones.

The pain is so strong that a sharp sound comes out of my mouth.

His pupils stare at me the entire time as I struggle to escape his grasp.

Tears stream down my cheeks and I search for a solution.

After a few seconds, an idea popped up and without thinking my knee went off on its own into the demon's private parts.

The blow went so hard that a hoarse, powerful growl came out of his mouth.

- Little bitch, he growls.

It worked, his grip weakening and then completely releasing me in pain.

I feel my shoulder revive and my fingers regain their color.

But then I dare to look up at the demon and froze on the spot when his eyes met mine.

Killing me with his gaze, his features are tense and his breath heavy.

Maybe I should have thought before I acted.

You are dead, do not hesitate to tell me my conscience.

His blood is hot, I feel it, I see it.

His cheeks turn red with anger and I can imagine the smoke coming out of his ears.

Still half leaning forward, his hand protecting his precious ones, he holds his breath so as not to cry out.

I must leave, quickly.

But I don't have time to run away when he gets up and my head jerks back when his hand slaps me violently.

My head bangs against the wall and his hand does not lose a second to imprison itself around my neck.

Tears are now streaming down my cheeks and my vision is blurring.

My cheek is already heating from the force of his blow and an unpleasant tingling tugs at my face.

That'll teach you to be smart.

Shut up bloody conscience.

His fingers tighten around my neck as my breathing becomes more and more complicated.

As his nails dig into my flesh, my eyes close.

I want to scream, howl my pain, but no sound comes out of my mouth.

My throat is blocked, encircled by his hands, abused by his strength.

And when I finally think it's all over and he's going to leave me alone, he releases my neck and grabs my hair tightly. He pulls me towards him and forces me to follow him.

My rubber band breaks under the force of the demon.

My legs struggle to keep pace with the demon and I moan in pain as my hair is used like a rope in his hands.

He rushes down the stairs and I almost trip when my feet get tangled.

My back twists to avoid me too much pain even if that does not prevent the demon from tearing me several locks.

We cross the large living room under the questioning gaze of Elsa.

His eyes scan the scene in search of explanations.

-Daemon? It's alright, why-

"Mind your own business, Elsa," he cut her off in a scathing tone.

Elsa jumps and tries to catch my eye.

But I don't have time to cry out for help before the demon opens a door and throws me inside like trash.

My body hits the ground violently and I sniffle painfully.

-Dare once again raise your hand on me, and it's stuffing on the wall that you will end up.

And on these threats, he slams the door and leaves me alone in this place that I do not know.

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