"The mind forgets all suffering when sorrow has companions and friendship consoles it."
-William Shakespeare
Serena Alvarez
I sat there by his grave searching for the words. I had so many things to tell him but where to start?
“– Wherever you are, I hope everything is going well. An uncertain future yet I was happy. »
I took a deep breath so as not to burst into tears.
“– I read the letter you left me before leaving... Dad... Dad I was letting out a few tears You promised me to a man I don't know about, you probably had your reasons but I don't want to understand them. It's too difficult dad. You are no longer there and I am alone, alone in the face of all this... I say, crying, my eyes bathing in tears.
I came to my senses for a few moments before resuming my story.
“– I'm 18 in 1 month, I say more calmly, so if I understood correctly, I only have 1 month left before I leave everything. I shut up for a few moments. Daddy you left too soon, I need you today and you're not here. I say with tears in my eyes, I may not have had the chance to know the love of a mother but you knew how to fill me. You managed to compensate for this lack and I will be eternally grateful to you, even if a part of me is envious of you for leaving me alone in the face of all this.
I sat here for another ten minutes, staying here allowed me to think more calmly I felt good I felt like I felt my father next to me, I know it's crazy but I need to feel this presence.
After about thirty minutes sitting I decided to go home. I got up with difficulty from the floor, wiping my jeans, which were covered in dirt, and headed for the house. The cemetery was not very far from our house, and as it was one of the few “authorized” exits, it allowed me to get some fresh air.
On the way back I was thinking about this letter that I couldn't refuse, well I didn't really have a choice...
A twinge in my heart came to me at this thought, my fate was sealed.
Once arrived in front of the house one of the guards let me enter, I had barely opened the door when John rushed at me.
- Serena where were you?! We've been worried about you! he said.
- Calm down John, I was just at the cemetery. I stated calmly.
You could say that I was the victim of "overprotection"
- You know very well that when you go out you will have to tell at least one person to reproach me for not even taking your mobile phone!
- I know but... I was cut off by Maria
- Let her see, you can see that she is not well. She said, giving me a wink and motioning that I could go.
I was cut off in my calculations by my telephone, I was blowing loudly, irritated at having been disturbed during my occupations.
John's name flashed on the screen. He was probably calling me about the kid who ran away without warning.
Dealing with that kind of childishness was wearing me down, and John feeling obligated to keep me posted drove me crazy.
- What else is it John?
- I was calling to let you know that Serena came back she was just at the cemetery he said it won't be that much easier to take care of her now that she knows.
I sighed in annoyance.
- Make sure it doesn't happen again. I spat That she doesn't leave her house preferably.
I hung up after that, one problem less.
Serena Alvarez
She had just saved me from John's boring sermons, Maria wasn't just my governess, she meant so much more to me she was like the mother I never had, she was always there for me.
Although Maria was no longer very young she was now 65 years old despite her age I always found that Maria was a beautiful woman who had aged well.
She had left her family to come and work here, I know that when she had days off she took the opportunity to go and see them, which didn't bother me, quite the contrary, for a long time I felt guilty for depriving her of her family, despite working here being his choice.
Telling me that in 20 days I would probably be separated from her broke my heart.
So I went up to my room, I needed a good shower.
Unfortunately, when I entered my room, I saw the letter that my father had left for me and I was seized with the desire to read it again.
“Dear Serena;
If you're reading this, it's because I'm no longer in this world today, you're 17 today, my daughter, you must have grown up well, and you've probably become a magnificent young woman. But if I am writing this letter to you, it is above all to announce something important to you, I had tears in my eyes but I continued to read, A few years ago I made an agreement with a couple who ran the Italian mafia the Angelo and Martina Costello I promised them that youwould marry their sons the day after you're 18, in exchange I'll bequeath to him what I owned here. You must doubtless be wondering the reasons for my actions. Well, I did all of this for the sole purpose of keeping you safe. I think the Costellos will get in touch with you soon.
I only want one thing, it's your safety my dear, so please don't blame me, I'm acting in your best interest.
I love you Serena
Dad ."
Again my eyes were flooded with tears, this letter is the last thing that connected me to my father, and reading it pained me a lot.
Suddenly the door to my room opened and Maria appeared.
- I hope I'm not bothering you? She asked me
- No, of course not.
- Listen honey, I came to see you about the letter your father left you. She paused. Now that you know, you need to know something. Since the death of your father, he is no longer the one who ensures everything that happens around you, in particular your security. She says. I looked at her in disbelief. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you, honey?
Of course I understood what she wanted to tell me, it was obvious yet I preferred to deny it all, refusing to hear the truth.
- Since the death of your father, it is him Aiden Costello, who assures you has security, he makes watch you day and night, as was agreed. She stopped for a few moments. And on this subject, John spoke to him earlier, now that you know he preferred that you stay here until it was time for you to leave here.
- But can it be Maria? Why do I know that now?! Nobody warned me! I paused. Besides, he doesn't have to order me, Maria! He's not going to control my life! I got angry.
I may have had a childhood under the overprotection of my father and now of John, but I kept a measure of freedom. Seeing her take it off pissed me off.
- My darling, don't blame your father, he only wanted your well-being and to know that you were safe even when he was no longer there. I still think you need to be alone. If you need to chat I'm here my darling. She said coming out and giving me a kiss on the forehead. Good night Serena.
I didn't bother to answer too upset by what I had just learned, and that was a lot for me in one day.
Vrrr vrrr
I picked up my phone and discovered a message from my best friend: Rosa.
"Hey Serena, how are you?"
Me :
" I am very well, and you ?"
Lie I'm not well, but she's my best friend and if I text her about it I know she'll be worried.
I didn't prefer to bother her with my stories during her holidays.
Vrr rrr
"Yes I'm fine, I'm coming back from Havana tonight, I was hoping we could see each other?"
It's great that she offers me this, I really needed to take my mind off it.
Me :
"Yeah sure, I need to get out of here for a while would you like to go to the beach?"
"With great pleasure, I'll pick you up in the afternoon. Kiss."
I lock my laptop, well I hope tomorrow will allow me to stop too much at all his things.
But right now I just wanted to take a shower and go to bed.
So I headed towards the shower after taking the passage of spare underwear and pajamas.
I entered the bathroom, I undressed before slipping into the shower, I turned on the hot water, I let the hot water run over my body, while I thought again and again about his events.
I found myself in a situation where I had no choice, and it pissed me off. I've always used to do what makes me feel like but this time it's different I feel like I'm trapped with no choice but I also feel like I have been betrayed that from the beginning everything was mapped out for me, but I was the only one not to know.
This feeling was horrible.
I sighed in exasperation but couldn't think of anything else.
I quickly finish showering and step out of the shower stall, wrapping a towel around my body and a second around my hair. I dried them quickly and put on my underwear then put on my shorts and my tank top.
Once finished I left the bathroom and went towards my bed which held out its arms to me, then took place under the blankets.
I stared at the ceiling thinking about these events, I saw things slightly differently, but now a question ran through my head: What will tomorrow bring?
I turned in all directions, but sleep did not come, I was too pensive.
So I decided to get my MacBook back and do some research on this Costello family. You will probably find it stupid but I already had information about my own father so why not them?
Several pages presented themselves, so much the better it will make me read before sleeping.
I clicked on the first one that came to me. A Wikipedia page seriously? Their families had their own Wikipedia pages? I'm dying.
Cosa nostra (“what is ours” or “our thing” in Italian) is the name of the Sicilian mafia, founded following the Second World War and patati and patata nothing interesting.
I descended lower in search of the main members of this mafia.
Angelo Costello father of Aiden Costello, married to Martina Costello.
We do not have enough information to complete this section.
I sighed before closing my computer, it was obvious that their whole life was not going to be spread out on the internet.
I kept tossing and turning in my bed to find sleep but it was only around two in the morning that he showed up.
July 6, 2016, 1:30 p.m., Alvarez House, Santa Clara, Cuba.
I hardly opened my eyes, I felt a weight on my body, and it was when I heard Rosa's voice that I understood.
- Serena! Awake it's 1:30 p.m. Frankly, I'm not surprised that you're still sleeping. I growled at his words.
- It's good it's good I get up, but please stop talking. I say annoyed.
I'm never in a good mood in the morning, and the worst part is when Rosa wakes me up, she's just talking and she's unstoppable.
Truth be told, anyone wouldn't take it well to be woken up by a hysterical madwoman.
I stood up heading for my bathroom, and I heard Rosa scream.
What I hated when she called me that, she knew it and yet continued to do so.
So I went into the bathroom, I quickly washed and took my make-up bag, I hadn't slept well and so I had a living dead head.
Let the magic happen then!
I made up my complexion to keep my face looking good but didn't make up anymore, anyway we were going to the beach today.
I then left the bathroom and went towards my dressing room, and retrieved a red two-piece swimsuit, as well as denim shorts and a loose top, I quickly put them on before retrieving a Beach towel. I join Rosa in the bedroom.
- Finally ready! Come on, let's go! She said happily.
I retrieved my phone from my bedside table, and followed Rosa out of my room.
- Finally ready! Come on, let's go! She said happily.
I retrieved my phone from my bedside table, and followed Rosa out of my room.
We went down the stairs, but when we got down John intercepted us.
- Where do you intend to go Serena? Mr. Costello was clear about this.
- Fuck him, I tell him.
I grabbed Rosa's hand and stalked out of the house hoping John wouldn't follow us, God knows how clingy he can be when he wants to.
We arrived in front of Rosa's car and we got in, when we were seated Rosa turned towards me.
- I'll give you 1 minute to explain her Serena to me, what is this thing about the Constello thing?
- Listen Rosa, it's long and I don't really want to talk about it, now I just want to have a good day.
She didn't seem very convinced by my arguments.
- Yeah. She answered me can convinced.
I replied with a smile.
- Well then it's off to the beach! She said happily.
Lying on my towel I tanned quietly on this beautiful beach in Santa Clara trying to have a good time with Rosa.
I collected the tanning oil and added a layer, I envied Rosa's tan, next to her I was very fair-skinned. Weird enough for a Cuban? It's simply because of my mother's origins, she was American and not particularly dark-skinned, let's say.
- Serena, if you continue like this you'll end up getting sunburn. She said laughing.
- I will have at least taken some color. I say continuing to spread the tanning oil on my body. Otherwise, how is Mademoiselle Carvallo's love affair going? I say changing the subject.
- It's good that you tell me about it, I met a super hot guy the other day, when I was in Havana. She said happily.
I knew Rosa's adventures very well, often very fast, so a long-distance relationship I doubt.
But who am I to judge his relationships?
- Don't look at me like that Serena! she joked. This time it's different, I swear! He told me he intended to come here to Santa Clara.
- So much the better ! Be careful of yourself though, and please try not to get too carried away.
- Do not worry about me. She smiled.
It's normal that I was worried about her, I didn't want my friend to be taken for who she wasn't. We can say that I'm worried about her because Rosa is a great romantic if we can put it that way, she dreams of perfect love and sometimes she rushes a bit too much which tends to scare men away.
It was barely four o'clock, Rosa had just dropped me off at home. I had spent a wonderful afternoon, we continued to talk about everything and nothing. It had allowed me to think about other things, but if I hadn't managed to talk to him about this marriage story, anyway I'll end up doing it, but I needed time.
I was right now in front of the front door, I was apprehensive about the remarks that were going to fall on me.
I was as it were in the mierda.
I finally mustered up my courage, took the keys out of my pocket and opened the front door.
I was quite surprised to see no one, maybe they were busy or whatever, so much the better I want to say.
So I headed towards my room I needed a good shower, I felt like I smelled sea water and I had a lot of sand on me.
Not the high class what.
I pass you the moment of the shower, I had put on my pajamas, I finally decided to go downstairs, when I heard voices, I approached this one and recognized John's.
- Vado a cercala e glilea passo.
I approached more and more: What was he saying? That's not Spanish.
Suddenly John noticed me and approached me.
- It's for you. he said handing me the phone.
What ?
Aiden Costello POV:
July 6, 2016, 10:30 p.m. (+6 a.m.), Maison Aiden Costello, Sicily, Italy.
I was on the phone with John he was updating me as I asked him about Serena's actions.
- She left around fourteen it seems to me with a friend without specifying where she was going.
- Yet you warned her not to go out anymore, didn't you?
- Yes, precisely on this subject he paused, she didn't take it from there in the best way he stammered.
-That's to say ?
- I won't allow myself.
- Speak or I'll have your tongue cut out for real.
- To go fuck yourself
This girl is cheeky, and I don't think she understood who I was and I can't wait to make her understand who she's dealing with.
- Come on over, I ordered him
- I'll get it and pass it to you.
So John passed me the phone.
- Hello ?
- It's Aiden, I guess you already know who I am?
(NDLA: He spoke in Spanish to Serena)
I did not answer, disturbed by my interlocutor.
- I think there are some things you haven't understood, I'm the one who decides, and I don't like what you did at all, you don't know me yet but I advise you to make sure it doesn't happen again.
With those words he hung up, and to tell you the truth those words had sent shivers down my spine.