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chapter 4

Chapter four:

At the edge of the oval-shaped glass table, Courtney, the Group CEO of the team, occupied her executive chair. Her notepad, along with the rest of her team's, was neatly arranged on the table.

It was yet another weekend meeting for the eight-men subsidiary oversight and management team at the holding company, fourth floor.

Despite the prestige of her role, Courtney had higher ambitions. The team still had to report to higher-ranking officers and departments, including human resources, legal and compliance, and financial management, ultimately culminating with the executive team.

Joining the executive team, a group of five men, had always been Courtney's lifelong obsession. She had been meticulously prepared to succeed her father as WEB's CEO.

Glancing to her side, she observed Hernandez, the Chief Operating Officer, who was impeccably dressed in his trademark black suit—everyone wore suits, but Hernandez was seldom seen without one.

The constant frustration of working with Hernandez made Courtney realize that her dream role might be more challenging than she had expected.

Although it had been several weeks since Hernandez joined the team, Courtney still struggled to accept his presence.

She had developed a good working relationship with the previous COO, a dedicated and hardworking individual.

The circumstances surrounding his departure remained a puzzling mystery she intended to solve. However, before she could delve into the matter, her unlikable half-brother had abruptly arrived from Mexico to New York City, conveniently filling the vacant position. Fortunately for him, hiring and firing staffs was not within Her jurisdiction.

As the meeting dragged on, Courtney found herself occasionally glancing at Hernandez, their eyes meeting almost every time.

She couldn't help but notice his intermittent smiles throughout the discussion. Did he always smile like that? Distracted by Hernandez, she realized she hadn't been paying attention to the subject matter at hand.

Despite her reservations, Courtney had to admit that Hernandez brought valuable insights and practical solutions to the table; she would give him credit for that.

Nevertheless, she was still the one in charge—the only woman in a room full of men. The CEO's responsibility was to create the vision, and it was the COO's role to implement that vision with the help of the rest of the team.

Under Courtney's leadership, the department had thrived as a bridge between the parent company and its subsidiaries, aligning structures and boosting overall performance.

Her exceptional work had led to doubling the company's income and earning her the title of Staff of the Year for two consecutive years. As far as Courtney was concerned, she was just getting started.

"Courtney!" The Group Managing Director's voice jolted Courtney back to reality. It had happened again—she found herself dozing off for a few seconds before regaining consciousness. He must have noticed her zoning out all this time.

"Are you well?" the Executive Vice President asked, concern etched on his face.

"Um, um, I'm fine," Courtney lied. "I stayed up all night."

The meeting continued, with the Chief Subsidiary Officer analyzing charts on his tablet.

Deep down, Courtney knew she was far from fine. Something had been off with her lately, and she could trace it back to her mysterious birthday night—perhaps. She'd been experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and strange food cravings. Frequent bathroom breaks, occasional tiredness, and dizziness at work were becoming the norm. Courtney was certain something was wrong with her, but she couldn't put her finger on it.


Later that morning, Courtney stood in front of the bathroom mirror in her rented apartment in Chelsea, a place that offered the privacy she couldn't find at the family mansion in New York City. Here, she could escape the constant family drama and enjoy the solitude she so craved.

She continued washing her face, even wetting her short, trimmed hair. The confusion about her recent health issues weighed heavily on her mind. She occasionally felt like her body was begging for a long nap, something that had never been on her to-do list.

While she worked hard, Courtney had always prioritized her health, but this situation was entirely new for her. Perhaps it was time to reach out to Becca and confide in her—after all, Courtney had kept all of this to herself up until now.

Just as she was about to dial Becca's number, Courtney reconsidered. Perhaps her mother would be more helpful and effective in this situation. Both women would likely advise her to book an appointment with a doctor. The thought of her mother brought a smile to Courtney's face—even though they spent time together occasionally, she still missed her sometimes. Her mother lived outside of town.

As she reached for her phone to call either Becca or her mother, Courtney suddenly changed her mind. A new image popped into her head—her father. Recently, he had been traveling in and out of the country for international business purposes and conferences, representing WEB in the public eye. Their communication had suffered as a result, and it wasn't as effective as it should be.

Fortunately, her father was back in the city, and she needed to meet with him. This time, however, it wouldn't be to discuss business as usual, but rather to address the recent termination and replacement of the Chief Operating Officer, as well as Hernandez's sudden installment—a move that was undoubtedly part of the business politics she couldn't control or influence.

Her father and the WEB business chain still held a sixty percent share and maintained the highest voting power. Furthermore, her extended family had a seat on the board, making it impossible for her father not to have influenced such a significant shift.

Determined to uncover his true intentions, Courtney knew she needed answers directly from the CEO himself—the same man who had prepared her from childhood to succeed him and continue their family's business legacy.

As she contemplated her next move, her phone suddenly rang. Her mood shifted, and a smile formed on her face. Becca would never go a day without talking to her over the phone. She answered the call.

On the other end, Becca was weeping uncontrollably, unable to form words. Concerned and knowing that Becca wasn't one to cry easily, Courtney's heart skipped a beat, realizing that something was terribly wrong.

"What's going on, Becca?" Courtney asked, her panic rising. But Becca still seemed unable to speak.

"Becca, what happened?" Courtney raised her voice, growing more anxious by the second.

"It's Dad," Becca finally managed to say, still weeping.

"What happened to Dad?" Courtney's heart raced even faster, fearing the worst.

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