My heart immediately shattered into the number of stars in the sky, underneath my tight corset the heavy layers of petticoats. But, I didn't paint that on my face.
It may be such a waste that I will go to the altar with others, just minutes after I confessed my feelings to the man I loved for several years, but, it is what it is. I will not allow the future of dela Torre — of Zac — to be in jeopardy for my own happiness. I will, at least, pay for their kindness, with my own happiness!
I followed the priest when he came out of the vestry. Ruther helped me quickly when I struggled to get past the door of the crowded room.
For a few seconds he shifted the position of the petticoat. Sweat dripped down his forehead before he pushed me out so, I returned his red handkerchief.
I waited for Ruther to come back to my side. I rubbed my de-gwates hand on his arm again before I guided him back over the stage.
I caught glimpses of Zac behind us before he passed and returned to his seat next to the bridesmaids. Her hair became more disheveled and her eyebrows met sharply.
My heart secretly craked again.
One by one the guests stood as they watched the priest return in front of the altar. Gradually, the buzz of gossip in the air died down when Ruther and I returned to our seats, earlier.
I found myself again next to the groom, opposite the priest. I took a deep breath before exhaling the nervousness I was feeling.
On my side, Ruther was still as stiff as a board. It was obvious from his slightly raised shoulders that he was nervous. However, the distance between us was much smaller than before. He's still a good 3 inches away from me, though.
Father caught my attention when he raised his hands in the air. The music died quickly when he spoke.
"We're gathered here today to witness the union of Irah Lacosta and Ruther Buenaventura, as they exchange their vows of marriage. We rejoice with them in their delight of finding love with each other, and support their decision to commit themselves to a lifelong relationship, "the priest began. He lowered his hands and wrapped them around his stomach. "But, should anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."
The entire cathedral was immediately enveloped in deafening silence. Only the chirping of birds in the nests of the tall pillars made a noise.
Suddenly the heels cracked behind me so, I was distracted. My hair stood on end when I saw Zac step forward, twice.
Except for the receding footsteps of the man of honor, the people inside the church remained silent. I glanced at Zac over my shoulder for a moment and saw him swallowed by the open double-door on the side of the Cathedral.
I was slightly inclined to my proxy bride. I lowered my voice, "Adorable?"
Irah suddenly tensed and she almost jumped into her seat. She slowly turned to me, briefly showing her pain-stricken face, before she smiled sweetly.
"Hmm?" she hummed fondly.
My eyebrows furrowed. If I wasn't just confident in my sharpness, I'd think I just rolled my eyes.
Still, I brushed what I saw aside.
"I don't appreciate being called adorable ..." I said quietly.
Irah dropped her smile and looked at me mysteriously. She lightly ran her fingers over my cheek before she released her sickly sweet smile, again.
She smiled and rubbed her nose. "Aww ... If you can't think of a sensible excuse, just don't complain." he chirped softly. He squeezed my face and pulled my cheek.
I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath when Irah released my face. I felt her momentarily lean over my shoulder before she stood straight, again, and faced the altar squarely.
Immediately the thrilling screams of some guests behind us rang out. The others no longer whispered when they declared how sweet we are as a couple.
I, on the other hand, had goosebumps all over my body. Although I was amazed when Irah manipulated me and Father with her acting, earlier, I was still horrified by her ability to drive the emotions of my entire guest list.
This woman is dangerous!
I grit my teeth. "Fine! But, you better pick one for more convincing." I whispered. I accompanied Irah to the sign of the cross — the signal for the ceremony to continue.
"Pick what?" he whispered back. He did not look at me.
The simultaneous singing of the people of "Gloria" resounded throughout the church. I used that as an opportunity to answer Irah.
"Darling, honey, sweetheart, babe, muffin? You have to pick one," I hissed. "If we're gonna push through with this wedding, your endearment to me must be consistent. I'm sure my family will have a lot of questions."
The annoyance passed on Irah's face for a moment when she turned to me. "Eh, you? What will you call me?"
I was momentarily taken aback. I stared blankly at her when she raised an eyebrow at me before she faced the priest praying again.
Of course ... Not only should he invent endearment but me as well.
I quietly bit my lower lip. I didn't expect it to be so hard to think of a sweet name to call the person you just met.
"Y-your majesty ..." I hesitated. I quickly averted my eyes when Irah's cracked-mouthed look clicked back at me. "Your name is Irah. King if reversed. Plus you're the queen of entertainment. So, 'your majesty' suits you ..."
I offered my arm to Irah when we were all seated. I was careful not to look her in the eyes when I helped her fix her fun.
I silently prayed that the liturgy for the responsorial psalm would be over. Maybe when the assembly sings, Irah will tear her stare away from me.
"Then, I'll call you 'consort' when we're alone and, 'honey' in public. It's the color of your eyes," he replied. He turned his gaze back to the front. "Sorry, it's not as creative as yours."
"Nah, it's good enough." I took a deep breath.
We did not speak again in the following parts of the ceremony. The only time we interacted were when we stood and sat. She was wearing a heavy gown so, I helped Irah. The three hoops of her petticoat are still slow so, I began to wonder why women love this style on their wedding day.
Well ... We do.
My heart was immediately filled with conflict when we stood for the Statement of Intentions. I quickly grabbed the red handkerchief from my chest pocket.
The scattered mixture of chocolate-colored dirt and black mascara on the fabric grabbed my attention. I internally cringed at the thought that Irah had used, earlier, my dirty handkerchief.
I immediately folded the handkerchief, inside-out, before rubbing it on my leaking forehead. Then, I tucked it back into my pocket again before I led Irah to her feet.
"Ruther and Irah, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?" buzz of Father's question. He looked around at us with a smile.
"I have." we answer together. We were both disgusted when we answered, so the priest's forehead wrinkled slightly.
"Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"
Irah and I hesitated for a few seconds. We looked at each other before we replied, "I am."
I suddenly felt an odd chill because Maya's voice wasn't answering with me. I was ready to love her for the rest of my life but, she stood me up.
In his place, a nice stranger stood beside me, now. She's indeed a stranger but, she's inadvertently protecting my honor.
"Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?" next question of the priest.
"I am." I replied.
Irah mouthed the same but, her voice did not come out. He just smiled sweetly and rubbed his hand on my arm before he pressed his cheek to my shoulder.
Father returned the smile. He didn't seem to notice Irah's non -response.
I realized the bride didn’t want to have a child with me. But, that's okay. I also don't want to have an heir with a stranger.
Father's gaze shifted to me. The twinkle in his eyes send terrible shivers down my spine.
"Ruther, do you take Irah as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
I immediately bit my lower lip as Irah slipped her grip off my arm. I compulsively cast spells and blinked before I said, "I do."
It was as if the world had fallen on me the moment those words left my lips. Because of those words, I will be tied to Irah, whom I do not know, until death.
"Irah, do you take Ruther as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" continued the priest. Irah has a brighter look.
"I do." no doubt its answer. A newfound determination laced generously on my wife's doll-like face.
The priest immediately announced Irah and I's declaration of marriage consent. His voice slightly squeaked in excitement.
He prayed fervently that the Lord would bless us. He sprinkled holy water on the ring carried by the ring bearer next to us.
"What God joins together, let no one put asunder" said the priest.
First I was delivered the ring with my name engraved on it, at the bottom. I was hesitant to pick you up before facing Irah.
I was surprised when Irah sniffed softly. I looked up at her face and saw how quickly her tears flowed.
I was confused. I don’t realize if her tears are real or not.
Is she acting? If she is then, she's one hell of an actress — which she is.
But, what if her tears are real? Hmmm ... It'd be understandable because, he doesn't plan to be my wife anymore.
But the way she elegantly soaks her tears in her glove while I smiled happily made me wonder. Isn't that really tears of joy? Did she and Maya really plan for her to marry me? What if he really knows and loves me?
Did I really not meet a young girl in the market when I was young?
I grabbed Irah's hand under her veil. I laid his palm on mine and slowly rubbed the gold ring on his finger.
"Irah, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
Irah's tears flowed even more so, my chest almost exploded. She gently looked up to my face and drowned me in a lovestruck gaze.
"Ruther," Irah's voice began to growl. He slowly raised my hand in front of him. "Receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
It was as if the floor suddenly disappeared when the ring on the forehead of my finger stopped. For a moment I forgot that Maya's name was engraved under it.
I smiled like an idiot when Irah's beautiful laugh sang. I saw or heard nothing else until Father said,
"You may now kiss the bride."