Clark Lewis
After that fight Karen was totally injured, and had to be operated on for the big injuries, she beat the redhead by cutting her own neck, however this also had consequences for Karen because the poor woman made a deep cut in her abdomen and leg and she ended up losing a lot of blood, but thanks goodbye I can donate mine, at least with this I can help to try to assuage some of my guilt that makes me feel like a cretin every day.
It's almost ironic that I fell in love right away with the girl I helped to ruin life.
Damn that day when he decided to go to work if he knew he was going to be cast in that kind of evil that Domenico intended, he would have given an excuse but he wouldn't have gone to do that kind of lowliness he did, and now he wouldn't be with that damn remorse, and still On top of that, Domenico had a crush on Karen and wanted to flirt with her and I swear I've been holding myself back so I don't punch that bastard in the face so he'll stop wanting what's mine Karen and mine, and that Domenico won't do to me strip.
I watch her while she's sleeping more by his expression he's not having a good dream I approach her listening to her whispers of despair.
— No mom... Dad... Leave me you monster, you killed my parents get out, help someone help me!
I get closer to her and I realize she's delirious I put my hand on her forehead and her forehead is burning with fever it's too hot I touch the button to call someone from the hospital and soon a nurse comes through the door and asks.
— Well, sir, what's the matter?
She stares at me from the door waiting for an answer.
So I confess looking at karen worriedly.
- Please!
Call the doctor, because she has a high fever.
The nurse passes by me and checks Karen's temperature.
- This is not good!
The fever is very high 40 degrees I'll call the doctor I'll be right back... - the nurse leaves the door while I look back at Karen who continues to delirious with her eyes closed, then I hear another whisper she speaks.
"I will get revenge on you for destroying my family, I hate you you damn bastards..."
Hearing those words send a chill down my spine because I know, that this is something that will happen soon and the damn remorse strikes again, however, my distraction ends when the doctor walks in with the nurse through the door and passes me and is examining Karen then confesses worried.
'By heavens, she's very hot, she must have got an infection in her wound!'
Change those nurse bandages Claudia, I'll give her an antipyretic too, I'll put this patient's condition under observation and you'll be responsible for that Claudia.” The nurse nods in agreement as the doctor continues to examine Karen and then leaves.
I approach her bed and say in a whisper: come on Karen you strong don't give up so easy walk my girl... " She smiles even with her suffering face it's all that bastard Domenico's fault if something happens to her, I swear he will die too, I can be his watchdog but all this has a certain limit, after Karen received the medication she went back to sleep normally.
I decide to stop by my temporary apartment provided by the organization, I need to change clothes and take a shower and eat something, I'm so exhausted spending the night in the hospital hasn't been very comfortable, but I try to adapt until Karen leaves.
When I arrived at the apartment, I went straight to the bedroom and went to take a shower to get that hospital smell out?
When I'm putting on some sweatpants, I hear the doorbell ring, and I think: who is it?
I don't receive many visitors" I dry my hair and go to the door when it opens I have the unpleasant surprise of facing Domenico in front of me, and he passes me, entering without even being invited and analyzing the environment then speaking calmly.
- Finally!
Clark can get you home we need to talk... - he sits on the couch while the other two security guards remain standing next to him so I ask seriously.
"What do you want from Domenico?"
I'm tired, I need to get some rest to get back to the hospital!
Domenico observes me and then looks at the portrait that Karen and I took in Italy and he goes to the same taking it with his hands and then talking, still looking at the photograph.
— She is well, prettier than Hannah, her beauty attracts me!
Where was this photo taken?” Does he remain serious as he watches me with a questioning look?
I just look sarcastically and confess.
"No, let it be your business!"
More was taken in Italy after we completed the mission to kill that investor you wanted out of your way…
"Clark...Clark...Have you forgotten who you're talking to?"
I am none of your partners!
I just wanted to know why in the picture she looks happy!
I laugh and argue teasingly.
— Yes, she is happier with me!
Because I'm all karen has, but if you want to know this is the place she loves and likes to go the most…
Domenico puts the portrait back on the shelf and gets up, still looking at me and seriously admonishes me.
“You, you should have just taken care of her not getting involved!
What you did could have consequences, Clark I don't like anyone getting their hands on what's mine without my permission!
I should have had a good reminder of what I did to the last one who took the woman who was mine.
— His face, and closed and hard, I just watch and give a sarcastic laugh. I think I really lost the fear of dying facing Domenico like that so I confess.
— Stop being ridiculous, Domenico!
Karen was never hers, she is my wife and I will not give it up, because you want her or want her, she is my wife and I will not let anyone else touch what is mine!
I look at him coldly as Domenico tells me to get back.
"I think you've forgotten what I do with anyone who betrays me or challenges me, Clark!"
She'll be mine for better or for worse, knows this girl belongs to me...
He gives me that stern and calculating look, I just smile and answer him seriously.
- Karen, it's not Hannah, you don't know her if you insist on something she doesn't want, she'll kill you Domenico!
I know what she can do herself, do you really think she's going to let you control her life?
Or do something like that!
He laughed at his face, and he answered me angrily, getting up and giving orders to the security guards.
"I'll show you if she won't be mine!"
After I finish you... you (two) oh!
I gave that little reminder to whoever decides to challenge me.
His bodyguards held me down while a third one came in and punched me in the stomach and punched me in the face while Domenico just watched the guys beat me up this motherfucker is going to pay me.
I manage to break free and retaliate the punch on one of the men and then I hit the other and I run to the drawer taking my pistol and I see the 3 approach so I just point my gun with the mention of shooting and I commented by squeezing the trigger.
"If you don't want to know hell right now!"
Stay where you are.
— That's enough... Go back to your seats, Ah!
Does Clark really believe he can challenge me?
I look at him and said as I wiped my bloody mouth.
“Maybe I can't!
But Karen can if she finds out that you did something or disappeared with me, she will kill you what she saw in the fight room was just a taste of what she can do!
I shoot him an evil grin as he steps back commenting.
— The warning is given!
If I have to kill the devil and face hell, I'll do Clark… But this girl will be mine!
— the damn walk away but I finish commenting while he stops at the door to hear me.
"You can even have it for yourself!"
But it will only be strength, because deep down her love won't have, and you know one will be the same thing that happened to Hannah and if I know Karen, she'll prefer death than being with you.
“That's what we'll see!
Don't forget if I tell you that you had a hand in your parents' deaths!
You will also have her hate.
He says this and swallows hard, and leaves, closing the door.
He knows that deep down I'm just as much in the shit as he is, if he falls, I fall too.
Damned as I hate you Domenico and I hate myself so much, more for having participated in all that shit with you.
That night, I take a deep breath and think: one hour the truth will come out, there's no escaping it.
I lie on the couch trying to breathe properly due to the beatings those bastards gave me I feel my rib hurt and I think again: Ah!
Clark where his head was when he decided to mess with Domenico "damn the day this despicable being got in my way was the day I signed my death certificate.