I don't know what possessed me to kiss Camille in front of the whole school, right in the middle of the main hall. There were a hundred people in that fucking hall! And now, in less than two days, the whole university knows. My teammates including, who do not hesitate to spoof me when we find ourselves in the locker room before training.
Training which I will content myself with attending, without training. Which always gets on my nerves.
- So Etienne, I heard that you were having a new girl?
-Shut up Greg, I replied curtly.
He bursts out laughing, slapping me on the back. I pause in front of my shoelaces, trying to contain my urge to stick one on him.
Him and I, we have a relationship let's say "I love you neither". We sincerely like each other but spend our time bickering, often pissing off the coach. I think it's because he has a bit of the same temperament as me, so it created some sparks.
-It seems that she is super cute, he continues, hilarious. Do you agree to share too or was that only reserved for Mégane?
My fist instantly clenches. I jump up and rush at him, making him step back hastily, raising his hands in front of him, without hiding his smirk.
-It's okay, relax Etienne, I was kidding, he pleads, pushing his sports bag under a bench. It's not my fault everyone says your new girlfriend's ass is making all the cocks on campus quiver.
I grab the collar of his jersey without thinking, causing him to let out a defiant laugh.
- Kyle! Rabbit exclaims, arriving from I don't know where to judge me harshly. What are you two still jerking off to? The coach is coming, stop your childishness or we're all going to have a soap.
He comes out of the locker room and I release the bastard who is laughing between his teeth. Not as serene as he would have you believe. I give him a last dark look, letting him know that I'm not done with him.
I know very well that Rabbit alluded to the arrival of the coach only to force us to separate, without needing to demonstrate to everyone that he was simply defending me. Or that he kept me from screwing up.
In fact, this last term, I received two warnings. A third and I'm excluded and there, I would certainly take the mouthful. But above all, I would risk disappointing those who raised me, Kevin's parents, too much to let that happen.
I abandon the idea of being able to tie my shoes with one hand, jam the laces on the side, and go in search of Rabbit, whom I find on the ground, in the middle of a warm-up. I hesitate for a moment, then resolve to join him.
- I was not going to put one on him, I say once at his height. He is not worth it.
-I hope so, you know what you are risking.
Indeed, I would disappoint a lot of people. Maybe even myself.
-It would be really stupid to risk exclusion just because of a remark from a childish asshole like Greg, he adds, jumping on the spot, his arms going up and down in the air.
- But he purposely provokes me, I scolded, lining up studs. He knows that I will react like that!
-You're smarter than him Kyle, don't play his game.
I nod, realizing we've just had the longest conversation we've had in over a week. And also the most peaceful.
-One runs ? he offers me.
I nod, having anyway the right to do that and some cardio exercises. We slowly find our rhythm, running side by side without a word. Before he decided to break the peaceful silence that reigned.
- So, who is this girl?
-As if you didn't already know that.
-The noises of corridors go quickly here, especially when you put on a show in front of everyone like you did, he reminds me in, I have the impression, reprimanding me for having done it. Camille then?
"Yeah, Camille," I nodded flatly.
-Since when ?
-We don't go out together, we just see each other from time to time.
-In this case I reformulate; how long have you been playing with her?
I slowly slow down until I come to a complete stop, feeling like I've been punched in the stomach.
He stops too, and stares at me without saying a word, which makes me giggle bitterly.
-You really take me for the last of the motherfuckers, don't you?
-Please stop your melodrama Kyle, we both know how you work.
I look away, refusing to have this conversation here, right now.
-I know that girl, he continues in a firm tone. She has nothing to do with the others, she is far from all that so leave her alone before it gets out of hand, ok?
-You don't know anything about her! I got carried away. You know even less about what's going on between us so don't give me a moral lesson! You know nothing at all!
He stares at me, looking thoughtful, then walks toward me confidently, his jaw sealed.
-How long do you think it's going to take you to smash that one? he let go of me nastily, accentuating the rage that was starting to boil inside me. Hey Kyle, how long do you think you're gonna feel better before you screw her up for good?
-And you ? I fumed, posting myself an eyelash away from him. How long is it gonna take you to skip this one?
It stiffens, but does not come apart.
"I won't let you hurt her," he assures me without taking his eyes off me. This bullshit is over, you understand?
-Fuck you Kevin, I spat furiously before clearing off.
The rest of the group disembarks and begins to run in turn. I join them by force of circumstance, after meeting the more than explicit gaze of the coach who was joining us. I do the best I can to evacuate my growing anger, but when I hear Julien, a teammate, talking about Camille and laughing with two others, all my composure disappears.
-I knew I should have taken the science option, he jokes.
I rush at him, knocking us to the ground, and hurry to shoot him a right before he has time to struggle.
- Kylian! yells the coach. Out ! NOW !
-Kyle stop that, Rabbit comes back trying to separate us, but nothing stops me.
I try a second right, but my stupid brother manages to immobilize me.
- Damn man, I was kidding! complains Julien, holding his nose in his hand.
-Upright ! the coach orders me when he arrives towards us.
- You all go fuck yourselves! I violently pushed Rabbit away. Grow up a little serious, you're too stupid!
I return to the locker room, slamming all the locker doors open, without listening to the remonstrances of the coach who will surely not be kind to me after that.
- But the fuck, what are you playing? Rabbit yells at me as he tumbles in the second. Are you looking to get fired for good or what? You really have nothing on your mind! The coach is pissed, you risk going to council for that poor moron!
-Shut the fuck up!
My valid hand hits one of the lockers, which resounds with a dull noise, unfortunately not alleviating my rage.
-You have one hand left and you take the risk of blowing it?
- But leave me alone, for God's sake, I exasperated myself.
He tries to grab my wrist to inspect the damage but I pull away immediately, making him sigh. If he continues to play protective big brothers, I'm seriously going to end up giving him a face.
-Okay, he breathes, finding a calmer tone. What exactly is happening with Cam?
-How so ?
-Don't take me for an idiot, you've never taken the defense of any girl you banged.
-I don't give it a damn, I already told you. We just spend time together.
"Exactly," he insists. What is delirium ? What does that mean exactly?
I meet his gaze, which is non-judgmental. He's just asking the question outright, the one I've been refusing to ask myself since I met that blue-eyed girl who's got me by the balls.
"I don't know," I mumbled. She's cool, that's all. And then it doesn't happen what they say about her, she's not like that, it's nonsense...
I could swear I saw a smile form on his lips before he lowered his head to his feet.
-What ? I was annoyed, lost.
-Nothing Kyle, you're right, she's cool. That's all...
He shrugs, pursing his lips to keep from smiling more, making me frown. I don't get it, what the fuck does that mean? To believe that he understands the situation better than me.
This is surely the case since it has always been like this. Ever since I was seven and he found me sleeping under a slide in a park and took me back to his parents, he's always known better than I how to handle myself. How I would react before I even take action. He knows me better than anyone. As good as a brother we grew up with...