Nathaniel's point of view
"Bro okay are you just?" Justin asked
"Did you think that I'm okay? I angry answer here
Annoying me so much hate i threw up all the seats out of the head quarters we
Crazy all our computer games and others
"Bro Easy You're Just Woman Yun" Selle said
"She is a girl ... and she welcomed me to all" I'm on
"Wait Who's That Girl Is That? I asked them
Tas they looked up four and signed them that they didn't know
"I do not know" Zander said
"Get ready for a woman ... and I immediately leaveContinuation.
"But I Think That Girl Was New HERE" Saad by Austin
"I think so" said Namn's Zander
"But She's Beautiful Ha and the stature and sexy yet
"He's not so transferre and ..... and ... and
"Guys I think about what I think? Asked Deniel
And my broken friends think but i think they say that she's new here
"I'm awe-inspired by Yun woman" Austin
"Why ???
We asked him together
"Guys Cute Him He is the only woman who stare up to approach us and going to leave Nathan" he said
Tas right now they looked at
"What's The Problem? .... and why are you looking at my question to them
And they looked up four
"Let's go" I invite them
"Wait Where Are We Going?" Selle asked
"I just taught a lesson" I answered
And we've gone to find the woman yun.Hinding I can't really forgive herbella's point of view
I'm here now on walking walk to Hallway Pano Kasi Diko I know where Dean's Office is here
My plan would have been when I arrived at school I would ask me to ask anyone I could meet here wherever Dean's Office, I just forgot I'm a Nadistrack because I saw Kanian.Lmbes who asked me to fight that is Yun.
Hopefully I'm going to take her before I'm going to get her diba ehh d I hope I've found Dean's Office today
As I walked I heard the whisper murmur of people here inside the campus not
Girl 1: Wow is her nice
Girl 2: Who's so?
"Google you"
Boy 1: Her Beauty Ohh
Girl 3: I hope he's nohh!
"Not allowed"
GIRL 4: Is he the woman who helped the guy beaten by Prince's group earlier?
GIRL 2: Yes that nohh! .... he's witness
"Prince? ... Woe? I question himself
Boy 2: Ohh Beautiful Hopefully Case It's not going to be there
"Why do not I last long?
While I continued my search of Dean's Office I had a girl beat
"Sorry" Saad Her while picking up my bag fell
"It's okay" I said
When we look as young as we were the same we were surprised
"You?" We said together
"Yes that" he answered
"Hayy thanks can I ask? I have him
"What are you going to ask?"
"HMMFF can know where the Dean's Office here's because I've been walking here Ehh Diko really find" I question Namn him
"Hmmm you are new here ... with l right?"
"Yeah you're right l'm new here ..."
"By The Way Sophia Santiago and You Are?" Her hand chap
"Bella Hey" Her hand reached ... nice to meet you sophia "
Tas I've deleted my hand on her
"Nice to meet you too Bella"
And mamming it sink
After we talked he accompanied me to Dean's OfficeStill and Bella's Point of View
"I am Bella Hey" I'm introducing my new classmates
I'm here now within the classroom ... Yes I'm in the classroom Thank you Sophia because she helped to find Dean's Office and my room
He's just before I'm here but I'm really a friend
Maybe I wonder why Bella Hey is my surname. gave a surname sake
And he also said to me who I am facing these groups of men.gaster The Yuns and the man I called him the Leader of the Group Leader they Prince Carl Nathaniel is his name and is known as Prince
The Reason Why My Parent's Want Me To Stay Here In The Philippines Is To Be Safe .... But I Think L Am Not Safe Here Because I'm also in my place
I thought I was sent here for away from gangster ehh gangster also I fucked maybe it's the destiny to always get involved in the mess and to be a gangster
Also good here because of wlang
Discuss .....
Discuss .......
Discuss .....
While Teaching Prof Our WLA I WRLA thinks but my friends in Japan Samantha, Jelo, Reese and Kuya Liam.Gostly just imagine that I did not even remember them all
"I Miss Them So Much" I Saad to myselfContinuation.
"RECESS TIME" While outgoing that my other classmates have suddenly entered into the classroom so all my classmates struck
"Ayan is the group by Prince" I heard said one of my classmates
I was surprised because of the group of men who entered. The face of one of them was angry.... I would have gone out that I suddenly blocked me and leaning on the wall he first looked at him first and went out Yuns.
"CGE bro leave you here" Saad one of the companions of him handsome it and tall
And they went out and we left two here.
"Release me" I'm here ... but it's like WLa just heard of what I said and it further tightened the handling of my shoulder
"What do you think you're doing Miss Ha.. do you let me bast me in front of all" angry saying it
"Arayy I'm hurting ... let me down" I'm annoyed with me here
"Did you think that you can get out of here?"
"Why Do I Do You Ha? I asked him. Do you like me.
"You will not last here ... I'll make sure that you can not stay at the school NATO" SAAD HIS
And he brought his face to my face. I was so struck I kicked his junior and suddenly turned it on the floor and was overwhelmed with the pain. It was so sudden that his alipores came in
"That's just that you can manage the lizard" I shouted at him and before I went out of the classroom and left the lizard nayun with his ipores