After her love failure Molly swore she would never fall in love again. She moved away from the world to live in the coun...
After her father's funeral, with a grieving heart, Molly and her mother decided to return to town.
After a week Molly tells her mother that she plans to work.
_ But my daughter you have everything you want.
_ I know mom but I don't like spending my days doing nothing.
_Yes I know sweetie but you have to take care of your business, I asked your father to leave everything in your name.
_ But why did you do that mom?
_ Because I know that my darling daughter will not be able to let me die of hunger, you love me too much for that Molly. And then I'm going to die before you, why keep property?
_ Yes I love you with all my heart my dear mum but I don't want you to talk about death okay, I only have you left, please don't make me sad.
_ Okay, I'll stop talking about my death. What are you going to do my daughter?
_ I'm a model mom and I'm going to look for work in this field, I had dropped everything to please dad but you know that I love what I do.
_ I know it my darling and I encourage you to do what your heart dictates to you, you know that I will always be there for you.
_ Thank you my dear little mother.
Yes I know but for the moment I need to blossom a little.
That same day a friend of Molly's invited her to a fashion show, something Molly loves a lot, not only does she like to parade but she also likes to watch girls show off their talents. A last minute problem occurred, the expert girl who should parade today had a car accident on the road.
His friend knows the people who organize the parade. He got wind of everything that happened.
_ What's going on Judith?
_ Nouille had an accident, she is now in the hospital I can't cancel the parade now, there are too many people here to do that.
_ So you need someone to replace Nouille?
_ Yes .
_Okay I'll help you, I know an expert model, I know she's much better than Nouille so I'll talk to her about it, if she agrees she can take Nouille's place in the meantime.
_ Ok I thank you, Did and I'm counting on you to convince her, I'm really desperate.
Did ran into the room in search of Molly, the young woman was with her back to the room, she was looking at the city through the window. Everything is beautiful here, she loves her hometown so much.
_ Molly.
The young woman turned to him abruptly.
_ Yes .
"I need you to do me a favor. There's a problem, the model that everyone wants to see today had an accident, I want you to take his place maybe we'll hire you later.
_ Are you serious Did?
_ Of course yes .
_ I'm in then.
_ Let's go, let's give it a try.
Luckily Molly was the same height as Nouille. She immediately dressed and made up properly.
She went on stage in fifth position with a very long pink dress. Molly paraded in style, she looked straight ahead without losing her dazzling smile.
All eyes focused on her, Molly loved to capture people's attention with what she did. Those eyes fell into those of an extremely handsome man, he stared intently at her, Molly looked away and then she continued her lithe walk.
During the rest of the parade, Molly avoided meeting this look which disturbed her, it was the first time that she felt this tingling in her heart since her failure in love.
_ Congratulations Molly.
_ Thank you Judith.
_ How would you like to work for us temporarily until Nouille recovers.
_ What will my schedule be?
_ You will be called upon at each parade
And for rehearsals including fittings.
_ Okay no problem .
I will be available .
_ Thank you Molly, you helped us a lot and I see now that there is a person who surpasses Nouille.
_ If it's a compliment, thank you.
_ Yes it's a compliment, you have an exceptional talent.
_ Thank you Judith.
Did accompanied the young woman to her home, Molly was very grateful to him, it is thanks to him that she has just found this temporary job so that she could occupy her time. Even if these funds do not interest her, she will be able to make donations to orphanages as usual.
_ Thank you Did it is thanks to you that I was able to obtain this offer.
_ You are a good friend Molly, I will do everything I can to help you achieve your dream. I know this job is your passion.
_ Ok, thank you again.
Good evening Did.
"Good evening, Molly.
Yes Did is right, the young woman has everything she wanted to live but she preferred to be a model instead of depending on her father totally. She's a very independent girl, she had given up her dream just to please her father when the doctor told her that she didn't have much time left to live. Molly had been thinking why not make him happy the last few days and she had. But now Molly was going back to her old life.
The young woman entered her home, she found her mother in the living room watching a program. The young woman approached her mother, she placed a kiss on her forehead then she let herself fall near her mother.
_ Good evening mother.
_ Sweetheart .
I saw you on TV how gorgeous you are.
_ Yes the girl who should parade with the others had an accident, Did asked me to replace her for her friend and I was immediately hired as a temporary model thanks to my skills.
_ I know that you are better my darling.
_ Thank you mom you are an angel.
I'm going to rest, I'm very tired.
_ Okay my Dear
Good evening my daughter.
_ Good evening dear mother.
Molly went up to her room, she flopped onto the bed, the face of the man with the insistent gaze popping into her head. She could not forget the look of this man, he is very handsome.