Episode 4
(This Part of the Story is From Jamie's Point of View)
I trembled in fear as I pointed a kitchen knife at Carl, my abusive husband. He was always drinking, and ever since the news hit, he drank some more. Whenever he got drunk, he would attack Brandy and I. We have been holding out here for a while in this town house, we are very lucky no stranglers have found it yet. One day, Carl drank too much. He got really angry, saying I did nothing for this family. He attacked me, and I dropped my knife on the floor, I was defenceless. My grandson Brandy was shocked, he couldn't do anything. His parents dropped him off here a few weeks ago, they went on a trip to the Bahamas. They never returned after the news hit. I need to believe they're okay though. Carl was strangling me, he was really mad.
"You stupid bitch!" he yelled at me.
I couldn't breathe, Brandy stood in the corner in absolute fear.
"The knife Brandy!" I managed to cry out, pointing to it on the floor.
Brandy snapped out of it and ran to the knife, then slid it to me. I grabbed it and stuck it into his shoulder, he screamed in pain and fell backwards. I backed away, catching my breath. He wasn't dead though, he got back up and ran for me. I moved out of the way and he fell on the ground.
"You're dead!" he yelled at me.
He got up and Brandy jumped on him to stop him. He threw him off of him and Brandy crashed into the wall. He ran for me and pinned me up against the wall, and he tried grabbing my knife. I kicked him in the shin and and backed away. I've never fought back before, but that was because he never attacked me like this before. It was usually just a punch or a slap, that's all he would do.
"You made me do this!" I screamed, I ran at him and stabbed him in the neck.
Blood spurted out of his neck and he gurgled in his own blood, he dropped to the floor dead. I started crying, I dropped to my knees and hugged him.
"Oh god." I cried.
Brandy hid in the corner and cried, sobbing that his grandpa had just died. He may have been abusive, but when he wasn't drinking, he was a nice guy. I just wish he would have stopped drinking, now it's too late.
(This Part of the Story is From Jeff's Point of View)
Jamie explained how it all happened, shortly after killing her husband stranglers showed up and tore their house to shreds. Her and Brandy were forced to run. They then showed up here, they must have seen us enter here, and approached the place.
"It's going to be okay now," I began, "We will keep you safe, do any of you need medication?"
"No, we're fine but Brandy is lactose, he can't eat any dairy."
"Shit," I said, "That's gonna be hard."
"I know, but we have vegetables back at our house, we could stop by and get them, then he would be set for a couple days."
"I thought your house was torn apart by stranglers." I said.
"They are probably gone by now."
"Well," I said, "We could go check it out in the morning. If it's loaded with stranglers, we're just going to have to find a grocery store or something. That might be full of stranglers too."
I went back to the desk to fall asleep again, Jamie could meet everyone tomorrow. Kayla was already passed out tired, so she didn't even hear Jamie come in. Patrick was too injured to meet anyone, and Mark and Sabrina just stood back and didn't bother meeting her tonight. I drifted back off to sleep again, I wasn't worried about Jamie and Brandy. I felt they were good people, and wouldn't try anything. So I closed my eyes that night, for the first time in a long time. I had a dream that night, Samantha was in it. There was a bright light, and Samantha started walking closer to me. I couldn't move in my dream, I was stuck. Samantha touched my cheek and kissed me, then she started walking away. I didn't want her to go, I tried talking, but the words wouldn't come out. Before leaving, she then pointed to something. I was then able to move my neck, that was all though. I turned to where she was pointing, there was a big building in the distance, there was a sign that read:
I wasn't sure what that mean, but Samantha started fading away, and the bright light got brighter and brighter. I squinted my eyes, then opened them again, I was awake. I lifted my head from the desk and looked around the room. Everyone was awake, Sabrina was talking with Jamie and Brandy. Kayla was with her. Patrick was sitting in the corner, looking at the pictures he took from his home. Mark was looking out the window. I got up and walked to Mark.
"What are you looking for?" I asked him.
"Making sure these damned streets are cleared before we leave."
"We need to make one more stop before heading out of the town." I said.
"Brandy is lactose intolerant, we need to stop by his house and grab some food only he can eat, like vegetables and stuff."
"Oh, I guess if we have to then."
I walked over to Sabrina and Kayla, Kayla started backing away from me. It really hurt, knowing she was afraid of me after beating down Patrick. I might have gone a little hard on him, this world is just too much.
"So are we going to head to your house?" I asked Jamie.
"Yes, we're ready. As long as everyone else is, we can head out." she responded.
"Alright everyone," I began, "We are going to stop by Jamie's house and grab some special food for Brandy, let's go. The last thing you need while being chased by stranglers is to have the runs."
I moved the barricades out of the way and opened the door, I looked around. Nothing, a warm breeze hit me, it was a nice and peaceful morning out. Everyone walked out of the building, Sabrina had taken all the meds and packed them up incase we needed them.
The walk there was pretty quiet, Jamie walked beside me to guide me to her house. This group was really broken, and we've been on the road too long. We need a place to call home. I really hope nobody holds the fight with Patrick against me, I don't need that kind of pressure right now.
"Alright it's just around this corner-" Jamie stopped.
We turned a corner, and the street was full of stranglers.
"Shit get back!" I whispered to everyone.
"That street is packed," I said, "I don't think we can go back for his food."
"I know, but what are we going to do?" Jamie asked.
"We'll find an alternative. Let's head back." I said.
We turned around, and headed in the direction of Toronto, following the map.
"So why are you guys headed to Toronto in the first place?" Jamie asked.
Nobody really said anything, we were all still shaken up about Barry's death, I decided to break the silence and not be as awkward.
"The military say to have cleaned it out, we might be safe there."
"Really?" Jamie's eyes lit up."
"Maybe, we don't know for sure yet." I answered.
"At this rate," Sabrina said, "We won't get to Toronto for another two days or so. If we found a vehicle, we'd be there in two hours-"
We then stopped, and spotted a truck. It was a couple hundred feet away from us.
"Please don't be broken." she said.
We headed for the truck, hoping it would be functional. Once we got there, I opened the door. It was a big enough truck to fit us all. Two seats in the front, and three in the back. We have seven people, and there are five seats. That was no big deal though, two people could sit in the back trailer. I looked for keys, nothing.
"Shit, anyone know how to hot-wire?" I asked.
"Me." Sabrina volunteered.
"Wow, you know how to do everything." I said.
She blushed.
Sabrina took her time hot-wiring the truck, and we all sat in the back trailer taking a break. I think we deserved one after all of this walking.
"It's going to be real nice once we are driving." Mark stated.
"I know," I said, "My feet are killing me."
I looked over at Patrick, he was sitting on the ground, looking at pictures. Kayla was in the passenger seat talking with Sabrina.
"How are you?" I asked Brandy, I extended my arm out to shake his hand.
"G-good." he stuttered, he quickly shook my hand.
"Everything is going to get better." I said.
He quickly nodded and looked off into the distance. I felt bad for him, his grandma had to kill his grandpa right in front of him. He was probably terrified, I think he still is. The car then started up, we all leaped out of the back and went to go see what Sabrina had done. She smiled and patted her hands.
"Nice." I said.
Mark volunteered to drive.
"Are you sure you can?" I asked.
"Yeah, I can drive with one hand." he chuckled.
I didn't argue, there's no problem in that. I think he just volunteered so he didn't have to sit in the back trailer. Jamie sat in the passenger seat, Kayla and Brandy sat in the back seats, along with Sabrina. It looked like Patrick and I were going to have to share the back. I got in, and expected him to climb in, but he didn't. He just sat on the road, looking at the pictures. I got out and walked towards him.
"Patrick," I began, "You have to come."
"I don't want to." he said, he wouldn't take his eyes of the pictures of his house.
"Dammit Patrick." I grabbed his arm, he smacked it off.
"I don't want to live anymore, there's no point. I don't give a shit about this stupid ass safe zone Toronto is supposed to have. I don't want it, we all know it's going to fall eventually, and we will be back at square one. I want this over with, I have no purpose in life. I don't see why all of you try so hard to live, when you will all die eventually."
"We do it because we have hope," I said, "We believe we can make it through this, I know we can."
"Enough with the bullshit," he cried, "Just go, I want to stay here."
I heard screams in the distance, stranglers weren't far from here. I grabbed his arm again, he shook it off.
"Go!" he yelled.
I then heard screams in another direction, they were really close, it sounded only a block away.
"Dammit Patrick, we need to go, or else you can be torn to shreds." I said.
"Like Barry." he cried.
I sighed, and brushed my hands through my hair. This was ridiculous, he loses a best friend and he becomes suicidal?
"Let's go guys!" Mark yelled from the car.
"Listen," I said, "I know you already know this, but I lost my wife. I don't know if she is alive or dead, that feeling hurts. But I kept it together for my daughter, for all my family and friends. You need to keep it together, not just for you, but for everyone here."
I saw a bunch of stranglers run down a corner screaming, we literally had a few seconds to get to the car if we were going to survive.
"That's it." I said, I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder, he dropped his pictures.
"No!" he screamed, "Please stop!"
I headed for the truck, and I tossed him in the back, and I jumped in along with him. He tried jumping out, but I grabbed him and held him back. Mark slammed on the gas and we sped off. I let go of him and he just sat there in the back and buried his face in his hands. He was taking this death really bad, I just wish I could have done something to save Barry, but there was nothing I could do. He was passed out in my arms, and the stranglers were catching up on us. I had to drop him. Was I selfish for doing that?