Zaheer POV
When i reach the room i went straight to the toilet to freshen up so that i will feel more relived from the journey stress even though it was by air not by land that i travel but i was still tired and need to rest.
After taking my bath i clean my body with the towel and put on my bathrobe before i enter the room. I lay on the bed without dusting it because i know the room have been arrange since before they know of my arrival
Moreover the rooms are always clean everyday by the maids to avoid dust in the places so Hajiya make sure the house is always clean because she her self don't like dirt
Within some minute i slept off without wasting time because i was tired and needed the rest
When i woke up its was already time for prayer so i change into something else than bathrobe
I walk to the mosque and join the congregation prayer together with other people when we were through with the prayer i walk straight to Hajiya part because i was hungry i said Salam before entering the room but Hajiya was still praying so i sat down on the chair close to her before she finish praying when shevwas through with her prayer she turn to me and say
"Kai should Maimuna bring you're food for you"
"I will be grateful if she does that because am hungry"
"Its now that you know you're hungry when you said you will sleep first before you eat"
"Yes i need to rest by then"
"Kai ka sani Maimuna bring his food for him the one in the blue flask"
She brought the food before she leave to go and bring plate spoon and water
She serve me when she return with the plate
I said Bismillah before i started eating my food when i was through Hajiya called her to come and clean the place up
She did as she was told and left before Hajiya start talking
"Take these to the neighbor house and give it to them"
"Haba Hajiya you don't have someone else to send to the neighborhood house but me"
"What do you mean i don't have someone else to send are you not someone or you think i can't send you again since you're now a grown up man or what"
"It's not that but what the essence of Maimuna in the house"
" i know she's there but you're the one am sending since she's busy working unless you're not going let me call you're father to come and go for me"
"It's have not reach that bring it let me go and give them what will i say when i reach"
"Throw it at them since you don't know what to say if they send you"
I stand up and left her room to the neigbor house to deliver her message when i did that i left and walk back home to tell her have delivered it. I enter her room but she's not in the parlour again so i wait for some minute before she come out from her room
" you're back already now that you go did they hold you there that you're telling me to send someone else"
"It's not that but you know i can't just enter a house full of girls"
"Okay Mallam next time i will not send you since that what you want to hear"
"Toh Hajiya that will be good"
"Let me ask you self are you not getting married is it not you're mate that have two to three children now and you're going around like these"
"When my time come i will but for now i don't have anyone to present or say am marrying"
"If that is the case you can choose from one of your cousins since you don't have a choice or should i choose for you"
"No it's have not reach that let wait for Allah's time to come"
"Which Allah's time when you're not make any attempt or do you think Allah will come down and say Zaheer here is you're wife, no he will not so you have to make attempt or i will call you're father now"
"Don't worry soon i will bring someone that all you want right"
"Its could have been better than to be sitting down like these without wife as if you're sick"
"Am not sick just give me some time that all i ask of"
"Toh naji Allah kawo lokachin alheri"
"Ameen now you're talking let me go out and see the town small its been long"
"Ok till you come back i will go and sleep small am tired"
"Nothing like that you're just old if not which work are you doing that you're tired"
"Its you're mother that is old not me"
"Haha OK have heard you till i come back sleep well"
I left her room to where the cars are park because we have extra cars here in case we visit or during occasions i enter the car and drove off without destination because all my friends are not in town and the ones around will be in the office now which i don't want to disturb them so i drive for a little bit before i went back home because am not going to the company today till tomorrow if Allah spare our life
I was driving back home when i saw group of people gathering by the road side looking at what i don't know so i pass them by and reverse back because i was seeing them from the rear mirror still standing there and the population was get much so i park the car and ask one of them what the problem is he told me that a car hits a girl and run away
I quickly rush pass them to where the girl was and ask one of them to help me carry her but all of them were looking at me as if they have seen a ghost it was only o e person that move forward to assist me with the girl i rush to my car open the door and ask the man to enter before i drove off in speed to the nearest hospital
Since the doctors know me without wasting time they took the girl to A&E immediately to start treating he so i want out to the reception to ask where am to pay the bill she showed me and i did the necessary thing before i went back to A&E
"Zaheer when did you enter the town without telling me"
"Sorry Salim i did not want to disturb you because i know you will be working, that why i did not call if not its today that i came into the town"
"Okay so what happen to the girl that you brought because its like accident and i know you don't driver recklessly"
"Yes am not the one" so he told Salim everything he knows about the incident
"Toh May Allah protect us all" Salim said
"Ameen i have to go home now because Hajiya will be worried but promise to check on her tomorrow"
"In Sha Allah till we talk on phone goodnight"
I left the hospital premises and drove home park the car and enter my room
Was laying on the bed when her thought came into my mind i was recalling the incident that occur at the airport with her pretty face and golden voice
Who is she where is she from these where the question i was asking myself but who will answer me What if she's married i keep the thought away from my mind and walk to the toilet