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ZEN i [Jack Kline]

95.0K · Ongoing


Simplicity never existed in the life of a hunter. Monsters, death and hunts were what these people were used to.But the ...

FanfictionRomanceTrue LoveFemale leadFantasySupernatural



" Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."

-Friedrichc Nietzsche


" CASTIEL NO!" Zenja yelled as the angel walked towards Lucifer and stabbed him in the chest.Her brothers holding her back and tugging her towards the rift.

The scene faded as she entered through the rift and back to her world. She pushed her brothers off and stared at the glowing crack of space and time, hoping for the angel to be alive.

" Come on Cas..." she muttered in fear for her angel friend.

She soon let out a breath of relief as the rift glowed bright, showing the angel. Zen smiled at him but it soon faded as the rift began glowing again and an angel blade pierces his chest from behind.

"No!" Her older brother, Dean, yelled as Castiel falls down on the ground, unmoving.

Tears started gathering up in her eyes as she stared down at the lifeless angel. She placed a shaky hand on her mouth to hide her cry. She soon looked up at the person who killed him and gasped.

Lucifer stood there with a bloody angel blade and a smile on his face. "That was fun. Seriously, guys, points for trying. Super impressed, but, uh... playtime's over," he stated before he made a move to fight them off.

"Get away from them," a voice said from behind them.

Lucifer smiled wickedly. "Mary, right? Yeah, I've heard about you.You, uh, are certainly living up to the hype," he then made a weird animal noise, making the youngest daughter loathe him even more.

" Shut up!" Zen hissed at him.

Lucifer ignored her and continued. "Look, seriously, I just wanted to say thank you for everything. I owe ya, kid."

Behind her back, Mary activates the angelic brass knuckles and then takes a step toward Lucifer, until Sam tries to stop her.

"Mom, Mom, Mom," he says as he tried to calm her down.

Mary looked between her children and gave them a small smile. "I love you."

Zen furrows her brows. " Mom what are you—"

Mary then punches Lucifer in the face. The archangel staggered back from the punch and smirked.

"Cute. Is that all you got, mama?"

Mary punches him again, and again, and he drops the angel blade beside Cas's body. She continues punching him, each blow lighting up the red grace beneath his skin. She punches him back toward the rift, and as he's about to fall through, he grabs her arm and pulls her with him.

Zenja's heart plummeted to the ground as she watched her mom get sucked in into the rift together with Lucifer.


" No!"

"– Mom, Mom! No!", Dean yelled as he tried to save her but failed.

The rift flares bright, and then disappears altogether. The blonde felt her knees buckle up as she fell to the ground in sadness and shock. Dean looks from the vanished rift over to Cas.

"No! No. No, no, no, no, no," he muttered as he tried to process what had just happened.

Sam sees a glowing, flickering light inside the house, glances at Cas, and then runs toward the house.Dean stands over Cas, then drops to his knees, looking from Cas up to the sky, and then back to Cas.

Zenja harshly wiped the tears from her eyes and looked over at Castiel. Her lips trembled as she stared down at her friend. She watched as her brother looked up at the sky, silently hoping Chuck was going to somehow bring him back.

She then scooted closer to Dean and wrapped him in a hug. Her brother wasted no time and wrapped his arms around her as they both mourned for their friend and mother.

" What just happened Dean?" She whispered.

Dean let out a shaky breath. " I don't know Zen..."

Meanwhile in the house, Sam finds Kelly's body in bed and closes her eyes, then follows Jack's scorched footprints to his nursery, and finds Jack sitting in the corner in the dark, his eyes glowing ominously golden.

And so it begins...

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