Katarina's PoV
I watch how the sun rises slowly. It's early in the morning and I'm here in the balcony busy watching the sunrise from its slumber. The morning breeze gently touches my skin and I find it comforting. It feels so relaxing and I can't help but to close my eyes.
Warm arms wrapped around my waist from the back. He rested his chin on my shoulder, his warm breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
I think this is the right time for me to tell him. We've been together already for almost a month now. I took a deep breath and rested my hands on his arms that's still hugging me.
This might ruin their friendship and I don't want that to happen but it's wrong for me to hide the truth, the true color of his so called 'friend'.
"It's about Topaz." I felt his pause but he nodded to let me continue. I breathe deeply and let out a sigh. My hands started to shake again at the memory. I need to let him know.
"He attempted to rape me." His breath became sharp as soon as I let out the words that have been traumatizing me for months.
He released me from his hug and he gently motioned me to face him. I expected him to frown at me, asking why did I tell him just now. Instead, he gave me a concern look. He looked me in the eye as if searching for more details.
"How are you?" Tears started to well up om the corner of my eye. I'm definitely not okay. I've been crying myself to sleep every time I remember that awful memory. My body would start to shake from fear. Fear that be might find me and do the same thing again. Renzo held me closer to him, holding me like a fragile thing.
"I'm here. Let it all out Kat. Cry." He said caressing my back and with that, I burst out in tears. I wrapped my arms around him tightly as I let myself vulnerable in front of him. He strokes my back that made the tears flow like a river.
"I'm sorry if I told you about this just now. I really tried many times-" He shushed me.
"Don't be. I understand. It must have been hard for you love. Don't worry, I'm always here to listen." His voice was calm and convincing but I can feel his hands shaking. I lift my head to look in his eyes and I wasn't wrong. His eyes is blazing with anger, ready to take action that might not end well in the end.
"No please. This is a bad idea. Don't come to him Renzo. With just a flick of his fingers, everything will go against you, us." I reached for his face to calm him. He closed his eyes.
"This is not right Katarina. I will never let this pass and I don't fucking care if he has the money. He…" Renzo couldn't finish his sentence as if it was hard for him to swallow it. He messed his hair.
I'm afraid to what might happen to him after confronting Topaz about this matter. Topaz likes to manipulate things that doesn't comply with his own rules.
I looked into Renzo's eyes while still holding his face. "Renzo listen, I too, want to punch and beat him to death but the reality that his power is enough for him to turn the tables exists. We can't just barge into his office and do what we want."
"But this is-"
"Please listen, I don't want to drag you in this mess and put you in danger. I can't take that. We can just forget about him and live our lives together. That way, peace would live with us. You do understand right?"
"I do. But-"
"Please?" He closed his eyes and sighed. "Okay." I smiled but the frown is still plastered on his face. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. My chest finally feel lighter than before. Silence took over.
Breatking the silence, I asked, "Can I ask something?"
"About what?" He tightens his hug.
"About your family. I mean, we've been together for almost a month now but I only know few things about you." Pictures of him with his family on his walls suddenly flashes in mind.
"I have a caring mother, one goofy brother, one lovely sister and our father is now happy with his other family." His hug tightens at the mention of his father. I didn't know what to say. They're a broken family too. I brushed his knuckles with my thumb.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Don't be." He lightly planted a kiss on my neck.
"When will your family visit here?" I can't wait to meet his mother and his siblings.
"Next week. They'll be here to spend their Christmas vacation." He swayed while still hugging me and I move along with him.
I've just realized that Christmas is fast approaching. This is my first time spending Christmas with someone. I always celebrate it on my own since Mom would spend it in her office with paperworks instead.
"Can you share about your family too? If that's okay with you love." I smiled and buried my face on his chest. "My parents got divorced when I was five. Dad has his new family and Mom stayed single. She is obsessed with the company while I try to be the perfect daughter she wants me to be." I felt his soft lips on my forehead.
"I guess we're meant for each other love." I giggled. "You're perfect just the way you are." Once again, my heart flutters with his words. I'm so happy to meet him in my life.
Renzo have been taking care of me these past few weeks. We've been enjoying each other's company. My life would've been chaos right now without his help. He saved me from hell.
Still, I can't shake the thought that Mom and Topaz have been quiet these past weeks. There's no news or articles about the search of the missing puppet daughter. Knowing Mom, she would do everything to find me-for her money. I don't know if I should be happy or nervous.
"What are you thinking love?" Renzo rested his cheek on my head since he's taller than me. "Just random things."
"Katarina." I can't help but to wonder when his voice suddenly changed as if he's going to open a serious conversation. I lifted my head to face him, worry flashing on his eyes.
"What is it?" He sighed before pulling me closer to hug me again. I love his hugs, so warm and it feel so safe around his arms. I locked eyes with him.
"Whatever happens." He rested his forehead on mine, our nose touching.
"You'll always be right here by my side, right?" Confused and worried by his worries, I hugged him tighter.
"Is everything okay?" He didn't answer, worry still plastered on his face. I hold his face as he leaned on my hand like a puppy.
"I will never leave you Renzo. I will always be by your side, always my knight."
Just by the thought of being away from him and never seeing him makes me weak already. A proof of how deep I've fall in love with him. He hugged me tight like he doesn't want to let go anymore, as if he doesn't want to loose me.
"I will forever protect you Katarina. I won't let anyone take you away from me. I can't live without you so please, please don't leave me whatever happens." I nodded, tears stinging my eyes. "You don't have to beg because I will never do that."
I tiptoed to reach his lips and closed my eyes as I felt my lips brushing onto his. He responded and pushed my back to be closer to him. His tongue makes me weak as it explores my mouth. I wish that time would stop for us for this moment.
Days passed by without me realizing. Today is the day of the visit of Renzo's family. They will be staying here for a week and they will leave a day after Christmas.
I can feel the excitement and nervousness flowing through my body. What ifs began to pop in mind like 'what if they'll hate me?' or 'what if they don't like me for Renzo?'.
Renzo mentioned before during his visits with them that he's been telling them about me and I just hope that they aren't embarrassing stories. He also mentioned that they wanted to meet me in person that made me happy and nervous at the same time.
The memory of him smiling whenever he talks about his family lingers in mind. He's so genuine about them. His love for his family is very visible in his eyes which makes me fall for him harder.
We're cooking at the moment and the food is pretty plenty. With weeks spending my time in cooking, I can say that I really improved.
"Taste this." He shove a spoonful of salad in my mouth and It's really delicious. I nodded like a kid because I really loved the taste. He chuckled at my reaction and ruffled my hair.
I did the same to him. I gave him a taste of my lasagna.
"How is it?" I asked excitedly. He touched his chin, dramatically thinking deep. He hummed. Is this masterchef? All that is missing is a suspense background music.
"It's delicious!" He exclaimed and took a taste again. I can't help but to smile because there's a smudge of sauce on the corner of his lips. I grabbed a tissue and reached for his face to wipe the smudge off. This man is seriously tall.
We were both startled when someone suddenly whistled. We both turned from the entrance of the kitchen. A tall man was standing, leaning on the doorway while grinning at us, his arms crossed against his chest. Based from his appearance, I think he's 17 or 18.
"Sup goofball." Renzo was smiling ear to ear as he went near to his brother and they did a weird hand shake.
"Ey!" They look so cute. His brother's gaze switched to my direction and I gave him a smile. He looks almost like his brother except Renzo is taller and matured looking.
"Not bad superman!" Renzo just hit his shoulders playfully. I shyly smiled. Aw, Leroi complimented me.
"I'm good at choosing right?" I scrunched my nose at him and he only chuckled.
"Supermaaan!" Our attention were caught by a little girl, beaming like a sunshine as she runs through the living room to our direction. She's so cute! Renzo said she's 5 years old already.
She hugged her big brother's legs. Renzo chuckled and carried her on his arms.
"I missed youuu!" The little girl said close to crying.
"I missed you too Aila. Don't cry our little princess." Renzo said while swaying her. He kisses Aila on her pinkish and puffy cheeks. Aila beams and wrapped her short arms around his neck. "I'm a princess!" Her giggles made my heart warm. I could squish her cheeks.
She turned her head to me and I don't if it's just me or her eyes sparkles as she lay her gaze on me. She hurriedly get off from Renzo's arms and excitedly ran to me. With a cute heartwarming smile, she lifted her head to look at me.
"Are you princess Kat?" She innocently asked. I can't help but to smile because of her cuteness. I wonder of what it feels like to have siblings. I bended my knees to level her.
"Yes and I believe that you're the beautiful little princess Aila." I was surprised when she suddenly gave me a hug. I almost fall from the impact.
"Thank you for making my superman happy." She said and planted a kiss on my cheek. Help, my heart is about to explode. I hugged her back.
"Hol'up. You kissed her and you didn't kiss me when I asked for one. That's so unfair of you princess." Leroi acted hurt. Aila ran to his direction. Leroi tried to bend his knee like mine as Aila planted a kiss on his cheek too.
Okay, I'm officially jealous of this family. Hope all.
"Where's Mama?" Renzo asked Leroi.
"At the living room." Leroi casually opened the fridge and poured a glass of milk while Aila sings her heart out, busy filling her tiny hands with cookies from the cookie jar. Renzo and I looked at each other for a moment and he gave a reassuring smile. This is it.
We both removed our aprons and headed our way to the living room. Renzo reached for my cold hands, squeezing it lightly. A woman was organizing the bags on the couch, her back against us.
"Mama." His Mom paused from Renzo's greeting and faced us. Her face lit up when she saw us. She looks so young and pretty. She's in her mid 50s as mentioned by Renzo which is not visible at all with her young looking face. Renzo got his deep beautiful eyes and straight nose from her. He kissed her on the cheeks.
"Is she Katarina?" I smiled at her and bowed slightly.
"Nice to meet you, uhm."
"Call me Mama, dear." I shyly smiled.
"Nice to meet you Mama."
"I am too. Let's eat?"
We're now in front of the table full of food. After thanking for the food, we dig ourselves in. We were having a wonderful time eating lunch. Leroi talked about his studies and now about a girl he's been crushing for a long time.
"I think she likes me too." He said smiling.
"Why would she?" Aila asked innocently. Leroi's smile vanished as he pouts at his sister eho is busy eating fried chicken.
"Coz I already have it all. I have the looks, the humor, the body." I tried to stop myself from giggling from Leroi's confidence. I love it. Claim it boy.
"Just kidding! Of course she'll like you like how superman and princess Kat like each other."
Their attention was drawn immediately to us. My cheeks are burning as I try to hide to from them. I heard Renzo chuckling while Leroi pinch Aila's cheek with a satisfied smile on his face. I just smiled at them. Mama was smiling while looking at us. I sheepishly scratch my head.
Our lunch ended full of laughter and fun. This is my first time meeting and eating with them, making my heart happy. This is the opposite at home. I always do things on my own except for the decision-making part. Mom always dictates me of what to do and not to do.
They are currently watching television, leaving me and Mama with the dishes. No one attempted to speak. Only the water flowing from the fauset and the sound of dishes clashing can be heard.
I'm still too shy and guilty for staying here without paying because they won't let me. Good thing Mama decided to break the silence with a question.
"How is your stay here dear?" I pause to face her.
"I'm doing great and it's really comfortable here." She nodded. After a few minutes, she stopped and gave me a serious look.
"Renzo told me and Leroi about what happened." I caught my breath. "E-Everything?"
"I don't know about the details but we know the main ones." I gulped. She gave me a sympathetic look. "I hope you're doing well." I smiled back at her. "Thank you."
She sighed, looking worried. "I just hope that my son wouldn't be involved in any danger from getting tied with you my dear." Her eyes is full of concern for his son. Her grip on the plate tightens.
"I don't want him to be involved in any problems you're facing that would bring danger to him. I just don't want to loose him. They're the only ones I got, dear." I didn't realize that I was holding my breath. She paused before continuing.
"But he didn't listen to me. He said that he would risk his life just to protect you." I bit my lower lip. This is what I'm afraid to happen. For him to risk his life just for my safety. A tear escaped from her eye. I wanted to calm her but she wiped it off and gave me a weak smile.
"So please, don't do anything that would hurt him. I love that boy so much and as a mother, I don't want to see him hurting. All I want is to see him happy after all the problems we've been facing together. For that, I won't stop you from loving each other and I won't be a hindrance." I couldn't stop my tears from flowing after all what she've said. I'm happy but at the same time, I feel scared. Loving someone like me is risky and I hate my life for that.
"But." I met with Mama's eyes, nervousness creeping throughout my body.
"The moment that my son will be put in danger, I have no one to blame but you Katarina."