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You're mine

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Kim taehyungSexuality:gayAge:19Intro:taetae for short.Taehyung is a person known as the sweetest person in college.Jimin...

FanfictionRomanceTrue LoveUrban


Taehyung can see that he is wearing a beautiful gown . He can see that there's a sea in fornt of him . Then he hears his name being called he turns around and he saw a boy in suit it's dark so he can't see his face as the boy begin to come in light as he was about to see his face

Trrrrrr Trrrrrr Trrrrrr

My alarm went off  I groan and see time it's 7:30 and get up and do my morning routine and take a quick shower and wear my clothes for the day.

After that I went downstairs and saw my breakfast is ready there I greet jin hyung morning and he greet me back I sat on stool and start to eat my breakfast.When I was done with my breakfast I grabbed my backpack  then jin hyung drove me to college.

Once I was at the college gate I bid goodbye to Jin hyung and got out of car and start walking towards the gate and enter the college I was walking I hear my name being called I turned around saw my bestfriends jimin was walking towards me with a smile on his face and I smile back.

"Good morning". Jimin said.

"Good morning you too". I said back.

We both walked to lockers .Taetae??? . Jimin said.

I hmm in reply.

What happened? Is something bothering you. Jimin asked.

I sighed and turn now I was facing him . "Yes" ,I replied.

"What is it?". He asked

I have this dream that I am wearing a wedding gown and I am at seaside and I saw a boy in suit.

Jimin cut me off and said "What happens next?".

Chimchim don't cut me off OK so as I was saying that the boy was in the dark and I can't see his face.

"Now jimin is give me his full attention", and I continue,

"He starts to come in light as I was about to see his face my alarm went off". I said ,and jimin groan in annoyance.

"So you are that you are about to to see your prince Charming and you alarm went off how annoying". He said, and I roll my eyes ,and i replied "Well......yes".

Then the bell rang to over first class we went to the class as the lecture went off the bell to lunch break rang.

Me and jimin went to canteen grab over lunch and we took a seat on an empty table. And had a chit chat and the next lectures went faster then I expected. The bell to the last lecture rang.

As I grab my bag jimin asked. "Are you free today?".

"No I need to help Jin hyung Why?", I asked.

"Nothing I want to hang out with you" , He said.

Then come with me to cafe let us both help jin hyung . I said  Let's go jimin said with his cheering voice and smile.

              Time skip (In Jin's cafe)

When they arrive at Jin cafe they direct go to kitchen where is Jin and both say hi in unison Jin said hi in return . And they start to help jin with orders .

              Time skip to night time

So jimin left in the evening and it's time to close the cafe . Taehyung "can you please throw the trash?" . Jin hyung asked me . I replied with an "okay". I picked the trash bags and went to the alley near the cafe to throw the trash bags . I put the bags down and opened the lide of trashcan after throwing the trash bags I felt like someone was watching over me I turned around and saw if someone was there but no no-one was there I just shuddered and walk back to the cafe .Jin hyung was locking the cafe after locking me and jin hyung drove to home.

                Time skip (at home)

I took a shower and put on my night clothes and get in the covers/blankets and went to sleep.

                   No-one P.O.V

The man on the floor was bleeding very badly there is a cut in his right abdomen.

And he was begging the person that was beating him . The person that beating him is looking alike he is not gonna stop any moment. "I will return your money I beg you please stop and let me go". Said the man who was being beaten.

That's what you have been saying for 3 years and you haven't returned the money now boss will decide to forgave you or not . Said the man that was beating him.

                    Jungkook P.O.V

I got off the car and walk towards the alley there I saw a man got beaten up very badly. Min walk towards me and asked ,"Boss what to do with him?".

Give me a gun and silencer!!!. I ordered.

He immediately gave me I put the silencer on gun and shot him.

"Take care of the body",I told Min he reply with an "okay".

I turn and get out of the alley but I see a boy is coming towards alley and he is so beautiful I can't take my eyes off him I immediately took a pic of him and send to Lee and told him I want his information.

I was staring at the boy he was about to go but turned and I immediately hid behind the wall and then I saw him walking away. I also get out of alley and went to my car and drove to club that that I own and go to V.I.P section and sat there.

Waiter come to take my order now it has been 2 hours I have been in the club and was walking towards the club door I see Lee come to give me information about the boy in alley. I take the file and got to my car I sat there and open the file and see the boy's pic and read his name.

        Kim Taehyung

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