Akihiro, "
"I'm still going to wait for you. I'll wait no matter how long."
Akihiro, "Mayumi repeated my name.
Do you k...
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
"You're marrying the man who you just met months ago? That's unbelievable, Mom." It seemed unbelievable what I said to Mommy. I was in the middle of checking some of my students' workbooks when it informed me of the intention to marry a man named Arnold Lazaro.
Well, she's old enough to do whatever she wanted to do. But I don't think I can accept the thought of marrying a man I've only known for a few months. Dad died many years ago, and I know that’s not my reason for how I feel. I am just worried. Especially since I don't know the man Mommy will marry.
"Arnold is a good man, son. I feel like he loves me. I'm like that to him too, so give me a break." Mommy said while massaging my shoulders.
God, I'm almost twenty-seven and now its really planned to get married again?
I sighed deeply. I don't have a choice but to give her my permission. If it's truly love, who am I to stop them? Who am I to stop Mommy from having fun?
"Alright, but don't force me to live on Arnold's farm." I say seriously.
"It's Uncle Arnold, Akihiro." Mommy corrects me. I just nodded before continuing. "But son, I want you to be there at our wedding. Don't excuse your office work and teaching. I won't forgive you when you're not at my wedding!"
I couldn’t help but grin. "Of course Mom, I won't miss that important event. Well, where is the venue of your wedding?"
"At Hacienda Lazaro."
"Hacienda Lazaro?"
"Yup, Arnold isn't as poor as you think. I can live with him even if you don't give me a share of the wealth left by your Daddy."
I was shaken again. I guess, the worry I feel is useless. I thought he was a farmer — oh well, that Arnold is still a farmer. That's all, this is a farmer of caliber. And that's nice.
"You're frowning again, sweetie." I heard Daddy say as we ate dinner. There are only two of us here in the big house. It was like we were eating in the desert if only Daddy hadn’t spoken.
"Because you're sending me away!" Meet the eyebrow I said. Dad decided to send me back to Australia. I have only been here in the Philippines for almost two years but here I am coming back to the town I want to leave.
I was only eighteen when I went back here in the Philippines. And that's because my Mom died from lung cancer. When I experienced the good life here in the Philippines I decided to just continue my studies here. I graduated Senior High in Manila. Now I plan to attend one of the Universities here in San Mateo. But my oh so loving father wants me to go back to Australia. And that's not a good idea!
"Hija, it's for your own good too. There's a lot of opportunities in-."
"But I want to study here, Dad! I have friends here, not like in Australia. They only liked me because I have money! But here, everyone's genuinely cares for me. They don't care even if I am a Lazaro. They don 't care about my money. They like me because I am me. "
"I understand, but-."
"No, you don't! If you do, you won't force me to return to Australia."
Another of the reasons why I don’t want to go back to Australia is because of Dustin. He's my ex boyfriend. He cheated on me but when he found out that I was an heiress, he begged me to come back. Like, why should I do that? I'm not a fool to use people to cheat!
"Just tell me you already found someone you want to be with forever." I said Daddy stopped. There is no case for me to have a step-mother. But if I do, Dad will just make sure he doesn't marry like Cinderella's step-mother. I’m not like the cowardly Cinderella. Because it was time for that woman to do something bad, she would surely go home in tears.
"You're right, I'm marrying Elizabeth."
I opened my mouth. That's why he wants me to go back in Australia? Will she get married? Immediately? "Elizabeth?"
"Elizabeth Santibañez."
My forehead automatically wrinkled. Santibañez? Where did I hear that name? It sounded familiar. I just can’t remember where and when I heard.
"Are you going to marry a woman I don't know?" I asked annoyed.
"I know you'll be angry, so we want to send Mayumi abroad."
I felt even more angry. "And you think I won't be angry when I hear you're married? I hate you Daddy!"
"Mayumi ..."
I jumped to my feet. I immediately turned away because my tears were starting to drip. "I'll prepare my things, tomorrow morning I'll deliver at the airport. I'll leave, just like you want to happen."
I couldn't wait for Daddy to answer. Feel offended. I naturally feel that way because I am his child! I was worried for him the moment I left. But what else can I do? This is what he wants. Just make sure that Elizabeth Santibañez is a good person. Because when I found out that they had a plan to cheat Daddy and seize our property, I would not hesitate to go home and let them taste my anger.
"What is this for? Celebrating your promotion? Are you already the CEO of your rice field?" Cace asked me with a smile. Miraculously good mood I guess it's now. Lately it has always been angry. Probably already answered by the suitor.
"No pare ..." I answered before sipping the wine from my glass. "Mommy's wedding tomorrow."
It was only last month when Mommy told me about her plan with Uncle Arnold. And the scheduled wedding day is open. Mommy is now at Hacienda Lazaro. My trip there is tomorrow morning.
I heard Cace's sudden cough. Reason for me to turn to him.
Will Tita Eliza get married? Which man will she marry? Can she be trusted?"
"He's Arnold Lazaro." My answer stopped Cace. What? Did he know Tito Arnold?
"Arnold Lazaro? One of the most richest men in Asia?" Meet Cace's eyebrow question at me.
I didn't answer because I didn't know who Uncle Arnold really was. We only met once. That was the night when he and my mom decided to live together in San Mateo. We haven't even talked for an hour. Uncle Arnold is in a hurry,
especially since his only child is leaving. He said he wanted to talk to unica hija before he even left. He said he was sad that the child would leave with resentment. Well I guess, his daughter doesn't want our parents to get married. I understand it in that matter. She's only twenty and two years ago when Uncle Arnold's wife died. Maybe she's still not ready to accept someone as her second mother.
"Is he that rich?" I don't seem to want to ask. Actually I don't care if Ucnle Arnold is on the lists of the rich in the world. All I want is for Mommy to be happy and well. Her happiness is also my happiness.
"Uh, yeah? We're actually partners. One of Dad's businesses is Mr. Lazaro's partner. He also has vast land not only in San Mateo, but also in Australia. He also has shipping lines and has some jewelry company that left his late wife. His net—. "
"Okay, okay, I got it." I'm going to stop Cace. It seems that it has no intention of stopping the mention of Uncle Arnold's assets one by one.
"Have you met his daughter?" Cace asked a few minutes later.
My forehead furrowed. "Not yet. Why?"
Cace laughed out loud which deepened even more by the wrinkle on my forehead. What is his problem? Maybe he doesn't use drugs to make you that hyper. Or maybe Dalha has already answered him?
"You know what pare, maybe you should already create social media accounts. She's kinda popular. A lot of guy follows her on Instagram. She's also full of Facebook and Twitter. Perks of being the only daughter of Arnold Lazaro. Everyone wants to get close to Mayumi. "
"And you're one of them? How can Dalha feel—."
"She's not my type." Cace said quickly as I sighed. "Arnold's son is cursed. He gets everything. Even those famous local actors and interna—."
"I don't care, she's still a kid for me. By the way, when did you have time for gossiping online?" I wonder the question because as I get older, he has no interest in social media. Her cellphone is boring. And at least I have online games.
"A kid? Dude, she's already twenty. Two years older than my Dalha. And I'm telling you, she's so damned hot. If I just didn't love Dalha, I might be one of that Princess's followers. And oh , because Dal criticized my cellphone. I was forced to install various things.
I no longer answered. I don't know what Cace wants to point out. I just drowned myself in drinking the wine in front of us.
"Shut the fucked up, Dustin! You cheated on me, we broke up, now get the fucked out of my life!" I shouted and Dustin suddenly just entered the house. I thought I would give him another chance!
"Ayumi, we can still work this out. I have so many plans for—."
"Well, I don't care. Even though you have a lot of plans for the future of the two of us, I don't! You're disgusting! Take your Cindy with you!"
Dustin begged a few more times. But I'm a fool if I go back to him. It was just the same and the rest of me became boyfriends. They cheated on me, hurt me and do things that were really bad. Then they will know I am Arnold Lazaro's child and like dogs will come back to me as if I would love dog food.
I am not bragging that I am a Lazarus. If I could just use Mommy's last name when she was a girl, I would have done it. But Dad won't let me do it. Dad loved me so much that when someone hurt me and found out I was a Lazarus, they would never do it again. How ironic, because that's what my ex -boyfriends did. And they also want more.
"Ayumi ..."
"Mr. Lim, kick him out of my house." I strongly command one of my two butlers.
"But Ma'am Mayumi, he's the son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. We can't—."
"I don't care if he's the son of one of Daddy's important clients! Do what I've told you to do! If you don't get that man out of here, you'll be hurt too!" I was annoyed when I said that Mr. Lim. It can do nothing but follow me. Why are they being paid so much? If they just disobey me, they'd better go back to where they belong.
Minutes later, my friend Ava arrived. It brought milk tea and a box of cupcakes. She's also a Filipina. They are based here in Australia because his Mommy and Daddy have set up several businesses here.
"I saw Dustin outside." Ava commented as we shared the food she was carrying.
Annoyed I turned to him. "Stop mentioning his name. My day is getting worse."
I recently received a call from the Philippines. I had no intention of answering that. That's why Mr. insists. Hans he's also one of my bodyguards.
Daddy called. Asking if I can video call him on his wedding day. I was forced to answer yes even though I really had no intention. I still feel bad. Especially when I hear that Elizabeth’s voice. Her voice was so sweet as if she was laughing. But I still don't like her. Not everyone with a gentle voice is kind.
"Your Daddy is getting married, don't you have any plans to go home to the Philippines?" Ava immediately asked.
I sniffed slightly before sipping my milk tea. "He's the one who wants me to leave. I'll never go home to him, unless he apologizes to me."
To Be Continued....