My first and second period were passed with nothing eventful, except meeting with another cute boy can be qualified as an event. Louis isn't in my Math and History class. So, I can't get to know him yet other than his name. No problem, I will do it later. And for now, I can keep myself busy with this cute boy beside me. His name is Mikey. We are now heading to the cafeteria. I hold his hand even though he's a little bit uncomfortable with it at the beginning.
"Was it really funny?" I ask him since he can't stop giggling like a kid.
"Of course," he says, "You just said 'Hi, call me William, and I'm gay' in front of the class as if you were daring all of the homophobic in school. And even now, we are walking in the hallway holding hands." Then he laughs again.
"Heh, I bet this school is sweating too much for unimportant homophobic issues. They should try New York."
"You have no idea how many gays here who are still in the closet."
"Including you?" He nods. "Ever considered about coming out?"
"I don't know. Louis did it. But they all make this school feels like hell for him."
"Louis? Louis Nye?"
"Oh, you've met him?"
"I think so."
Mikey and I enter the cafeteria. The place is pretty noisy and crowded. But the foods look delicious. I can't wait to grab some. Then I feel Mikey's hand tugs on my sleeve. He is trying to say something but I can't clearly hear it. Then I close my ear to his lips.
"What makes you move from that New York to this small town?"
Then I look at his face as if making sure I heard the correct question. He is just replying me with big cute smile. I pull him to a less crowded corner.
"You want to know why I move here?" He eagerly nods without erasing that smile on his lips. "Okay, how do I explain it?" I feign myself thinking hard.
He giggles, "Just start from the beginning."
"Hmm, do you know how it feels when someone really wants something?" I lock my gaze into his eyes.
"Um, yeah?" He answers doubtfully.
"No, no. I mean really... REALLY want something..." I hold his chin gently and keep locking our gazes, "that is so hard to get?" Mikey can't hide his blushes. Not after he heard my husky tone of voice.
"Y-You mean... like I really want this one rare Star Wars movie poster?" He asks nervously with an analogy.
I give a little pause before moving my fingers from his chin to his neck. "Okay, let us make this a bit simpler. How about we just forget my moving reason and focus on buying you that rare poster, Mi?"
"Wh-" Mikey's eyes widen and his mouth is gaping. "Y-You want to... buy me that p-poster?"
"Uh huh," I answer with a smirk.
"But... it's quite pricey uh... Probably more than 300 dollars and... and... we just met and..."
"Why not?" My hands hold his cute face between them.
"Oh, my gosh, THANK YOU!" He is shrieking happily and circling my neck with his both arms. I laugh and close his slim waist to meet mine. As close as possible.
"It's my pleasure, Mi."
We are hugging tightly for a few moments before I finally lower my right hand from his waist down to his butt and grab it gently. From his gasping, I can tell that he seems surprised at that, but I don't care. He should know that there is one other thing I demand from him, and he has to say yes. My hand stops grabbing and starts fondling his butts.
"W-William..." His eyes are staring at me, wondering.
"And we can also buy some clothes for you to wear tomorrow because you're going to stay over at my place tonight." A charming smile crosses at my handsome face before I kiss his lips gently. With how hard his cheeks are blushing, I can tell for sure that tonight I won't be sleeping alone.