At the end of breakfast, I go to work, Patricia guides me to our boss's room, when I enter, my mouth opens exaggeratedly. The room is huge and majestic, it is painted in a dark tone, I can assure that the tone is gray, the bed is huge, it has a shelf that covers the entire wall full of books, the bedside table is black and it has a lamp with chocolate mahogany designs, it also has visible comfortable sofas in black, the windows are huge and the whole place is perfect.
I let myself admire the place and I start to clean, seeing the messy bed I frown, he was with that woman here and then he kissed me. Furious, I remove the sheets and curse when I feel the smell of his perfume, it is delicious and manly, that smell awakens the sensation of my body and transports me to those thoughts that I should not have, that man is a shameless man who only wants to take advantage of me.
After cleaning the room to get out of there and no longer think about that scoundrel man, I go down to the kitchen, Patricia already has lunch ready. I enter and a delicious smell welcomes me.
"You arrived on time, the lasagna is served." I smile excitedly, I am fascinated by lasagna, it is one of my favorite dishes. I follow her into the dining room and sit at the table, taking a bite of my lasagna and gasping in ecstasy.
“This is delicious, it is one of my favorite dishes,” I confess, “it works out very well for me,” I enjoy that delicacy as if it were the first time that I am eating it, “you are an excellent cook, Patricia. Congratulations!” The woman looks at me, proud of the compliment I have paid her.
"It's nothing sweetheart, enjoy it and I'm very glad you like it." I obey, of course I'm enjoying this delicious delicacy.
"How long have you been working for Mr. Meyer?" I look at her.
“About 10 years,” I raise my eyebrows, that's a long time, “he pays me well so I'm not complaining,” she shrugs, “I don't just cook here, when he has a company meeting, I'm the one who supervises the kitchen.” I look at her in amazement.
"Wow, you are doing well with the man."
She nods smiling, “the truth is that, he has been very good for me, he is a great boss,” I can't help but laugh with amusement, that woman is very blind, she doesn't know that her boss is not what he seems.
At the end of the day, I say goodbye to Patricia and I go to the university, I have Architectural drawing at the first hour and I am late, today I must present a project and if I do not arrive at the time I should, they will not accept it. I run as fast as I can and when I see my friends off campus I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I am not late.
"You should buy a car," Will advises me, "you can't ride these," he hugs me and kisses my head. Will is in love with me, but I always push him away, I love him as a friend and not as a couple, fortunately he accepts it, although whenever he has the opportunity he reminds me that he is willing to have a serious relationship with me.
"Teddy, you should listen to him, I don't like you being around so late, it's dangerous," I smile looking at Rusa, she's my friend, she's crazy, but she always supports me and never leaves me, she's always there for me, just like my Darling and Will.
“I don't have money for that, you know, besides,” I look at them amused, “you pay for my Uber, I'm not complaining,” I laugh when they huffed, “come on, we must present the work,” the three of us headed to the Architectural Drawing room.
As always, the teacher arrives just in time and starts the class immediately, each one of us presents our design. I worked on a design for a beach house, it has two floors, it was made of concrete and mostly has glass, its design is contemporary, quite modern and stylish, the rooms have a minimalist design and the bathrooms are more rustic in design.
After presenting my design and getting the best grade, I go with my friends to the construction system class and after this we give all that we have to until we finish all the classes. Tired and taking advantage of the last free hour I have, I sit down with my friends to talk.
“Simone went to the bar on Friday?” Rusa ask, “I couldn't go on the weekend,” she added, regretfully, “he really wanted to go and have fun,” I smile, I appreciate that it wasn't, I wouldn't have liked her to have witnessed what happened with Mr. Meyer.
“Quiet, nothing happens, you were with your boyfriend,” I reassure her so that she doesn't feel bad, “I'll try to take him again, apparently last time he had a great time,” I smiled when I remembered how happy he was to have Yazahib Meyer as a companion.
"I do sign up," assures Will, "I have to see you dance," he winks at me, I smile with amusement, he's crazy, “it's not good for everyone to look at you except me, I deserve it more than them,” he hugs me and kisses my head.
"You're an exaggerated person, Will, you don't just want to see. You want to touch and enjoy,” he looks into my eyes, his face is very close to mine, and then he smile.
“I also deserve that, I would like to touch you and go crazy,” he brings his face closer to mine, quickly I turn my face away and he kiss my cheek, “you are torturing me Daniel, what should I do to make you listen to me?” I sigh, he knows perfectly well, I don't want a relationship with him or anyone.
"Will, don't be silly," Rusa asks him. "Don't be so insistent, man, you're going to tire her." He nods while hugging me.
"Daniel," I hear a deep voice with an annoyed tone, when I turn, Yazahib is looking at me with an angry expression, “tell him to let go of you,” he orders with a pressed jaw.
I look at him reproachfully, “why would I do something like that? He's my friend, you shouldn't be here,” he walks quickly in our direction and pulls me, forcibly separates me from Will, my friends look at him in disbelief, before them is the most imposing man in all of America.
"Don't play with me," he warns me in a threatening tone, "get in the car," he orders me, "I won't repeat it twice."
I smile haughtily and cross my arms, "I will not do what you ask, I will not go with you" I hear him growl and shortly after, I was on air, he throws me on his shoulder and without caring about the looks of everyone present, he takes my bag and goes to his car, all at once. “I don't want to go with you,” I struggle to get him to put me down, but he doesn't, he puts me in the car and closes the door with force, I try to open it to get out, but it's impossible. He sits behind the wheel and without saying anything he drives off. "What's wrong with you? I didn't want to come with you, leave me here, please Mr. Meyer,” he accelerates the car and glares at me.
"I told you to call me by my name, I told you we would have dinner and we will do that, I warned you that you were mine, no one can touch you and that idiot was hugging you, I'm furious" he growls, breathing heavily.
"He's my friend and he can hug me whenever he wants, you should calm down, you can't drive so fast" he looks away and focuses on the road, I throw my bangs back and curse, "okay, I'll go with you, but not to those restaurants to which you are accustomed, I want to go to a McDonald's,” his gaze soon falls on me, he looks at me as if I was crazy, “otherwise I will yell and make a fool of you.”
He huffs like crazy, “okay, but then you come with me to my house, and I don't want to hear protests, I won't change my mind, so save yourself what you have to say."
I look at him with my mouth open, that man is also arrogant and controlling, “you are a scoundrel, this morning you were with a woman, you will not take me to her house, when will you understand that I am not interested in you? You should just leave me alone and stop being crazy every time a man touches me.”
He parks in the restaurant parking lot and sits up to face me, “when will you stop lying to yourself? You know I do a lot of things to you, you are dying to be with me."
I laugh at what he says, “it's not true, I don't want you, you know that, don't lie to yourself or try to see things where there aren't any,” without telling him anything else, I get out of the car and go into the restaurant. When he enters, people are amazed to see him there, the Towering and respected businessman Yazahib Meyer is at a fast food restaurant. When he approaches me, he takes my hand, I try to separate, but he does not allow it.
"Order to go, we will not stay here" nervous because of so many looks on me, I obey, I ask for everything to take away, once we leave the restaurant we go to the car and he drives to his house. Am I crazy? I should be running away from him, not on my way to his house, I mentally scold myself, I don't know how to escape from this man, it seems impossible.
When we get to his home, I go to the dining room, he goes up to his room and when he comes down he is without his dress jacket and with his tie undone, I do not look at him for more than five seconds, I forbid it, I do not speak to him either, I wanted to be in my house, not here with him.
"I don't understand," I look at him after a long silence, I can't take it anymore, “what do you want with me? I'm sure other women die to be with you, why don't you leave me alone and look for another?”
He looks me straight in the eye, “they are not you, if your concern is because you saw Aurora here, I already told you, she is not my partner," I curse out loud in frustration, “do not act that way,” he chides me.
"I really don't understand, I'm never going to sleep with you, I don't know you and besides, you're a scoundrel who hangs out with many women."
He settles in the chair and looks at me, “don't believe everything you see on television and in gossip magazines, you say you don't want to be with me because you don't know me, okay, ask me anything and I'll answer you, that way you can know me.”
I swallow the potato chip I had in my mouth and sigh, I won't escape this, “how old are you?”
“37 years old.”
I look at him surprised, he doesn't seem to be that old, “wow ..." I whispered incredulously."Family?"
His face changes suddenly, he looks uncomfortable, “like any other."
I nod, that has left me intrigued, “hobbies?"
He smiles, “shooting guns, and listening to music."
I smile at the second he says the latter, I'm also a music lover. I put my irritation aside and we talk like two great friends, Yazahib is funny, he is quite an interesting person although he does not talk much about his family. We're sitting on the back porch drinking beer and I'm ignoring the tension between the two of us, every touch of skin, every look in our eyes, every smile we give each other is like an invitation to kiss and caress.
"The night is cold," I whisper from the cold, I feel his strong body envelop me, the smell of him intoxicates me and the warmth of him makes me feel safe.
"Why don't you want to be with me?" He asks out of nowhere, “now you can't tell me it's because you don't know me, we've talked all night and I can assure you that you know me more than anyone."
I raise my head and look at him in the eyes, “I don't trust you, to accept being with you is to have the position of a lover permanently, and I don't agree with that, I don't want to be anyone's lover, nor do I want to lose my virginity with a man who doesn't value and ...”
"Are you a virgin?" He interrupts, I stop looking at him and get up, I shouldn't have said that. "Where are you going? Dani, come here,” he yells after me, running, I go for my things and I leave the house, but he grabs me before I could.
"I must go, I remembered that I have a job for tomorrow, I can't get a bad grade, please let me go."
He looks at me with a frown, “stay," he asks me pleadingly, "I promise not to touch you, but stay."
I deny without stopping and I look at him pleadingly, “please let me go," I hear him sigh.
"Okay, but I'll take you home." I accept what he proposes, I wouldn't want to be around alone.
Upon reaching my house, I open the door to get out of the car, but Yazahib stops me, I look at him afraid. "I must go," I whisper, he slowly walks up to me and kisses me softly on the lips.
"See you tomorrow, and remember it well Dani, I don't want anyone to come near you, I don't want any man near you, especially now that I know the truth, do you understand? You're mine.”
I glare at him, “don't call me Dani, my name is Daniel, and I'm not yours, I should never have told you that I am a virgin, now you'll want to be the first, I don't want to be with you, I never will.” I quickly get out of the car and run to the door when I hear him scream to stop me, when I enter, I run up the stairs. When entering my apartment everything is silent, my friend is asleep so I silently go to bed. Immediately, Yazahib settles in my thoughts, today I have known a little about him and I liked it, but I cannot ignore the fact that he's a scoundrel, I'll never be with that man, I hate him.