« This is only a friendly outing Ms. Negative-As-Hell, calm down. We all just friends, going out, to watch a movie. »
Tasha shook her head repeatedly, her hands working to put on her checkered Vans slip-ons. « And dinner, not only movies, dinner too. »
« So ? Are you saying that’s romantic or something ? » Kennedy raised a questioning brow at her friend.
Tasha stood up and fixed her clothes. « Nah, I’m saying it’s intimate though, for people who barely know each other… »
« Well, you looking weirdly good for not wanting to go, Tasha. Who are you trying to impress ? »
Tasha glared at Kennedy. « Girl, you’re reaching. »
Kennedy shrugged her shoulders innocently. « I’m just saying, don’t get your panties in a twist. »
Tasha shook her head at her best friend and grabbed her arm. « Whatever, let’s get out of here before we’re late. »
The four young adults had trouble agreeing on what exactly to watch. On one hand, Tasha and Steven wanted to see Jordan Peele’s terrifying horror movie Us. On the other hand, Kennedy and Malik wanted to go with the comedy What Men Want starring Taraji P. Henson.
« You know what ? Y’all can go watch that horror movie. Malik and I will be laughing and enjoying ourselves. » Kennedy grabbed Malik’s arm and moved them to buy their own tickets.
Steven put his arm around Tasha’s shoulders and smirked at her. « So I guess it’s just us two, princess. »
Tasha sighed heavingly and looked back at Steven. « What did I tell you about calling me that ? »
« Sorry, just can’t help myself, beautiful. »
Tasha rolled her eyes and removed his heavy arm from her shoulder. « C’mon white boy, let’s go get our tickets. »
Steven laughed at what Tasha called him and followed right behind her, trying hard not to look at her behind. He was trying to be a gentleman.
It took them a while to get their tickets because of both of them being hard headed. Tasha wanted them to split the bill, she would pay for the tickets and he would pay for their popcorn and drinks. Steven on the other side wanted to just pay for everything.
In the end, Steven begrudgingly agreed to Tasha’s desires and let her pay for their tickets. Though, he was going to buy their snacks still.
« I’ve watched the trailer to Us so many times, I literally memorized the lines. Can’t wait to watch it ! » For some reason Tasha didn’t seem to dread Steven’s presence so much, she actually was nice enough to him now.
« I was sold to Jordan Peele two years ago because of Get Out, I know this won’t disappoint either. »
Tasha stared up at Steven as they walked to get their snacks. « Oh my gosh, Get Out is one of my favorite movies ! So good ! »
Steven smiled, Tasha’s excitement was so contagious. Her smile excited him too. « Same here, great cinematography. »
Tasha pointed to Steven and raised her brow. « Okay, we might be more alike than I thought. You’re my new movie partner. »
Steven could feel pure happiness flow through his body, transforming into a large smile on his face. « I’mma hold you to that. »
« Hello, what would y’all like today ? » An overly enthusiastic voice coming from behind the counter asked the two as they arrived at the snack station.
Tasha recognized that voice as James Martin’s, one of the few other black kids at Crest High. He was a chill dude, goofy, and fun to hang around. Tasha and James dated a little last year, she ended things between them though.
She just wasn’t attracted to him on that level, she thought he was a great person. Couldn’t seem him as more than a friend though. Now they were still cool, Tasha did not know he still lowkey had feelings for her.
« Hey, James ! How are you ? » She smiled brightly at him, not noticing the way he and Steven were looking at the other.
James moved his gaze to Tasha and smiled back at her. « I’m doing just fine. How about you, Tasha ? »
« I’m good, I haven’t seen you in a while at school. How are your mom and Clarence doing ? »
James licked his lips, a satisfied smile still plastered on his face. « They’re doing good, I hope everything’s well with your famil-«
« Sorry, James. Could we get our popcorn, we got a movie to catch. » Steven looked at his watch, then back at James. « And right now we only have five minutes till the movie starts… »
James’ smile seemed to grow because of what Steven said. He understood perfectly what was in front of him.
Tasha might have been clueless about Steven’s feelings for her, but James saw it. He looked at Tasha the same way James used to, James noticed an even greater intensity in Steven’s look, though.
« Alright man, sorry for the inconvenience. What type of popcorn y’all want ? »
Tasha looked up at Steven in question, wondering what type of popcorn he wanted.
Steven couldn’t help the smile and the softness in his voice while looking at Tasha. « Anything you want, princess. I’ll eat it too. »
She glared at him because of what he called her but then smiled gratefully at him. « Thank you, Steven. »
She turned back to James and ordered kettle popcorn with extra butter, while cheesing the whole time. She loved popcorn, hell, she loved food in general.
« Alright, y’all. Here you go. » James passed Tasha their extra large popcorn then grabbed the Cokes they ordered, handing them to Steven as Steven gave him cash to pay for their food.
« Have a good time, guys. » James smirked at Tasha and nodded. « I’ll see you around Tasha, don’t be stranger, alright ?
Tasha laughed and shook her head. « I won’t be, see you, James. »
Steven wanted to punch James’ mouth, yet he knew that Tasha wouldn’t have liked that, so he refrained from doing so. He decided to focus on not pouring their drinks as they walked to the showroom for Us.
They decided to sit right in the middle of the theater, a position that they agreed was the best. Once they settled down, Steven asked the burning questions that flooded his brain.
« So, James Martin, huh ? »
Tasha was already stuffing her face with popcorn, Steven’s question causing her to look over at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
« What ? » She chewed quickly then washed it down with her Coke. « Are you judging my choices ? »
No, Steven wasn’t judging Tasha for dating James. She probably didn’t know how much of a fuck boy he was, but that wasn’t the point. He knew that she had broken up with James, so perhaps she had seen how she was too good for him.
The truth of the matter was, Tasha had ended things with James because, subconsciously, she felt as if James would have eventually if she did not. Yes, she didn’t love him.
But that was good, she didn’t give herself time to fall in love with him. She couldn’t move away from the fact that there were just better girls all around Crest High.
Again, this was all happening in Tasha’s subconscious. If anyone asked her, she would have said she was generally a confident person.
« No, I’m not judging. He just isn’t really your type, you know ? »
Steven used to get irritated a lot last year when she and James were dating. Initially, he didn’t notice it. Nelson and Malik had to point out the fact to him, Steven couldn’t even deny it.
The theatre room was dim, yet the light from the screen showing a movie trailer was bright, causing a beautiful glow on Tasha’s skin. Of course, Steven ogled at her.
« Not my type ? » She laughed at what he said. « You mean he’s too popular for me or something ? »
Steven made a face. « Of course not ! I mean that you care about others, have morals, are smart, beautiful… But James Martin, he’s just, not good enough for you. »
Tasha was staring at Steven, her face stuffed once again. She had no idea what to say. He listed qualities about her as if he knew from experience when she could only recall being rude to him.
Thankfully, before she could say anything, the room got darker, bringing a halt to their conversation.