"You wanna leave? I can drop you " he said with a concerned voice.
"But I came here with Maya " I was staring at the floor and my voice was shaking.
"You can text her that you are going, and you can trust me" there was something in his eyes that I couldn't refuse.
I sat on the passenger side and he started driving. Once again I was lost in my thoughts. If Zain didn't come what would happen to me... I shivered.
I sent a short text to Maya and closed my eyes. The whole ride was silent. None of us tried to start the conversation. I looked at his handsome face from the corner of my eyes. Just by seeing him, I was getting butterflies in my stomach. I took a deep breath.
"Thanks a lot... I don't know how to thanks" I said as he stopped the car in front of my house.
He stared at me for a few seconds then his lips curled into a smile. His smile
"Umm...it's my pleasure, then see you" he started his car and I was standing there thinking about him.
After changing my dress, I offered salah ( namaz/prayer). Before going to my bed I recited Surah Rehman.
This was my favorite surah.
The next day, I overslept, Allah, I missed my fajr prayer. I offered my qaza prayer and hopped in the shower. After dressing up a little bit, I moved my step downstairs.
"Asslamalaikm papa" I smiled at him.
"Walekumassalam, how is your college-going," He asked me but his eyes were glued on the newspaper.
"Good, but papa, I think I need a dorm as it takes two hours to reach my college " I didn't know how would he react but I have to say it anyway.
"Oh I see, okay I'll talk to college management if they have any free room or not " he reacted normally. I thanked Allah, he agreed.
I thought I would manage traveling but Maya ditched me, She took a room in the college's dorm. So it became quite risky for me to travel alone. Also, I was still shivering from the last night's incident. I just couldn't take any risk further.
"Wow, it means your car is now mine" Mariya exclaimed with joy. I groaned at her.
"But you have already a car, and I can't give it to you, uncle Ubaid gifted me" I made a frowned face.
"But I like yours, Uncle Ubaid loves you more, he never gifted me anything expensive like this" She pouted.
"And the whole family loves you.." I snapped back.
"Shiza, don't you have manners? She is your elder sister, what's yours is also hers," My mom said in high pitched voice.
"But mom..."I want to say then why I can't touch her belongings. Is this rule apply only to me ???
"Okay " I didn't utter a word and left the room and Mariya showed me her bitchy smile.
She always does this. I didn't know why she loves hurting me? Why?