The marriage happened so soon after their meet. Adarv didnt want this marriage . Its not like he hate her . Its like he had some expectation about his to be wife being a strong and a courageous girl and there is one more reason . But before some years his wish was different ,on that time he want a calm girl just like Vanya . But now time changes as well as adarv's expectation about his wife . So he didnt wanted this marriage.
Its the wedding night , Vanya is sitting in Adarv 's room while her face is covered as per the ritual . Adarv came after some time . He sat beside her and said .
" look i m not so interested in this marriage . Its just my mother wish and i cant go against her because she is my only family ..."
He stopped then continue "... i had some expectations about my wife . And the truth is you are actually the opposite of it . I don't ask you to change your character as per my wish .....but......i want time .....i want some time to adjust with it ......may be it will be months or year . If you wish you can continue and when you are fed up with this you can openly talk to me and i will arrange a divorce ..."
Even though it hurted her a bit ,She nodded her head with a smile and said " thank you . I will wait for that day "
Then they slept peacefully welcoming the new day .
Firstly it become difficult for them to adjust but gradually it became easy for them . They became friends slowly . Their day start with each other and end with each other . From Vanya 's behaviour we can find out she began to love him . The days went faster and a good bond exist between them . They began to go office together and return together . In night they share things with each other . Maya felt so happy for her son as their bond make her so happy and Vanya ,her behaviour towards Maya , she felt she is the most happiest person in the world for having a nice son and a understanding daughter in law . But she is unaware of their bond as 'just friends' .
On day in office , Vanya was walking towards Adarv's cabin . She thought to express her feelings .so she went to inform him about a dinner she arranged for them.From her face itself shows the happiness
She slowly opened the door but became shocked ... shocked to the core to find her love hugging a girl . She keenly looked at her and her face which make her more shocked . 'Tanu ....., How come she here' Vanya know her .tanu saw Vanya . Firstly she too shocked but she smirk and hugged Adarv tightly while he didnt noticed Vanya . She went from there . Tears are rolling from her eyes , Now she know his other reason of not liking their marriage.
When Vanya left there , Adarv felt someone's presence. He broke the hug and asked Tanu whether any one came . She replied as a lady came there and after seeing them she left and shrugg off . Adarv came out side the cabin to know about the visitor he missed . He found a staff coming near him . The staff asked him
"Did you fought with Vanya ?"
"No ? Why are you asking ?"
" then why she is crying after stepping from your cabin ?"
Adarv find out about the visitor . Its Vanya . He asked him about her whereabouts . He replied from his knowledge. He went there. And found Vanya standing facing her back towards him .
" Vanya .." he called her
She turn towards him . He saw her eyes . " yes .... why you called me " she asked like nothing happened.
" that.... there...." he look for words to explain.
"No need for explanation . ... I just ... thought we are good friends ...but .. I expect too much " she said with a fake smile.
" I m leaving " she added . And left from there . On her way she met Tanu , she smriked. Vanya give a sharp look and left from there.
As usual evening Vanya and Adarv together return to house an unusual silence prevailed. Vanya didn't utter a voice . Adarv tried to make things normal but all in vain .
They came back at home . As usual things go like routine . Maya noticed them and found out that something had happened between them .
She confront Adarv and asked to pacify her because she is much sure that fault is upon her son. He agreed after his mother request and he to want to pacify her . He dont know why but when she kept quiet he feels bad .
He tried to speak with her . Most time when he start about the office incident . She dont face him or she left from there.
Its not like she took a complete silent strike against his behaviour . She talk with him but only the necessary things. Not too much . Just like a stranger . And it continued .
One such night when he was about to go for a dinner with Tanu . His mother called him and enquired about his sudden night trip . He lie as he is going for a dinner with his friend . Suddenly she asked him to cancel it and took Vanya with him and go to dinner . She added that it will help him to pacify her . At last he accept for her decision and Vanya to unwantedly went with him .she didn't know that he was going out with tanu .
"Actually there is no friend with which i thought to go for dinner . Its...its tanu " Adarvs aid Vanya after they seated in the table .
" if you had said this before i didnt had come with you . So i'm leaving " she said with a hurt face .
" but you are alone . I will...."
" need for that . I will get a cab . Don't spoil your dinner by thinking about me i will reach home safely. And best of luck " by saying this she went from there .
After some time tanu came there .
" sorry Adarv. I m little bit late "
" its ok . Tanu . And by the way why you called me suddenly . Is everything ok ?"
" no Adarv nothing is ok . My dad come to know about this relation and he is so angry that i am in relation with a married man "
" what do you mean tanu ?"
" i mean to say . I dont think , things will work out between us "
" who you find now ?" Adarv asked with an angry tone.
" Adarv... listen lt's not finding some one . Its about our family . Look , do you think your mother will be happy for our marriage ."
" dont you thought about it before " he asked with the same tone .
" Adarv, not like that but now i thought about reality . In this marriage neither your mother is happy nor my dad . So let s end this relation Adarv"
" did some one force you for this tanu "
Suddenly she placed her palm at her cheek and soon withdraw back and said " no , Adarv no . No one force me i just thought about it that's all "
" so you mean to say let's break up . Ok if you thought that much i m not going against you . Any way thanks for end it now " he said last line with sarcasm.
Then they parted to different place . On his way . He thought about his relation with tanu and his relation with Vanya . Its like he is comparing both ladies and come to conclusion that Vanya is only fit for him . He happily turn his car to find a girl who is surrounded by some people . She is scared he find out from her action of talking with them and holding her purse .
he suddenly stopped his car and stepped out of it to help her . He began to increase his walk but when he was about to reach her one person among that group hold her hand and with in a span of time the guy is seemed to be in ground . And other person in that group ,with a gost seen fear ,look at that lady .
Then they start fighting . She beaten them badly as at last she left alone and those people in that group run from there saving their life .
While Adarv was too shocked for her sudden attack and when the fight end he thought to help her to reach home . He didnt saw her face in these time . When he neared her she unconsciously fell on the ground . He run towards her and looked at her face .
He totally shocked to see her there . He didnt even in his dream thought that he will witness such a scene. A scene where his so called calm wife Vanya , fighting with a group of people .
hope you guys like it