We've arrived to talk about the engagement.
"Is it not too soon, dad?" she asked Grandpa Mahlon and her, father.
Mahlon has remained silent, leaving her to wonder what he was thinking.
“Is he willing to marry a non-virgin or is there something he's withholding?” she wondered.
She made a conscious effort not to overthink things.
Mahlon looked at her and said something she didn't understand.
"We'll have the engagement in three months, so you'll have time to think about it this month," Mahlon said
“When he opens his lips, that is the only thing that comes out of it,” she murmured to herself with a furious grin on her face. Mahlon Wesley stands and speaks “don’t worry about yourself during this time; everything will be taken care of by us.” He looks at Francis Angel and continues to speak.
“In a few weeks, we’ll meet to discuss the engagement.” Francis nods his head in agreement and escorts them out.
She is left with no choice but to accept her father's decision.
It’s quite early in the morning, August has arrlived at the University. He couldn’t sleep last night and kept tossing and turning.
The rifle was all he could think about.
He parked his Royce roll and proceeded to the library.
Nora Green, who is always beautiful, is the first person he sees. Looking at her nice dress, doing crazy things to her is all he could think of and her smile was making it worse for him.
He visioned himself lifting her and carrying her away.
At the notion of it, he bites his lower lip.
She kept staring at him, and she was biting her lower lip while doing so.
“Shit.” He cursed out, he could feel all eyes on him.
Which made his move to the nearest table.
He mumbled, “Behave, she’s your friend’s girlfriend.”
Nora Green is the second daughter of the Greens, one of the country’s wealthiest families. She is Gilbert Green’s younger sister and Aiden Blue’s girlfriend.
She’s been dropping hints on him since high school.
He was on the verge of giving in since she is so appealing. Aiden gets in the way of his ideas as he shows up in front of him.
“Greetings handsome,” he says whilst looking at feces.
“Hello,” he replies whilst hiding his hands in his pockets so he wouldn’t notice.
"Can't you be a guy for a change and leave my bag alone?" he spoke with a furious face.
"I'm sorry, dude, I was looking for your computer and I just happened to find the pistol in your bag," Aiden replies whilst handing him his bag with a pistol in a plastic.
"You're such a jerk, give it to me," August replied before grabbing the bag from him.
"Bad friend," he said and walked away.
"What is it with you and your attitude August?” Aiden asked.
He left Aiden and went to attend his first-class. “Aiden appeared to be wearing something unusual; does he realize it's made of gold?” he murmured to himself after seeing Aiden enter.
He looked at Nora who was sitting opposite him and the bad thoughts surfaced again.
"Does she know that I can make her change from food to bad if she persists one of these days,” he murmurs to himself with a smile on his face.
After classes, he went to his Royce Rolls and found Aiden kissing someone; he looked at the lady, trying to recall where he last saw her “oh bad. ”he curses, it's the girl from the party.
Aiden gets out of his Royce Rolls and tries to strike a conversation with him, but he speeds off in his car to avoid picking a fight with him. August comes to a halt at the cafe, where he discovers Nora crying.
“What exactly is the problem? Why are you so upset?” he inquired whilst making his way to where she was standing.
She rises and leaps into his arms.
"Oh good she smells amazing," he says as he hugs her again.
August looks to her before beforehand, as if to ask, "What's wrong?"
She says nothing in response.
"Let's go out for a drink," she says.
He smiled at her suggestion and nodded his head"
He drives her to a restaurant and makes a reservation in advance, just in case. He laughs at himself for planning for something he isn't sure about it.
He brought her to a restaurant, found a spot somewhere hidden, and ordered their food.
He ordered something light from, the beautiful waiter, and Nora chuckled
“What is it?” he inquired.
“I want something powerful,” she replied.
Okay,” strong it sighed replied.
He tries to strike up small talk here and there and asked about her state.
She sighed and averted her gaze.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she replied avoiding his gaze.
At that time the waiter decides to enter,” just got saved from the useless conversation.” They both murmured to themselves.
They try to make small talks whilst they are eating.
No getting drunk and talking more than her usual way of talking and he had noticed that she was getting drunk. "I like you, August Angel," Nora said.
He laughed, he couldn’t believe she was drunk and opening up for the first time after many years.
He acted as if he hasn’t heard anything and moved his gaze elsewhere.
She then asked him another inquiry, leaving him with a question mark on his face.
"Can we go somewhere else, somewhere private like a hotel room?" She asked with a smile on her face.
he wondered what was wrong with her but being a guy he was getting what he had been thinking of since the moment he arrived at school.
Let's get going." he responded. She had difficulty walking because she had a lot to drink which made him hold her waist and let her lineon him.
"This is what a powerful drink does to a woman." He teased her as they made their way to the room.
He takes her hand in his as they make their way to the room he had reserved earlier.
He shuts the door behind him and she grabs his wrist, looking into his eyes.
He sensed his body betraying him as she draws closer to him.
They’re already in the fourth round before he realizes it.
Anastasia received a message from an unknown number asking if she wanted to have dinner with him and if that wasn’t enough, that someone was going topick her up at 8 p.m.
As she tried on her third dress, she wondered who it was.
She eventually settled on something basic but distinctive.
She descends to the ground level to await the person who will pick her up.
She checks her, watch and sees that it is 8:10 p.m. She assumes it's someone who isn't very good at keeping time.
"Why have you taken so long?" Francis speaks to have her attention.
She is surprised to find her father and Mahlon Brown, seated and looking like they have been waiting for too long.
He bid farewell to Francis Angel with a nod and leads her outside to his car. It's a quiet trip with no one speaking; and a little strange.
Finally, they arrived at the MB Hotel, which is owned by the Brown family.
They are directed to a private dining establishment.
They press their orders right away after the waiter arrives with the menu.
The moment the waiter leaves them, the room gets silent, much like her workplace when she is working which bothers her a lot.
She steals a glimpse at him, he is, after all, who they claim he is.
The term handsome is insufficient; the man is a shaman of sexiness.
The waitress chooses this precise moment to disturb her thoughts to bring their orders. He excuses himself, which makes Mahlon give him a dismissive nod.
Anastasia tries to make small talks by asking questions, she asked a lot of questions about food and places, he simply nodded yes or no.
She questioned, “Why do you want to marry me?”
“I owe you,” Mahlon responded.
She asked again, “What do you owe me?”
He looked at her with a blank exprecession.
She studied his perplexed expression; he was both chilly and charming at the same time.
His phone vibrates before she can try to talk to him again.
He looked at her and explained that he had some urgent matter to solve at work so they had to go. She didn’t say anything only nodded her end and got up from her seat.
They arrived at his workplace a few minutes, they found a few of his employees were available, they decided to use a private elevator which leads them to his Penthouse
"I will be right back," he said assuring her and leaving.
She was expressing his penthouse with no one to talk which made her doze off.
She woke up early in the morning and found herself sleeping in a man's arms, she looked at his face and found it was Mahlon she covered her face in shame.