I stared up at the ceiling of my bedroom, waiting. Just waiting. I would continuously hear footsteps go up and down the hall outside my door, and I would hold in my breath and anxiously wait there silently, but nobody ever came to my door. Maybe Master Wilson didn't mean what he said. Maybe it was just to scare me.
I turned over, my back to my bedroom door, and I shut my eyes, taking a big, quivering breath. The atmosphere was so lonely with despair in my room, I had never felt like this in my old one before.
And then my door creaked open. My legs began shaking, my heart began thumping against my chest, my skin produced hot sweat that rolled down my back as my door closed, and I heard soft footsteps going around my bed and over to my side, where I was laying.
I heard what sounded like someone bending down, their face close to mine, and I could feel the hot air coming from one's nostrils flaring on my face. Then, a gentle, sleek hand collided itself with my face, and slowly stroked my cheek, getting my hair caught between the hand's fingers.
"You are perfect." A low voice mumbled, and I didn't make a sound or movement. I didn't want him to know I was awake. He stood up, and walked over to the other side of my bed, and I felt the mattress sink under my body, and I swallowed hard, tears forming in the rims of my eyes as I felt a muscular arm stretch over and across my body, and a broad chest rest itself on my back. "You don't have to be scared of me, sweetheart. I'll never hurt my baby girl.."
Please. I thought. Just let me go. Let me go back home.
I woke up with plenty of sun in my eyes, and I didn't enjoy it. Waking up meant getting up, meeting new people, having to face the people I faced yesterday.
Of course, I was alone as I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes. Images from last night immediately struck me hard. I'm just glad it didn't go as bad as it planned. Nothing happened, really. I fell asleep quickly, my own fears drowning me in.
I grabbed an outfit already laid for me on the edge of my bed, and I assumed either Bridget or someone like Master Wilson picked it for me. After that, I creaked my bedroom door open, and looked around.
It was still pretty early in the morning, in fact, breakfast in the dining hall wasn't even assembled yet. I sighed as I stepped out into the silent hallway, and shut my door behind me, and began making steady steps toward the stairs.
But one of the other girl's bedrooms swung open, and Nora grabbed my shoulder and nearly shoved me toward the railing. I gasped, grabbing onto the wooden rails, looking down over the ledge and at the gawking living room.
"Here's a couple of rules you should know before you start off your day." I groaned as I looked over at Nora, who was in some sort of lingerie outfit, and she crossed her arms, a smug look on her face. "Don't fucking suck up to Master."
"I wasn't." I mumbled quietly, straightening myself out. "I never would, I don't even like him, nor want to be here with him."
"We all know how you truly feel." Nora looked me up and down judgement in her eyes. "Even the other girls think so. You're just some slutty newcomer, whose dream is to be the Master's favourite, his prissy little pet. But we all know who should and will be the real favourite." She flipped her hair, and I automatically assumed she thought it was her. "You are an outsider, Maddie. You will never get along well with any of us girls, or anyone else here. It's all an act."
Then, she turned around and walked back into her room, her small butt cheeks bouncing off one another as she shut her door. I didn't know whether she was giving me shit, or telling the truth, but God knows I sure hoped it was the first one.
And why would I want to be Master's favourite? If you were, yes, you'd be treated better and might live a little easier life, but what comes with that is cons, too. Like having barely any freedom, because your Master is so worried and clingy to you that he doesn't want you going anywhere. Or maybe he'll be obsessed with you, or possessive over you, and worse things.
Being Master Wilson's favourite was not on my wish list. But as I continued down the steps, toward the living room, it hit me.
I was already Master's favourite.