After listening to aryaman everyone stoped for a manik continued
Manik: hua...kuch bolo to sahi
Nandini: yea usny sab jalat fehmi ki waja sy kia tha..
Listening to them...cabir spoke
Cabir:aryaman...(aryaman looks at him) tum hum logon ky sath raho gy...but..
Mukti: but aik condition ha
Dhruv: or wo condition ya ha
Alya: that u will never
Navya: tum humst kabhi kuch nhi chupao gy
All 5 :deal???
Aryaman gets happy nd hug them : deal...
All of them had a group hug...after breaking the hug
Manik: chalo guys lets sleep( looking at nandini) kaal hmy jana bhi ha...
Nandini understanding his words shyly smiles
Navya: han humy wsy bhi bht neend a rhi ha..
All of them retired to their room nd alya went to dhruv's room...
In manan room:
Nandini was going to thw washroom to change her dress...but was stopped as manik pulled her to him...nandini was banged to his chest...
Manik:i think tumhy kuch yaad dilana pary ga...(nandini looks at him) i told u to be ready at night...remember.
Nandini:manik choro mujhy kaal humy jana bhi ha so (hiding hus blush)
Manik: not today plz yr
Nd pulled her to him...he cups his face with one hand nd his one hand was rested on her waist...he move closer nd crash his lips on hers taking her for a passionate kiss...nandini's hand went to his hair and started ruffling his hair...without breaking the kiss manik pull nandini to he bad nd make her lay down on the bed and hovered her...after feeling out of breath they broke the kiss bt manik doesn't leave her skin nd start giving her open mouth kisses on her neck... nd his hand was doing their work of opening her couple of min their clothes were shattered on the floor nd then what followed was a room filled witm moan,hroan and giggles of them... after 3 hours being exasted both slept in each other arms...
Next morning:
Manan room:
Nandini wake up first nd see his man sleeping holding her close to him... she smiles nd make her free from his hold...she stood with wraping the blanket holding it close to her chest and went to the balcony...
After 5 min she feel someones hand hugging her from behind feeling his touch nandini smiles nd ruffle his hair with her free hand... manik hide his face in the crook of her neck...
Nandini: tum q uth gy
Manik: bcoz of not feeling u beside..
Nandini:ok thn agar tum uth gy ho to go adk the butler for the breakfast tab tak ill take shower phir tum ready ho jana..
Manik: actually nandini mein kia...
He was cutted by nandini: before u say your idea mujhy pata ha tum kia kaho gy... so plz jao..
Manik: not before this
Before nandini could register manik was kissing her... after feeling breathless...thy broke the kiss nd went to their respective work...
Nandini after freshing up came out wearing a knee length frock
In the mean tome manik came to the room nd saw nandini standing infront the mirror...she saw manik standing at the door...
nandini:manik tum a gy chalo jldi sy ready ho jao... thn nechay chay gy..
Manik nodded nd went to take shower nd came back wearing shorts and tank top
Both went down nd saw the whole gang in the dining room
While having breakfast cabir ask manik
Cabir: so aj humny kahan jana ha
Before manik can spoke alya said: aj humy shopping py jana ha bcoz manik ny hmy shopping nhi krny di thi any sy pehly
Agreeing to alya manik spoke: ok then aj pehly shopping thn will go for movie thn after having dinner we will came back... nd before anyone spoke kaal hum log beach py jay gy...ok
Everyone: ok
All of them had their breakfast nd went to the mall for shopping... all of them were shopping when manik recive a call so he came out of the shop to attend it... while he was talking he saw someone... so he ended the call nd went behind that person... manik went nd put his hand on the persons shoulder as he turn manik was shocked to see the person....