(Super long bonus chapter)
The next morning came and Roxanne felt more refreshed than ever. She jumped from her bed energetically, yawning heavily as she stretched her hands. She smacked her lips as she inserted her legs into her flip-flops and went straight to the bathroom.
This was the usual Roxanne, not the tardy one of the previous day. She hummed and moved her body to a non-existent beat as she nodded her head systematically to a rhythm that played in her head.
“Baby don’t hurt me….No more…” She muttered melodiously, forgetting the rest of the lyrics and just filling them up with mode humming sounds. She picked up her brush and paste as she laced the former with the latter. Walking toward the wash, she took a gentle stride and turned to face the mirror as she put the brush in her mouth ready to begin her morning routine. She smiled as she continued humming, she had a good feeling about the day.
That feeling didn’t last one more second when she looked at the mirror in front of her.
Roxanne stopped dead in her tracks as she gazed upon the appalling sight that stared back at her in the mirror.
Her hand fell immediately and she stopped brushing, her full attention was solely focused on the image which reflected back to her.
Her hair… It had turned blue overnight!
For the first time all morning, she finally paid close attention to the hair which flowed from her head and realized that it matched what she saw in the mirror.
“B-But how…? This doesn’t just ‘happen’. I just dyed this stuff last week.” She yelled to herself.
First, the first few strands of hair yesterday, and now this today. She initially paid no heed to the few blue strands that first appeared, waving them off as coincidence. But this… How could this have happened?
Even after she had woken up early and felt so great, this happens. Of course, she couldn’t take such absurdly colored hair to school, she would have to dye it… Even if it meant being late for school!
Roxanne walked to school at a slow pace, glancing around her every few seconds to make sure she was alone.
Her dark hair flowed naturally as the winter breeze blew at it. She had a winter cap on her head as well as gloves, accompanied by a pink winter jacket and matching boots. Her pants were black, which seemed to go well with her hair and the large buttons on her jacket.
For some reason, the weather was extra cold, unlike the previous day. Roxanne wondered why, but she decided not to think much about it, instead, she needed to focus on more important matters.
As a great gust of winter wind blew, Roxanne quickly used both her hands to hold her cap while the cold winds blew past her. Slowly, it subsided. She heaved a sigh of relief as she adjusted her cap to make sure it was positioned correctly.
The reason she was so conscious about her cap wasn’t that she was worried about the cold or that it would fly away. She was more concerned about her hair… It was a wig.
Realizing that she didn’t have enough time to dye her hair and dry it, while still making it to homeroom, she decided on the next best thing.
“A wig?” Melissa asked her daughter.
“Yeah… Do you have any that looks exactly like my hair, so it won’t be obvious that I’m using one?” Roxanne asked.
“Will… There is this one I have. It looks exactly like yours, it even has the same texture. But…” Her mom said with a funny look.
“It’s a bit too breezy… So you might want to use something to hold it together….”
“This is ridiculous” Roxanne muttered to herself as she dragged her feet to school.
What a good way to start her day. Some good feeling that was.
She passed the gate and walked into the hallway, heading for her locker in a hurry. The sooner she got to class, the better.
“Roxyyyy!!!” A voice yelled out to her.
Betty? Again?
“Does she just wait in a corner to watch when I get to my locker?” Roxanne asked herself.
“Nice headwear, you look… Different, but like, in a good way, not in a weird way… Of course… You know what I mean” Betty said, laughing sheepishly.
Of course, she knew she looked weird so she didn’t need that to be pointed out. Besides, it was better for her that she looked slightly different this way, than for her to bring her full on blue hair to school. At least some of the damage had been mitigated.
“Let's just get to class,” Roxanne sighed.
After taking her stuff, she went straight for class.
School ended uneventfully, just the way Roxanne liked it. Fortunately, other than Betty’s earlier comment, no one else seemed to mind or pay much attention to her head. Sure, there were the usual stares but she was used to that already.
She went to practice after school, as usual, with Betty waiting behind for her extra lessons and club activities. If anyone was more active than Roxanne, it was Betty. From charity work, to music lessons, to book club membership… She seemed to be everywhere. Well, except sports since she sucked at it. Ironic, since Roxanne’s main strength was in that department.
When she got to the gym, she hurriedly climbed to the first floor and found a way to tie up her hair, so her wig remained in a position. Plus, with her headgear, she was safe from it falling off. As long as she was able to win, she had nothing to worry about.
“You seem to be guarding your head especially well today,” Donald said with a sly smile.
“Yeah… Well, I don’t want that bruise you gave me yesterday, so I have to be careful now, ``she replied.
Training also went normally, though this made Roxanne a bit curious since she thought her coach would be taking more… Rigorous exercise with her since ‘that’ was in less than three weeks.
“He must have his reasons” She thought within herself and shook away those thoughts.
Donald won the match again, this time capitalizing on her high guard for her face, slightly neglecting other parts of her body. A stance full of openings, of course he would exploit it… And he did!
After she finished her training, and as soon as she got home, she went to the shower to begin dyeing her hair with no hesitation. Afterwards, she did her daily routine in the house before finally getting to bed late again, staring at the moon and then falling asleep.
This continued for the rest of the week… Until Friday.
“Alright, that’s the last of it. You’ve concluded your tests for the year, and as we enter the winter break, I just want you all to remember to take care of yourselves. Have fun, but not too much. Also, remember the Winter Dance happening tomorrow. It’s the last day of school for the year, so you should go all out”” Mr. Landon, their history teacher said to them in his usual cool and groovy tone.
“It’s a Saturday, so technically it’s not a ‘day of school’ Mr. Landon” Lisa, the queen bee of the class pointed out.
“Ah, my bad then. Too bad you’ll be having it within school grounds. If that isn’t school, I don’t know what is” Mr. Landon responded, garnering the laughter of everyone in class, making Lisa flush in slight embarrassment.
“Of course, I’ll be chaperoning, as well as a few volunteer parents. But don’t worry. It should be fun for everyone, ``he smiled.
“Sure… I’m pretty sure having ‘parents’ around wouldn’t count as fun to us” Lisa said, making her comeback.
This time everyone cheered and laughed due to her comment.
“Yeah, teachers too. Pretty sure Mr Harry will be in charge of the punch again, teachers are such killjoys” Nathan added.
Roars of laughter filled the classroom again.
Mr. Landon didn’t know how to react to this statement as his mouth opened slightly.
“Oh, you're an exception, Teacher. We would love to have you.” Nathan quickly added.
His statement was followed by murmurs of agreement and nods of approval. Mr. Landon was, after all, a cool teacher.
“Uh… Thanks, I guess?” He said with an awkward smile.
The bell rang, saving both the students and the teacher from the atmosphere which occupied the entire class.
“What do you mean you don’t want to come?” Betty asked the stoic-looking Roxanne.
“Don’t know, it’s just not my scene. Besides, I’ll be too busy doing other stuff.” Roxanne said with a slight smile.
“The ‘stuff’ you still won’t tell me about? I see” Betty said in a sarcastic tone.
Roxanne only smiled at her as she continued to walk without saying much more.
Definitely, today would be the day. Since it was the weekend, she was sure her coach would put her through a lot to prepare her. He probably held off on it until Monday since it was a weekday and she needed to go to school the next day. However, with the weekend it was different.
“Well then, see ya!” Roxanne said with a wave, before hurrying away to her gym.
“Bye…” Betty said hesitantly, waving back.
“So, Coach… When are we gonna get started? The finals are in less than three weeks, aren’t they?” She said with an excited twinkle on her eyes.
Donald smiled softly as he shrugged, carrying two chairs from a corner. He placed one close to Roxanne, who sat on it comfortably and one behind himself, having his seat as he spoke...
“Oh? I thought you didn’t like talking about stuff like this during the day.” Her coach said to her,
“Also, you should call me by my real name already. Donald is an easy name to pronounce, isn’t it?” He said with a chuckle, though it was clear that the laugh seemed a bit forced, like he was trying to smoothen over the conversation.
“Well… I guess I just got a little excited about it. It’s what I’ve been preparing for for over three month ago since we started this season” She gleamed.
“Also, you’re always going to be my coach to me. The sooner you deal with it, the easier this will be for you… COACH'' She said with a teasing tone as she smiled, emphasizing the ‘Coach’ part especially.
“Sigh, this kid. Anyway, yeah. Finals are in three weeks just as you’ve said. But, Roxanne… There’s something we should talk about before we continue with our routine.” Coach Donald said, his face suddenly darkened.
He faced Roxanne head on and from his eyes, he displayed looks of concern. Roxanne had a premonition of what he was going to say, but she didn’t want to think that way. She didn’t want to believe that was what he would say.
“*Please don’t say it*” She pleaded Internally.
“Roxanne… I think you should stop the nights…”
She knew it, she knew that was what he would say.
“They… They aren’t good for you…” He continued.
Roxanne gritted her teeth as she heard those words from him. With her fists clenched, she could feel two things surging forth from within her. Disappointment… And Anger.
“How could you say that?” She managed to mumble, her voice low and deep.
“Roxanne, listen to me… I know what I said before. But, after seeing what happened yesterday… We’re really cutting it close. If we decide to proceed to the finals, I don’t know what will happen…” He said with a concerned tone.
“What would happen? Didn’t you realize that when we started this?” She asked, still having a downcast expression.
“I thought it would be the best thing for you at the time. Plus, you wanted it so badly then. I realize now that I made a mistake. I was wrong. This isn’t the way to go Roxanne…” Donald said.
“… Stop it…” Roxanne let out a small voice.
“You’re still just in High School. You should be living a normal life…” He continued.
“… Your mom doesn’t even know, does she? You’re keeping it a secret from her. Kid, it isn’t too late to opt out” He said, placing his hands on her shoulder.
“I said Stoooop!!!” She yelled, stepping backward so his hands fell off her shoulder.
Her raised voice attracted the attention of the others in the room. Their attention went straight to her for a moment, but quickly returned to what they were doing.
Donald and Roxanne both enjoyed a brief and uncomfortable silence, one which seemed to last an eternity. Donald attempted to speak up, but Roxanne beat him to it.
“How could you… You of all people say that. I thought even if no one understood, you would. But, I guess I was wrong.
“Kid, I….”
“I’ve heard enough. But I’m going to do this, with or without your help. I would appreciate it if you helped me… But if you choose not to, I’ll do it anyway. So, coach, what will it be?” She stood up from her seat and asked him with a deep glare.
Donald heaved a heavy sigh. He truly did care about the young girl, but his conscience could not allow him to keep encouraging her in the dark and thorny path that she was choosing.
“Roxanne, just… Just hear me out” He said to her, trying to reach out of her, both with his hands and his heart. He truly didn’t want her to get hurt, that’s why he told her to quit. But it seemed that in doing so, his choice had the opposite effect.
“I see… So that’s how it is. Fine then… I’ll just do it myself then. I don’t need you to win!” She said with a hurtful tone.
Roxanne walked away, her bag in hand, and left Donald still seated on his chair. He wanted to run after her, to chase her and try to convince her some more, but by seeing her eyes he knew she was determined. His heart just couldn’t bear encouraging her anymore.
“If I drag this on any further, it’ll cause too much of a commotion, and that won’t end well for either of us” Donald reasoned.
“Roxanne… Kid… I’m sorry…” He muttered.
Roxanne ran to her house with teary eyes and a broken heart. Not minding the angry and dissatisfied passer-byes as she sped last them, she only focused on getting home that day.
She just wanted to go to her room crying out in frustration from the feeling she had within her, burning her chest with an indescribable pain that made her want to break down right there on the street. But she didn’t give in, she kept running to her house and finally she got to the familiar building where only her and her mom lived. A safe place to crumble, especially her room.
She quickly flung open the door and ran into her house, not caring for the force she used. However, her entire body stopped moving immediately she got in and froze at the sight in front of her.
A man and a woman in passionate embrace as they kissed with clear longing for each other. The man was a stranger to Roxanne, but the woman… She recognized the woman. Her features and even the dress she wore, it was just like her mom’s. Was she in the wrong house? No, that couldn’t be. The picture frame of her family was hanging directly behind her, and a few meters from her was the couch she loved so much.
Roxanne’s lips quivered and her hands shook as her entire body remained transfixed on her position, unable to move. With trembling, her mouth opened slowly, not sure of what to make of what she saw.
“M-Mom…?!” She asked in a soft and unsure tone, her eyes widening in surprise.