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Chapter 2

I wouldn’t dream of heading into battle without my black leather jacket and knee-high boots, but there was more to this gig than fighting. So I showed up at the Arena an hour later in a baby-pink blouse, ruffled neckline drooping low enough to show off my nearly nonexistent boobs. I tied up my hair in two above-the-ear pigtails. And I splashed enough smoky blue and silver eye shadow on either side of my nose to accentuate the slant of my half-Japanese eyes.

The effect wasn’t me...but I’d do a lot to put food on the table for my sister. In this case, unfortunately, a lot wasn’t quite enough.

“...did you hear about the hooker they found dead down by the river last week...”

“...new bar with two-for-one appetizers...”

“...wouldn’t bet against Mai if you paid me to...”

The news of the day swirled around me in a cloud of horrors, excitement, and—unfortunately—overwhelming appreciation for my prowess. As if to prove the last point, a meaty hand came down on my shoulder as a random audience member congratulated me on my most recent win. “Nice job against those bozos,” he boomed.

The male in question was a head and shoulders taller than my five-feet-zero frame, and he likely could have lifted me off the ground with one arm tied behind his back. Still, his posture radiated respect for more than the length of my rapier...which should have filled me with much-deserved pride.

Unfortunately, my boss had been using the unlikely disconnect between my appearance and my skill level to her financial advantage for nearly a decade. It was a lucrative proposition—toss the tiny street girl out against a gang of heavy hitters, bet on the underdog, and watch the cash roll in. Since my ten percent of the take paid the rent, having members of the audience betting for me rather than against me could very well turn into a financial disaster for both Ma and myself.

Drat and blast! What did it take to be underestimated in this town?

Before I could decide which evasive action to take, though, I glanced toward the other side of the stadium where my opponents usually held court. Best to see what kind of warrior Ma Scrubbs had dug up before I decided between the damsel-in-distress routine and the fake-wound walk....

New fighters were always easy to pick out due to the contestants’ banners slung across their chests. And I was ready for any number of them. After all, I’d faced down five opponents just last month, forgetting myself and knocking the quintet down like dominoes with a few short swipes of my sword.

But during that ill-matched contest, I hadn’t been forced to hide my abilities. Had been facing humans only, without a single werewolf in sight.

Now, as I eyed one tall male and one erect-ruffed four-legger, I not only recognized the abilities of the shifters before me, I also knew immediately who they were. The man standing on two legs possessed uncannily familiar features for all that I’d never set eyes on his face before. And no wonder when he smelled identical to the wolf panting by his side, both boasting the same deep musk that lingered on my tongue despite every effort to wash their granite and ozone signature out of my brain.

No, these opponents weren’t strangers. Or at least the wolf wasn’t. Instead, this was the self-same shifter who had accosted my sister on the cemetery wall earlier in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, the two-legged shifter’s words were just barely audible with the help of my own supernaturally assisted hearing. “Of course this is a good idea,” the male murmured on the other side of the chattering crowd. His voice was gritty with rebellion, which struck me as strange since I could smell his dominance from fifty feet distant. “You know the evidence leads here.”

Evidence? Were these werewolves hunting something? Could they possibly be seeking me?

Whether that conclusion was grounded in reality or in pure paranoia, I’d risk too much by fighting fellow shifters unaware of my closely held secret. So I turned on my heel and stalked off in the opposite direction.

It was time to hold a serious conversation with my boss.


“You’re late.”

Ma Scrubbs glowered at me across a table littered with dollar bills and scraps of hastily scrawled wagers. To the uninitiated, the mess looked like, well, a mess. But my second-shift supervisor memorized each offering, constantly recalculated the odds, and ensured the finances fell forever in her favor.

Not so difficult when she had a fighter like me in her back pocket.

Which, tonight, she most definitely did not. “I’m not doing it, Ma,” I responded, slamming the door of my employer’s office to block out the crowd so I could transition from Disney princess into hardened warrior and feel like myself once again. Only after stuffing both arms into the leather jacket waiting for me on the back of the door then buttoning the armor up to my chin did my heart calm sufficiently for me to fall into the empty seat waiting on the other side of Ma’s desk.

“Cool it with the tantrums, girlie. And I’m not your mother. So don’t call me ‘Ma.’” As she spoke, the older woman’s brows scrunched together into a glower that I was far too familiar with. Because, no, Ma Scrubbs wasn’t my mother. But she’d let me play in her office dozens of times while my father fought, had offered me his vacated spot when I struggled to keep my tiny family afloat after being orphaned at age eighteen, and was the closest thing to a parental figure I had left.

So I obeyed her command and elaborated as best I could without mentioning supernatural elements that Ma Scrubbs may or may not have picked up on by now. “I can’t win against those two,” I explained. “It’s just not possible. Pick someone else for the first fight then I’ll go in for round two.”

Ma Scrubbs considered me from the far side of the desktop, her head barely visible above the cluttered surface. If I was small, she was wizened, face so wrinkled it was impossible to guess what the seventy-year-old might have looked like when she was young. After a moment of consideration, she shrugged, pulling a battered notebook out of one pocket. “Go home then,” she told me. “I’ll call the Raven sisters in to fight.”

“No!” The word burst from my lips before I could soften the rejection. “They’re children! They’ll be slaughtered!”

“Not against those two. Gunner and Ransom are boy scouts. First blood will be a nick on the cheek. Won’t even scar. And next week, ticket sales will skyrocket out of sight.”

So she was aware of the existence of werewolves. No human would refer to a four-legged shifter in the same breath as his two-legged companion unless she fully understood the former’s ability to change forms.

Still, I had no time to further analyze that fact because Ma Scrubbs wasn’t even looking at me any longer. Instead, she pulled out her cell phone and began thumbing through her address book, stopping only when the faces of Jessie and Charlie Raven popped into view. The twins were sweet young things who I’d mentored for a couple of summers. Despite my best efforts, though, the duo still thought fencing was a sport in which you didn’t hit below the belt or above the neck. They had no concept werewolves existed and they were barely older than my kid sister. If I didn’t allow Kira to sit in the Arena’s audience, I certainly wasn’t going to be responsible for Jessie and Charlie ending up within the Arena’s cage.

So even though I knew I was being played, I reached out and blocked the phone’s surface with my hand. “Okay, you win,” I answered. Took a deep breath, considered the angles. I couldn’t use my supernatural speed to its full advantage against a pair of werewolves, but there had to be a way to turn my opponents’ cockiness against them.

If there was, Ma Scrubbs surely would have thought of it. “And you clearly have a plan,” I continued. “So let’s hear it.”

“It’s simple,” my boss answered, her eyes twinkling with old-lady mirth. “You’ve been winning, winning, always winning. Nobody’s gonna bet against you. So tonight, you’ll reset the clock. Tonight...you’ll lose.”

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