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Chapter 6

After weeks of endless rehearsals and Peter got into the easy routine of picking Jennifer up from her apartment, attending rehearsals, and dropping her off back to his apartment for dinner and music.

Working, learning the lines and memorizing the stage movements is great work and they always have something to discuss. Even so, Peter made no attempt to hug or kiss her. He was afraid to risk a friendship he believed both held dear.

Finally, it's time for the villain to embrace the heroine.

Realizing that the actors were watching, Peter hesitated every time he hugged Jennifer and sure enough, his kiss was wisest until that fateful night, when he held the mortgage high above his head and growled the fatal words, “Now, one kiss to make the deal! "He hugged Jennifer.

He couldn't deny his pent-up feelings anymore. His fingers were burning and his lips were tense. Immerse yourself in her softness. Break! ”

The mind is too busy absorbing the sweetness and warmth, Peter doesn't hear the director. Such mediocrity did not enter his brain. Chapter

"Break! Break!"

Only then did Peter understand the words well enough to allow Jennifer to stand.

"Go on, Peter. That kiss will burn the chandelier. It's not appropriate for a horror movie. Jennifer, if he does it again, kick him.

Peter could only nod and pray that Jennifer couldn't see the trembling in her body.

She had a white face and a steady gleam in her eyes. won't dare to kiss me like that again.

In the car after rehearsal, turning to Peter, she looked down at her knees and said quietly, "I don't think it's a good idea to take me to your apartment." I want to go straight home.

At least Peter was sure Jennifer sensed something in his kiss.

Without saying anything, he accompanied her to her door. When she turned, she bowed her head to accept the usual brush of his lips in her hair. Peter put his arm around her waist and lifted her easily until she was on tiptoe. Then, when his face lifted in surprise, he smiled slightly.

Jennifer's lips parted as if she were about to speak and Peter kissed her words, reveling in the softness of her mouth as his tongue slid to snatch her treasure.

Her tongue fought Peter as her body tensed against him.

He bathed both of them in his deepest emotions, too long and strongly repressed. Starting to tremble, he released her slowly.

Quickly, Jennifer turned around and walked through the front door. Peter heard the door slam and she was gone. Inside, she leaned against the closed door.

Then Jennifer in her head spoke again. “Peter, kick the door. I want more than delicious kisses but I'm scared. My body wants you so much but my mind is terrified. What will I become? Do I know what to do if my brother doesn't come that night?

She lay in bed, crying a lot.

The next afternoon, she called Peter. “Don't worry about picking me up for practice next week. I will go there and go home.

Peter's mind exploded and his thoughts became dull. To hell with the woman. She behaved as if I had raped a man in a vest. For god's sake, why shouldn't I take her to practice and home? He is bitter and he is in pain.

"I don't appreciate your behavior..." Jennifer added coldly.

Peter now has enough Prima Donna's number. "What are you doing on Saturday night?"

"I'm sorry." Her ice-cold tone told her she didn't want anything from him anymore.

"Good! If that's how you want it..." Peter's roar in the phone reflected his rage and his anger reflected his outraged frustration. "Who cares? Call Salvos, maybe they care. See you at the bloody rehearsals! Peter's voice was cold and stern as he put the phone back in its holder. Finally, rehearsal night has arrived.

Peter was there early, waiting in the dark to see how Jennifer got to the lobby.

A taxi arrived and Jennifer got out, but it did nothing to ease her aching heart.

The manager has taken control. "Let's start with the beginning of stage 2."

Peter knew he had to speak.

"Fighting everyone!" He pauses until he gets the full attention of the cast. "The other night as a villain I was taken away and unfortunately caused the heroine considerable suffering, so now I apologize to all of you and tell her that it was my fault If I can't behave like a gentleman, I have to quit the show."

A The cold silence seemed to echo throughout the stage. Jennifer is dead.

The manager broke the silence. “You wouldn't do anything like that. Waste! Without you as the villain, we might as well go home. Jennifer, I meet you in the green room right now.

Turning around, he deliberately walked away.

“Sit down! He pointed to the chair across the table. Still standing, he said again, his voice calm but fierce.

"I don't know what happened after that kiss. It's none of my business but I can assure you that Peter will be the bad guy because he has the ability to wear this. I am willing to replace you but not him. If you can't work together, you'll leave. He stays”. To be in his arms and to be kissed like that, women all over the world adore him and he is truly their idol. He is a strong yet gentle presence and protects them all. Not once did he walk past one of them or date any of them.

“Then you walk in and it's clear to all of us that you hold her heart in your hands and you're too blind," her eyes narrowed, "or too conceited to notice.

He stared at her for a long moment before continuing.

"Peter would be very upset if I divulged any part of his story, so please don't mention you know."

The director was still staring at Jennifer, who just nodded.

“Several years ago, three men waited for our women to leave a rehearsal.

The director's words are enough to bring Jennifer back to her teenage years.

As his words passed her, she felt herself fall and she tried to keep her body from falling to the ground.

She gripped the edge of the table until her knuckles turned white as the memory brought her back to the terrifying night at her prom. She shivered uncontrollably and sobs shook her body as she recalled her own terrifying ordeal. Memories rose from the depths of his soul, where they had been hidden for so long.

Unaware of his distress, the director continued. "Peter flew across the parking lot and threw one of the attackers against the wall where he was standing. The other two held out knives and Peter just laughed. 'Put them away or you'll die." were Peter's words in a voice that truly terrified me. He didn't seem worried at all.

"The second striker lunges at Peter then screams as his own knife lodges in his throat. The third is alert and jumps around Peter looking for openings until Peter flips the game. his clown and ...

" When the police arrived there were three dead men, a car full of drugs and guns and a very scared but grateful actor. As soon as the police completed their investigation into the incident, Peter returned the woman to his home. She then told us how he gently undressed her, bathed her, and put her to bed. He spent that night and many other nights with her until she felt safe. "

Jennifer looked up and started to speak but the Headmaster cut her off.

" No, she didn't dare offend that man! He didn't put her to bed. That's right, he stripped her naked that first night and then sat by the bed holding her hand and soothing his nightmare. He even organizes and pays for his therapy. "A few maneuvers later, the rest of the gang went to three cars to take revenge. Peter calmly ordered me to call an ambulance and police reinforcements.

" Six men armed with a knifeless stick determined to beat him to death. All Peter could do was chuckle, a burst of laughter that seemed to echo through the parking lot. Then he spoke and his voice was enough to scare me. "Why didn't they send the men instead of the boys?" "

" We can hear the howl of the sirens as he begins to tear the brave gang to shreds. None of them stood firm and some were on life support for months. He shivered before adding, "My God, Peter is a walking and talking killing machine." In the end, only one member of the gang survived and has since been hemiplegic.

“And yet you come here with his heart in your hand and you treat him like trash. Well, none of us will take it. Decide tonight if you can work with him and if you want to be the female lead. Let me know before you go. If you can't work with him, I'll take your place. "

" You can leave your script as you go. "

Suddenly the director got up, walked around the table to put his hand on Jennifer's shoulder.

“I know Pierre too well. It has a depth that I have never seen in any man. He has never dated anyone and I would swear on a pile of Bibles that he would never hurt you, but God help anyone who does. "

Shivering, he concluded:" Thank you for allowing me to be a father. Come on, we have to rehearse. "

Jennifer shakes and tears back to the stage.

" Peter, we'll do the infamous top-down kiss scene. I will be the female lead and if you dare to kiss me there will be a new fight scene.

"Jennifer, watch the new heroine's fight."

"Come on, a kiss to close the deal!" Peter treated the director as if he were underweight to bring him back to the classic pose and with a relaxed viewer, they would kiss. The director's arm fluttered over the villain's back and one leg trembled as if the heroine was struggling violently.

"God, it's like being in the clutches of a Kodiak bear. No wonder you reacted the way you did, Jennifer," the director commented before calling on every woman to take on the role. heroine and walk through the same scene.

“Hey! You shouldn't put your arms around the bad guy's neck and kiss him like he's a long-lost lover," he quipped from actress to actress.

Jennifer is green. His jealousy was almost enough to pull the villain off the platform and shout, "He's mine, he's my Peter."

Finally, the director pulled Jennifer aside.

"Calm down. Wrestle as hard as you can and then two more. Hit her on the back and wave your free leg in the air. Fight! Fight bravely! However, when he kisses you, put as much passion into your kiss as possible. Don't let it slip away, put double the passion into your kiss, then step back to see the results. Fear not, we'll protect you from the big jobs. “

Jennifer took the stage and the cast could immediately hear the villain’s change of heart.” A fascinating work. "means more than that and she doesn't need to see her place.

Then those words rang out. "Now, a kiss to close the deal!"

She felt Peter's arms around her and she felt safe. Slowly, he leaned back towards her and she remained as still as possible. Suddenly she begins to struggle violently, appearing to gain strength albeit under the power of the villain as she holds the pose. She watched, even more slowly, his lips closing over hers. Her mouth opened, her tongue began a love dance with him and she let the fire burn him as two fists slammed into her back. He tried to let his passion dampen his obvious resistance and his eyes tried to pierce hers but his eyelids closed and the kiss continued.

Slowly, he realized her hand was pushing him away and suddenly she was standing in front of him, staring at him. Be swept up in passion for the moment when you miss the line.

Speechless and stunned, the killer did not hear the blower's words even though she repeated the phrase five times. He still stood staring into space before realizing where he was as he stammered the next lines.

With cheers, applause and cheers, the actors stamped their feet. "Now, villain, what did the heroine do to you? You think you're smart. Good for you, Jennifer, keep going. Make her necklace vibrate again, Jennifer."

Suffocated, confused and embarrassed, still shaking his head, Peter sat down.

Slowly, Jennifer walked up to him, "Take me home tonight and come pick me up for all the rehearsals, please, Peter. Pardon my stupidity.

There are no longer any questions about giving up on casting.

When Saturday night came, Jennifer couldn't be reached and needed to take time off work, Peter accepted to meet Ted and Bob at the club. He believes he definitely doesn't have to rely on Jennifer Blake for friends. There will be a lot of girls at the dance who are willing to cooperate with him.

Bob is not seen but Ted is leaning over a dark-haired woman.

She looked familiar and before Peter could turn away, Ted waved at him, calling him from the other side. “Ah, Peter, I'm glad you changed your mind and came. We were wondering if you were there. Take Ruth to the dance while I meet Bob.

Smiling, Ruth took his hand and led him away. "We had a great time trotting." The words he said to Peter but his eyes followed Ted. She fell in love. “Ted knows a lot of people. We won a lot. Where did you go with Jennifer? You leave early and Jennifer has been very evasive lately. Karen and I want to know what you two did. "

It was easy to dodge her questions as she continued to chat. All Peter wanted was for the music to stop so he could give it to Ted. Then he could. wandering around and tonight he's hunting and won't be a gentleman

Bob and Karen, Ted and Ruth, Peter and his hostility are all a cozy little group

"What? "What's the matter, Peter? Did you lose the bet? "Bob smiled and leaned down to whisper in Karen's ear.

" There's someone here, you know. Ted's smirk said nothing to Peter. The red-haired young woman's dress flew high above her waist as it slid under, over, and over her partner's legs. The two were so absorbed that they didn't know the other dancers had stopped to watch their performance.

That's Jennifer. Peter looked terrified. It was the woman who reacted so badly to a simple kiss and pushed him back on the phone.

Bob slaps Peter on the back. "Looks like your friend is on fire. You're right, she's not the Ice Maiden. God, look at her," and leaned closer so that neither Ruth nor Karen could hear him, he said. he continued. “I should have worked harder. I bet you had a great time after the smooth rides. No wonder you came back early.

Peter doesn't have to look at Bob to know that his eyes are filled with more than fear. " Shut up. Shut up.

Peter's growl was short and fierce, impossible to refuse and Bob turned to the others. None of them dared to interfere with his mood again. They were afraid that he would hurl insults at them.

"Hello, want to see you here?" Jennifer held onto Peter's elbow, her face flushed with the tension of the dance. Wiping the sweat from her face with a delicate lace handkerchief, she continued, "You didn't tell me this was your scene." I thought you were at home playing…”

Peter's expression startled her and she froze.

"Your date sure knows how to dance," was Peter's furious reply.

The music resumes and before the young man with the mean-spirited pimp pulls him away, Peter stands between them.

"If you hurt Jennifer in any way, you will answer me." Peter allows his voice to indicate that he wants to split the youngster in half.

Turning to Jennifer, he said loudly, "I bet he was offered coffee." Or will it be more than coffee?

Jennifer has become white. Trembling and crying, she freed herself from the young man's grasp. His thoughts were spinning in his head. What did I do? I do not want you to leave. I need you.

Peter couldn't hear her thoughts because his head was suddenly embarrassed. He did not offer to protest as security escorted him from the scene.

He hurts. He is in a lot of pain. He couldn't stay to see Jennifer happy with another man. Looking at her in someone else's arms would cause a violent explosion.

"God, what caused this?" is Bob's comment. “I really thought he was going to split this man. What happened to our friend?

The cool night didn't wake him up, and driving left him with only time to think. He seemed to be driving aimlessly until the workshop was in sight. Like a zombie, Peter put on his camisole and began dismantling the last damaged car.

Jennifer can go to hell. He is preparing to paint this car. The pieces were there. Then he can work on racing cars. His mind, overloaded with anger, love and disappointment, closed as he worked in the car, slowly turning to the task at hand.

Then gradually his mind turned to the racing car. There has to be some way to make the chassis lighter and get a few extra revs from this engine. Bob enjoys the position of the winner and I have to give Bob the best. I don't need anyone.

Every hammer blow hit the little man's face as he danced with Jennifer, and in the light of the welding fire, Peter could see Jennifer's face quiver with joy. Vigorous actions such as cutting, welding, and hammering torn and twisted metal began to cleanse his soul and the pain of anger began to flow into a deep black void as he became more and more absorbed in his work. .

The shrill ringing of the phone annoys him. He tried to ignore it but it pierced his consciousness until he finally picked it up.

"Pierre, can you help me?" Miss Williams, one of his clients, looked relieved. "I was at the club and my car wouldn't start. Ever since that episode after rehearsal, I've been afraid to go to any parking lot to catch a taxi. I'm sorry to have to call you, but I do. There was no one else that I could call.”

“It's fine. I'll be there in ten minutes. Wait inside the main door near the security gate and I'll flash the light three times. You will be safe. I will run your car on Monday and have an apprentice drive it home for you. Now wait there and don't worry anymore.

Pierre groaned, his thoughts stirred. Oh my god, why is that? Why me? I'm going to the moon for Jennifer, but that's not what she calls for. This is Mrs. Williams. Why me? Just because I saved her on that famous night doesn't mean I'll forever be her white knight.

The car's headlights flashed three times and Susie Williams wasted no time sliding into the passenger seat. Her short blonde hair reflects the latest hairstyle. The sheer sheer top and short flared skirt accentuated her feminine charm.

"I was hoping you're working, you're still working. You've saved lives and I appreciate your help." In the light of the interior lights, her blue eyes sparkled and she brushed the tip of her tongue over the lipstick as if to test her taste, but Peter ignored her reaction as he began to drive her home. .

"Come in so I can bring you a drink. At least I can do it as a thank you."

Peter's thoughts reflect his grief. What a difference with Jennifer. Why? Why doesn't Jennifer relax, just lean in a little? I won't hurt him.

As soon as they entered her apartment, Susie poured them both a long glass of juice, and Peter, standing so close, couldn't help noticing his warmth and tenderness as she watched him in eyes. Her lips parted slightly as if to offer a kiss as she held out her wine glass. Hell, why now no longer? I owe Jennifer not anything. She is playing that creature`s arm approximately her. I marvel if she additionally enjoys his kisses. Why should not I do the same? The mind flashed via his thoughts as he bent to simply accept Susie's offer. Fire coursed aleven though his veins as her unfastened arm wrapped itself round his neck looking to arouse him even more.

Yet the flavor changed into incorrect and the odor changed into incorrect. This changed into now no longer his Jennifer.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Williams." Peter drew lower back, aghast. After all, she changed into a married lady and a customer. "I'll end this drink and go."

"I'm Susie. Call me Susie and do not apologize. After all, you probably did rescue me after that rehearsal. You did not pause to think. Those guys may want to have killed you. I changed into thankful for that then and now I'm thankful once more. Don't apologize. I loved that. You flavor so..."

She licked her lips as aleven though cream included them and preened herself like a cat earlier than a heat winter's fire. "You flavor so effective and so male. Sit over right here and do not be in one of these hurry to depart." Susie sat at the divan and patted the seat beside her.

Desperate to hang to his code of chivalry, Peter allowed excuse after excuse to tumble out.

"My overalls are a ways too dusty, I'll shed dirt everywhere. I ought to get lower back and end the job. You're a ways too lovely for this poor, crass guy who could not do justice on your splendor and... and... and..."

Stammering and blushing he was hoping Susie could permit him to depart. "No, I'd higher go." Peter had no enjoy of what to do on this situation. What the hell is predicted of me?

"What? Leave me all alone, on a Saturday night?" She appeared disappointed. "If dirt issues you the shower's via there."

She pointed via the bed room door. "I'll carry a dressing robe and a few slippers for you."

She undoubtedly glowed, and clearly, she did not intend giving up easily.

What a difference. Jennifer objected to Peter's attentions and to his kisses - indignant via way of means of his feelings. Tonight, Susie changed into handing him a flagrant invitation, and ought to he depart and now no longer clutch the bundle offered, Susie could be maximum disappointed.

"You're all muscle and sinew," changed into Susie's remark as she got here into Peter's palms, disturbing a kiss.

Peter's hand stole into her shirt, lightly cupping her breast and his contact met, now no longer a opposed gesture of rejection, however a smooth gasp - a sucking of breath.

"Oh, Peter. You're so gentle." She drew lower back a bit to take a look at Peter's face, then, throwing each palms round his neck, plunged her tongue deep into his mouth in surrender.

Slowly as he kissed her, looking to will his thoughts into believing this changed into Jennifer, he commenced unbuttoning her shirt.

Susie made no objection.

Convinced he changed into what she needed, Peter carried her like a child to her bed room.

She desired to undress him however he grasped her wrists now no longer permitting her palms to wander throughout his lower back as he kissed the shirt from her shoulders then her skirt from her hips. He knew he ought to be aroused as, the usage of his teeth, he slid her lacy panties down her legs.

With her bare frame face down on her bed, Peter knelt among her legs as she begged him to take her. His palms gently traced erotic styles on her lower back and her buttocks earlier than he commenced to kiss her relentlessly. He drew on all of the education of Yin and Yang from his children to thrill her as he slowly drew forth her moans and whimpers.

As if he have been a few primeval beast, he unsheathed his claws dragging his fingernails gently throughout her shoulder blades, the small of her lower back and her buttocks. As Susie shrieked her agony, the smoothing, silken smoothness of his kisses changed the hearthplace of the nails biting into her flesh as once more he kissed her from her neck to the backs of her knees.

Moving to the ground he knelt, terrified that ought to Susie experience his lower back she could be repulsed.

Susie rolled over and stared at him with passion-crammed eyes as his arms danced a mild tattoo throughout her breasts and her belly, studiously heading off her nipples and her sex.

Peter massaged her legs, her belly, her breasts and her palms. It changed into a long, gradual method as he studied the female shape in the front of him, wishing all of the even as that it have been Jennifer.

Breathing her in, he worshipped her together along with his palms, his eyes and lips. Peter superior slowly closer to her internal thighs and pelvis.

He may want to handiest appearance down on her passion-contorted capabilities as she begged, "Oh, please ... please ... please ... Oh, God."

This changed into now no longer the lady he desired to love. She changed into not anything to Peter however a smooth pliable heat frame on which to play a merry tune. He felt no preference and his frame confirmed no arousal. He explored her breasts and worshipped her sex – her yoni - as her eyes rolled. Begging to be released, Susie panted, pushing her wet treasure to her lips.

Ignoring his wishes, he allowed his mind to return to his studies in Malaysia and he memorized those lessons more in line

Susie will remember forever. Peter is a man of experience. She was discovering the difference when Peter played with her body, demanding her to reach the pinnacle of pleasure even more.

Ignoring her stopped crying, Peter continued until she passed out.

Then, softly shouting that it wasn't Jennifer, he confessed to himself that he didn't care about her and that he didn't want to intrude on this sweet, warm, and fragrant offering. Disgusted with his own behavior, he walks away.

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