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Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

Sometimes she reprimanded herself, literally and quite loudly too, about the way she absentmindedly walked out into the street or into a room or anywhere for that matter without paying attention. On a normal day, when her brain was functioning at the capacity that it should, she always paid attention to her surroundings. It was a writer thing.

She would notice details and expressions, lighting and atmosphere. And she would notice people. Who they were, what they were doing and how they were feeling. What they were wearing and how it seemed to give a different look to what was written on their face.

Today was not a normal day. She walked out of the elevator with her eyes staring at nothing. Thoughts of chocolate cake were floating somewhere in her mind but the rest of it was blank. She was functioning on low battery.

She only realised this, however, when she practically ran into someone trying to exit the door. It was pathetic really because they were double doors and there was absolutely no reason for her to try and exit from the very same side that the man was leaving from.

The shock of walking right into someone who was walking away and in front of her was quite novel. It propelled both of them forward and the man had to catch himself against the frame of the door to prevent them from falling. Her breath left her with a gasp and she actually oomphed when her chest hit him. Embarrassing was not the word.

It only got worse when she finally righted herself and the man turned to ask if she was okay. It was Benedict Williams. She wanted to die.

His eyes widened in surprise before he smiled in delight, "Charlie, right? This is such a coincidence!"

Her mind chose that moment to start quoting lines from her favourite show and she had to mentally slap her hands against her mouth before she actually asked him, "What do we say about coincidence? Universe is rarely so lazy."

"Hi," was what she finally squeaked out, her cheeks burning from embarrassment.

He chuckled, the sound vibrating in her chest.

"Hello. Are you okay? You look a bit...not good."

He was trying to be polite. She probably looked a mess, what with her mind being in other places the entire day.

"Yeah, I'm fine thank you. And you? You good? How's Michael?"

As if she didn't know. She had just seen him on Friday and he was great. His vocabulary had extended enough to make demands and show exactly how bossy he could be once he knew you. It was adorable.

Benedict beamed at her. "He's great, I'm great. What are you doing here?"

She blinked up at him, tearing her gaze away from the gorgeous smile on his face and focusing on his eyes. "Uhm, what? Oh, I work here. For Mr. Robert."

"No waitressing anymore?"

She shook her head and was just about to explain when someone brushed passed them making them realise that they were still standing in the doorway. They automatically moved out onto the pavement to get out of the way.

"No, actually, I decided that I needed a new start. I'm glad that I got a chance to meet you though."

He crooked another smile at her. "And why is that?"

She huffed out a laugh. "To thank you for having a chat with my manager."

His eyes twinkled at her and she felt her heart stutter. "Oh that. That was nothing. Sometimes, being a bit famous helps, you know."

She laughed at the word 'a bit' but nodded. "I guess so. Anyway, I'm sorry for taking up your time. I'm sure you have places to go. It was nice chatting to you."

He shook his head. "No bother at all. I was about to go and get some lunch. You haven't delayed me a bit."

Without thinking she replied, "Me too. I know this really cute cafe just a street over. Sweet Dreams. Ever heard of it?"

"I've noticed it before, never tried it. Do you mind if I join you? Unless you don't want company."

Her heart stopped. She was not surprised, it had been stuttering this entire time but now it entirely stopped and she felt her rib cage do that jerking thing it did when something shocked her. He wasn't asking her out, she knew that but a whole hour with him? She was going to have memories for life!

She nodded and then shook her head, eyes scrunching up in confusion. God, he must think her so slow. "No I don't mind. It would be lovely to have some company."

He smiled in agreement and they silently walked to the cafe, ignoring the curious and delighted glances of the people as they passed by. This was one of the reasons that she loved London. The Queen could be walking passed and the street would ripple with awe but there would be no screaming fans, trying to murder their object of admiration. Well sometimes there would be a stampede. But most of the time it was beautiful.

They reached the cafe a few minutes later and she watched as Benedict smiled at the man who came to seat them and asked for privacy.

He turned towards her. "I hope that you don't mind a booth. I know that the people here are generally calm and don't go crazy but the media is everywhere and I would like to eat in peace. Is that okay?"

She nodded because she understood what he meant. They followed the waiter, a cute blond who seemed to be about her age, to the back. He was new. She'd been here a week ago with Mel, because eating at Coffee etc was just weird, and she hadn't seen him then. She slid in opposite of Benedict, his back to the rest of the cafe.

"Hey. My name's Alec and I'll be serving you today. Just call my name when you guys are ready to order, okay?"

He placed menus in front of them before loping away.

She watched as Ben opened the charming little binder and smiled as a tiny crease appeared between his brows.

"There are so many desserts to choose from!" he exclaimed, looking at her in horror.

"What's wrong? You don't like dessert."

His eyes widened in disbelief. "I love dessert! That's the problem. What do I choose?"

She laughed. "When I can't decide, I tend to close my eyes and drop my finger randomly. The great thing about this place is that you can never go wrong."

He nodded, amusement shining on his face. She laughed as he did just that, the boyish smile on his face almost ripping her heart out. It was not possible to be that charming.

"Something to do with Bananas. I'm trusting you on this. It sounds awfully suspicious."

She giggled. "It's actually quite good. You'll love it. I hope."

She called for Alec and he walked over, flashing her a smile. "Belinda says that you're a regular here. I just started this week."

She nodded. "Yeah, I thought so. Didn't recognise you."

"Ready to order?"

She nodded, giving her order and waited as Benedict gave his before handing the menus over to Alec. He'd ordered spice chai with his cake, something that she had never had the guts to try as yet.

He flashed her a smile before walking away again and she nodded turning back to Ben. "So the movie scene hasn't changed you. That's good."

He lifted an eyebrow in question.

"Tea. You're still a Brit despite migrating to the land of coffee addicts."

He laughed then, the sound streaming out of him and straight into her bones. "I'll always be a Brit. Coffee is good and everything but nothing is as de-stressing as a good cup of tea. But I have a secret."

"And I suppose that if you told me, you'd have to kill me?"

He nodded gravely. "Yes, but I think that I can make an exception here. You have a life point by me for saving Michael so you've earned it."

She smiled and leaned forward. "So what is it?"

"I have betrayed my country."

She wanted to laugh at the solemn expression on his face but played along.

"Oh no, Benedict, that's serious indeed. What ever could you have done?"

"English tea...repels me."

She actually gasped before bursting into a fit of laughter. "What? How?"

"It's entirely my agent's fault. The bloody woman is an Indian and refused to drink the tea that my PA would bring. Eventually, upon my incessant questioning, she admitted to saying that she thought it tasted like drain water."

His eyes were wide with delight, as if the very thought of someone saying such a thing would cause the British overlords to rain down on them.

"So she made me a cup of boiled Indian tea to prove her point and I've never been able to enjoy English tea since."

"So this spice chai is boiled then?"

He nodded. "It's boiled with cinnamon and cardamom and other spices." He laughed at her bewildered expression before leaning forward and flicking her nose.

She jerked back in surprise at his familiar gesture. They'd barely known each other for an hour and he was treating her like a long time friend.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it."

"Sounds exotic," she said.

"Why did you leave your waitressing gig? You were so worried about losing your job," he said, in a sudden turn of conversation.

"You know when you get too comfortable in some place and suddenly you realize that you've been there for years and now you can't move anymore? Like you've grown roots and moving is impossible."

He nodded at her, eyes so serious she wondered if he'd forgotten how to smile.

"I was scared of that happening to me. Mr Robert is my best friend's dad and it was like fate when he offered for me to work there. His current PA is on maternity leave and he needed help. So here I am."

"That's a brave thing to do. Not many people have the guts to leave their comfort zones and actually achieve what they want. The struggle is very deterring."

Their food came and Alec flashed her another smile before telling them to enjoy and walking off.

She turned back to find Ben smirking at her.


"Nothing," he said, lips widening, that damn smirk growing larger.

"No, tell me what?"

"He likes you."

She scoffed. "Oh please."

He just continued smirking.

"What? Seriously? No, he's just being polite."



"Yes, okay."

She frowned at him. "You're agreeing with me?"

He nodded with another smirk, which annoyed her. He was laughing at her growing frustration.

"He doesn't."



He started laughing, his shoulders shaking with the force of it. "I don't see how you can't see it."

"It's because it's not there!"

"Does a guy have to tell you that he likes you before you believe him?"


"I'll let Alec know."

"No! What? No. Please don't do that. I don't want to date right now."

He lifted his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay."

She sighed in relief. "How's your cake?"

He smiled in delight, forking another bite into his mouth. "Delicious. You were right."

Her lips quirked with victory as she forked her own morsel of heaven into her mouth. Her eyes closed in pleasure as the chocolate exploded in her mouth.

She opened her eyes to see Ben looking her with laughter shining in his eyes. "That good?"

"It's amazing. Here."

She broke a piece and put it in his plate, making sure that he got a chocolate slathered piece.

He picked the piece up with his fingers, popping it in his mouth, getting chocolate all over his fingertips.

His eyes closed just as hers had, the look of pleasure quite heart-stopping.

"Your taste in cake has been cemented in my mind. You are a genius."

He licked his fingers and she had to drag her eyes away from the sight. Stalker alert, Charlie. Control yourself. She thanked God when he looked up just as she looked away. That could have been awkward.

He pushed his cup towards her, urging her to take a sip of his tea and she rolled her eyes, giving in.

It. Was. Amazing.

"Wow. That was delicious!"

"See, see. I've got good taste too. Now give it back. You're lucky that I shared my tea with you."

Laughing, she gave it back to him, going back to her own cup of patriotic tea.

The time flew by, and before she knew it, both tea and cake were finished and they had talked more than she thought she could with an almost complete stranger.

"Wow look at the time. I have to go and get Michael. He spent the day by my parents place. They've been getting stroppy about how little they get to see him."

Motioning for the bill, Ben took out his wallet giving her a stern look as she reached for hers. "We are not having an argument about this. I'm paying today and that's that."

Her mouth snapped shut in surprise. He'd said it in such a final way that she didn't have the nerve to argue. It shocked her. What also shocked her was the use of 'today'. Did that mean that she'd be allowed to pay some other time?

She nodded to show that she accepted it and waited as Alec brought over the bill.

He looked her shyly. "Hope that I'll be seeing you again."

She saw Benedict flashing a smirk at her and just ignored him, nodding at Alec politely.

She grabbed her coat but hung it over her arm. It was too hot to even think of covering up.

She followed Benedict out and watched as he hailed a cab. She was about to yell bye at him when he leaned over and gave the driver her address.

"Benedict, no! I'll take the subway."

He ignored her and her eyes widened as he passed the cabbie money for the ride.

"I can't drop you off today because I need to get Michael."

She began to protest but he cut her off. "For my peace of mind. Please?"

Sighing she said, "So manipulative."

He smirked in victory and waved her in. "Today was lovely. We should do it again sometime. I could bring Michael."

She nodded in absent agreement, not believing for a second that this could happen again. She got into the cab, waving as he closed it behind her. He smiled at her and waved the cab off, watching her the whole time that he could.

She found it sweet and her heart finally settled into a moderate rhythm. So much stuttering was surely not that healthy for her.

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