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Chapter 7 : The denunciation

Gerald slammed the door behind him as he returned to his mansion. The image of the Young family was supposed to be spotless, and today I was hearing malicious comments all over the hospital, as if someone anonymous had been badmouthing them and spreading poison.

"Honey! You're back!" Virginia tried to give her a hug.

Gerald dodged her, the last thing he needed to do was deal with an incorrigible smoker.

- If you die, you have nothing to claim me - I say furious.

She rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong with you today! Everyone's in a bad mood!" She crossed her arms, annoyed.

"Dinner is ready, Mr. and Mrs. Young," said the cook, Laura, a woman in her sixties. Her hair was pulled back, covered in gray.

The table was huge, a large family once sat there. But that night, only Gerald and Virginia were sitting, far apart from each other. From the front, but with several empty seats in the middle.

Gerald looked at the empty chairs. I saw little Robert coming home from school, devouring the food.

There was a barbecue chicken, vegetable salads, orange juicer and homemade spaghetti.

Gerald and Virginia locked eyes. For a second, they saw the hatred in each other's eyes.

They turned their eyes to the plate. They played with the food, and finally left her.

- But, sir and madam, they haven't eaten a single bite. - Laura said very worried.

-Pretend to be obese!- Virginia yelled at her-Give it to the dogs!

-Mrs. Young, we don't have dogs or any pets - corrected Laura. - And regarding her weight, I see her as very thin.

-Impertinent employee! I'm your employer!

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Young," he apologized, ducking his head. - Shall I bring you dessert?

- No thanks. Gerald ordered.

- Me neither.- added Virginia.

- But...it's his favorite...chocolate cake.

- No. - Gerald continued, not wanting to change his mind.

- Chocolate cake ! How many calories! - shouted Virginia - One more mistake and you're fired!

"Let them eat Mathew and Jessica," Gerald pointed out.

- They are not going to come, they have called and said they have a very important dinner in a hotel. - answered. I sigh sadly, because again I would have to throw the food away.

- Mr. Young, I'm sorry to report that we're going to have to throw out food again. With so many people not having to eat, we waste tons.

- And Sophie? - asked Virginia - She also lives in this house.

- I remind you that he has a very strict diet. Gerald replied.

-I'll take your pumpkin soup and jelly. - reported Laura

-Great. What about Annie?

Laura trembled from top to bottom, just hearing her name made her panic.

- Mr. Young...- I stutter.

The bell rang.

"I'll go and attend," he got up from the table.

Behind the door, there was a woman in a blue uniform.

Are you Gerald Young?

-If the same.

-You have a complaint against him.

"What's going on here! We're not hiding any bodies!" Virginia shouted, seeing that it was the police.

- You have a complaint. For collaborating with the mafia, in the development of a pill that produces deadly effects in humans. It also has tax havens in Central America.

His eyes widened. Someone was definitely trying to harm me.

- What are you talking about ?

- Don't you watch the news? Today, at an electronic party, all the guests have died. They had foam at the mouth, suffered heart attacks and strokes. Our scientists believe that they produce hallucinogenic effects and a high level of ecstasy. It is called, "Super Happy", because it gives a false sense of happiness, due to the high activity of the hormones that generate pleasure. It's like a roller coaster, ending in a painful and pathetic death.

"Do you think I have time to make silly pills?" Gerald asked sarcastically.

- This pill, "Super Happy", has a high price in the world of drug trafficking. If he is innocent, he will prove it in court.

The woman handcuffed Gerald and he was taken to the blue van.

Virginia did not understand a word of what was happening. The employees of the mansion covered their mouths in astonishment.

Party's over

The state police have found five thousand kilos of "Super Happy" pills in the ruins of an electronic party where all the partygoers died due to the effects of said drug. The corpses had foam coming out of their mouths. The cleaning lady informed us that at first she observed how the guests laughed and danced, as if they felt in paradise. Then the chaos began, when the host fell headfirst down the stairs, he had collisions. Vomiting followed, found all over the floor.

Samples were extracted from the vomit, in addition to analyzing the blood, urine and feces of the corpses.

The cleaning lady said that her boss always ordered her to clean the entire house, except for one room where the five thousand kilos of Super Happy pills were hidden.

He denied knowledge of the origin of the drug and the criminal activities of his employer.

By tracking the phone calls, it was discovered that the host of the party was a drug dealer. He distributed drugs at the extravagant parties he threw at his house. He did not usually consume their products, but the temptation was stronger and for that reason he ended up dead.

Between the analyzed audios, and his email box, it is known that Super Happy pills are a new and highly valued drug in the mafia and drug trafficking market.

The cleaning lady had a daughter, twenty-five years old who is studying at the University. She was a lover of the host, and consequently she became more and more involved in her partner's dirty business. She tearfully swore to avenge her boyfriend's death due to the effects of the Super Happy pill, revealing the name and location of another link in the chain.

That was how we found the laboratory where the drug was developed and we rescued fifty people, who were the guinea pigs of the scientists and doctors lent to manufacture these drugs.

Some previously escaped to other countries, it is believed to Europe and Asia, knowing their arrest warrant. They earned exuberant amounts of dollars, for their illegal exercise of their professions. They owned properties and tax havens in Central American countries.

Among them is the name of Gerald Young. It is about a seventy-year-old doctor who lives in a southern town in England. He has more than twelve specializations and master's degrees, and has participated in scientific research projects. His ancestors have an equally distinguished career. His eldest son, Robert Young, was a lawyer who died in a car accident falling off a cliff. His other son, Ivan Young, has been in prison for decades for malpractice, his patients died in the operating room.

He has a granddaughter, Sophie Young, who lives locked up in the highest tower of his mansion due to an illness that affects thousands and thousands of people. The disease weakens the immune system, and the uptake of natural cell regeneration in humans, which makes the world a deadly danger for this group of people. The money has allowed him to build a bubble of protection for her.

The old doctor has denied his crimes. He is detained in the number one police station in the English town, and must prove his innocence in court.

The police and gendarmerie continue in the tireless fight against drug trafficking and the mafia. The state is on your side.

Reporter firm Hilda Fernández

Panamá Newspaper.

Caroline folded the newspaper in four. He smirked, and tossed the paper into the trash.

"This doesn't work anymore," he commented. He looked at his son, who was staring into space. He seemed in the clouds, oblivious to what was happening around him.

- Albert, earth calling Albert.

He turned to see her.

"Have you ever heard a word of what I just read?" Gerald Young is in prison! He will never see the light of day again! He raised his arms in victory.

- Yes, I know. The old man is arrested. But what do you think they're going to do with it? He's just a poor decrepit old man. - commented reluctantly. His mind was on the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, on Sophie.

I think you didn't pay attention to me. He is accused of something very big, and the judge will not have mercy on him even if he is a poor old man. And if he is saved, his reputation is totally broken. What are you thinking about, my son?

- But he did no such thing. Have you pulled the strings to accuse him?

She laughed.

- You surprised me, mother.

-Now it only remains that you marry the princess Rapunzel and all the money will be yours. Do you mind living locked up for a few months? When Sophie dies...

"No! This is too much! I don't want to hurt Sophie!" He got up from his chair, tense.

- Is she really cute? He must have skin like vampires.

- I... I...- Albert looked down.- I'll go to my room. I promised an online game to a friend...

"Uff," he frowned. -You are incorrigible. After women, your second addiction is video games.

Albert turned his back on her, and slammed the door out of the living room.

What he hadn't said was that the friend, actually a friend , was Sophie.

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