Then, one day, he walked in on her when she was bathing... she was standing with her back turned in the tub, water glistening over her tan
form... he could feel his groin tightening under his tunic.
It had been a very long time since he'd been with a woman, and he knew that he was already having feelings for her anyway.
Those emotions that roiled through him
made his arousal that much worse as she turned and her eyes widened; her entire body was on display before him.
Rounded breasts and hips, dark brown nipples and a patch of black hair on her mound... long slender legs and her bright startled eyes.
Realizing that he was just standing there, staring, he let out a low moan and turned, practically running as he retreated.
A few moments later he was in his room, standing next to the bed and sweating... his head was filled with the vision of her naked beauty and also his shame at walking in on her.
Not only walking in on her but standing
there and staring like he had! It was absolutely shameful... and so was the
tightness in his trousers that refused to go away.
Closing his eyes he swallowed hard, but he still saw her in his head, naked and glistening with wetness…
"Michael?" her soft voice made him start and turn to where she was in the doorway wrapped only in a soft robe. Whatever was in his expression made her eyes go wide and she moved forward slowly, one step at a time…
he just stood there, completely numb and not really sure of what was happening .
When she was standing right in front of him she laid one hand on his chest and looked up into his eyes. He didn’t speak, but he asked a question. And she nodded her head, answering yes.
All his control broke and his arms reached out, crushing her against his body as his lips descended... for a moment he was afraid that he read her nod incorrectly and that she would reject him, but then her lips parted and his tongue delved into her mouth.
They kissed, deeply and passionately, her hands running along his clothes and undoing his belt frantically…
Pulling away it only took him a few moments to rid himself of his clothing, and then he returned to her, sweeping the robe from her shoulders and picking her up in his arms.
With both of them finally naked he laid her
on the bed, black hair spreading across the sheets.
His arms looked so pale next to her dusky skin, his body so white against her tan... he thought it looked beautiful.
Everything about her was soft and pleasing, even the soft moans that she issued as he mouthed her breasts, sucking each dark nipple into his mouth.
Covering her body with kisses he thought that she was so beautiful, dark and exotic... he loved the way his pale hand looked covering her golden breasts, and pinching her brownish nipples.
Placing himself at the entrance of her tan pussy, he looked at the contrast between his skin, her skin and the dark thatch of hair.
Looking up into her eyes he saw her desire, and she nodded, her lips slightly parted. As
he began to press into her body they both moaned, she was so exquisitely tight and he realized that he was probably the first man to be with her since her late husband.
So he tried to go slowly, despite the fact that his own desires were urging him to move quickly and pleasure himself. Instead he went carefully and gently, stroking her body and slowly spreading her open before him.
This slow penetration meant that he got tofully enjoy just how tight she was, as inch after inch opened up before his questing dick.
Her body moved underneath him, pressing her hips against him as he finally hit home, their groins pressing together and she cried out with pleasure as he rubbed against her female bud.
His lips engulfed hers, muffling her cry and they kissed deeply as he began to thrust slowly in and out of her wetness.
They moved in unison, pleasuring each other and greedily kissing and touching, trying to run their hands over every reachable
part of the other.
Michael's thrusts became harder as his passion grew, he was unable to keep from it although he wanted to make sure that she was enjoying herself as well.
But Hannah went right along with him, moving faster against his body, her lips whispering soundlessly against his ear, sending shivers
straight to his groin.
Wrapping her legs around him, her pussy splayed open against his body, allowing him to grind against her flowered wetness with
every thrust.
Suddenly shuddering, her head fell back and she let out a wordless cry of pleasure; her tightness convulsed around him and he gasped.
Feeling the inevitable, he thrust as hard as he wanted to, spurring her orgasm to greater heights, as his own began to make his muscles clench.
Groaning he clasped her tightly to his chest, everything about him hard both on top of
her and inside her as he released into her wetness.
Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she felt him pulsing inside of her, holding him
tightly as her breasts were pressed flat against his chest and he moaned into her dark hair.
They made love three times that night... once more with him on top, and another time she showed him something new as she rode him.
It was the first time he'd ever tried unconventional positions and while he didn't
know what his priest back home would think of it, well he was already making love to a woman he wasn't married to anyway.
And as she bounced on top of him he got to watch her dark hair flying and see the contrasting skin tones as his hands ran up her body to cup her bouncing breasts.
Late in the night they spooned, moving slowly and languidly with the round curves of her ass pressing against them.
As they slowed, sighing in completion he held her against him, his dick still inside her body.
"I love you..." he whispered, "I think I've loved you since the first moment I saw you." Hannah kissed his fingertips, "Me too... I was so afraid when that man came by to ask for my hand in marriage... I thought you would never be interested in me." "Very untrue," he chuckled a little and she giggled, her body shaking against his. Wrapping her securely in his arms, they both fell asleep.
Seven months later they were married, the blushing bride's voluminous robes weren't quite enough to hide the bulge that was growing at her waistline.
It didn't help that the happy groom kept running his hands over it either, feeling the baby kicking inside.
"I think he's excited," Michael grinned, his hand on her belly as he led his bride back to their rooms for their "consummation".
The wedding guests had all politely refrained from noticing that the consummation had obviously happened greatly in advance of the wedding.
"I'm excited too." she pulled his head down for a kiss... Michael wondered just what unconventional position they'd be trying today…
although their love-making had been somewhat curtailed by her condition,
they'd been finding some ways around it.
His dick twitched at the thought of the one they'd tried last week, when she'd been on all fours and he'd been able to caress her rounded ass and reach around to feel her belly and breasts.
Although his time in the desert had made his skin more tanned, he still wasn't nearly as dark as her and he loved to watch his pale hands gripping her golden shoulders and hips as she pressed back against him.
Instead she led him over to a stool that she had set up in front of a large mirror.
Undressing, he sat down on the stool and she squatted over his lap, lowering herself onto his hard dick so that he could look over her shoulder and into the mirror.
As she began to move up and down on his dick, he watched as she moved... finally above to really see their bodies against each other, and able to watch her ecstatic face at the same time.
Reaching up he cupped her breasts, feeling the slick wetness as milk leaked from her breasts... and he just watched her bounce up and down on him in the mirror.