“I miss you hon.” I uttered under my breath.
I hate to say it, but yes, I do missed him. And I didn’t know how much I do…Only until I met him once again, and I heard his voice and I laid my eyes on him, I just figured it out that I still want him badly the way I always do.
And my heart raced. For one minute that I have him in my mind, my heart was thumping wild.
I was so happy to see him again in good shape after the accident, and thank God there were no marks on his handsome face that could remind him about the incident.
I was also delighted to know that he has taken care of himself pretty well after I was gone. And I heave a sigh of relief over that thought, before I finished the glass of beer in my hands bottoms up, then I ordered for another round.
“How could you not recognize me Marcus? I thought you know me so well!” a resentful words escaped my mouth all of a sudden.
And a deep sadness at the bottom of my heart was found when my mind took me back to our past.
We were inseparable humans.
“I was so stupid to hope that you would recognize me, and my lips will remind you of my tender kisses and my eyes will tell you how much I have been missing you. But I was wrong.”
Then a part of me was suddenly in pain over the thought of seeing him doing fine without me, yet knowing that I was miserable in another part of the world, away from my family because I had to stay away from him. But it seemed like he has moved on already without me.
Is that mean…I could finally go back?
I was thinking, when someone tapped my back with his finger and to my surprised…my shoulder shrugged.
It was a man whom I don’t know personally, but his face was familiar to me since I saw him inside the VIP room.
“Why is he here?” I questioned myself at the back of my mind, while looking at his smiling face.
“I’m sorry, did I startle you?”
“Uh, yeah…kinda.” I said in a low tone before I turned my back on him and continued what I have been doing before he came and disturbed me.
“Wanna drink with me?” he asked and my eyes widen in surprised over his arrogance. But I immediately pulled myself together and responded politely to reject his offer.
“No thank you, after this shot I should be going home, I need to be somewhere” I raised my glass and drink the beer up to the last drop, then I started preparing to leave.
I grabbed my bag with my coat and paid my bill quickly without waiting for the change so I could vanish right before his sight, but before I could even say goodbye, his words came to me like a bombshell and I was quickly stunned.
“Would you like to be my escort for tonight, lady?” my lips parted while I was trying to absorb his words in my puzzled mind.
“I heard you were rejected by Mr. Huggin’s guest and you need to work in order to be paid, so…How about staying with me until midnight, and I will pay you half of the contracted price?
His offer was pretty enticing, half of the contracted price will be given to me after 3 hours of keeping him company. Not bad. I thought so.
It’s already 9 pm and I only have 3 hours left to do my job, and 500 dollars isn’t a joke so there’s no need to think twice.
“So…?” he asked as he stared at me, waiting for my big yes.
And immediately I said, “Sure that sounds nice”
“Awesome!” Then he introduced himself to me as Mr. Robert, a business tycoon from Phuket.
So after a quick get to know each other scene, he then asked for my hand as soon as we decided to go inside. And he entangled his arm to mine and led me back to the VIP room.
And Dara’s eyes grew big the moment she saw me back in the room, since I already told her earlier that I was going to leave after my ex fiancé rejected me.
Of course, I didn’t tell her that Marcus was my ex, and I exactly know the reason why he disagreed to have me as his escort lady. Simply because his not the type of guy who’s interested with ladies for hire.
So I asked for his permission when I thought of letting my friend know the reason why I was back, I utter nicely “Sir, can you give me a minute to talk to my manager? I just need to tell her that I am back and now working with you.”
And he didn’t stop me to go, but his hand snaked around my waist as he gave me his consent “Go very quick. I need you in 5 minutes.” he said, and I felt uncomfortable with that hold.
I tried pulling my body away, but he pulled me much closer that I almost land on his temple when he attempted to kiss me. Good thing I was able to create a distance between our chests when I stretched my arm across his upper body.
“I’ll be back sir” as fast as I could, I detached my body against his and quickly walked away towards my friend’s whereabouts.
“Shit! That was close” I muttered as I ran to Dara, and I was catching my breath when I stood beside her.
“Looks like that man wants you so bad, huh?” she said and I felt agitated.
“He came to me when I was at the bar and asked me if I wanted to be his escort till midnight for 500 dollars and I was so desperate so I decided to accept his offer since it’s only for 3 hours” and a hissed of disappointment slipped my mouth when his wild behavior came back to me, and my stomach churned when I saw him from a distance that he wanted me back by his side.
“I knew he would look for you the moment I told him that you already left. He asked me if you are with someone, and I told him that your guest doesn’t want an escort. And he flew like a bird when I said, you went home.”
And we both glanced at Mr. Robert with fake smiles on our faces.
“I got to go. Guess I have to bear him till midnight.” With all the courage I had, I gathered them all to bring myself back to the man who put label on my forehead, that I was his damn escort lady.
And before I dragged myself back to this man’s arms, Dara warned me “Be careful with that guy Alicia, he is known to be a pervert.”
“Thanks for the frightening reminder. Appreciated” and I walked straight to his direction and gave him a sweet smile as I stood beside him.
Time passed by but it seemed like it was passing too slowly for me, since every minute was being observed and marked.
“Shit! I still have an hour and a half till midnight” I sighed in desperation to be released immediately.
I was so damn sick and tired of this pervert who kept touching my body with his snake hands.
And I was so disgusted each time a malicious peck landed on my cheek. “Yuck!” I mumbled, then secretly wiped my cheek with the back of my palm.
Mr. Robert had been drinking all night, yet he was still sober enough to know what he was doing. I guess the rumors were true, that he was nothing but a scumbag.
I was about to move a bit far from him when I though he was too busy chatting with his friends, when without a warning he grabbed my elbow and pulled me close.
“Where are going baby? Stay close to me and don’t go anywhere if you want to get your money in full.” He mumbled in my ear and I became speechless.
I just nodded my head and stayed by his side while he was playing Baccarat.
And seriously, he never wanted to be away from me not even a single minute for heaven’s sake.
“I’m stuck. I am absolutely stuck with this man” I thought so when all of a sudden I was startled by his rough cold hand around my shoulder, and an evil smile came to me when I looked at his demon face.
I tried to control myself and kept my anger inside of me, thinking that bursting out won’t do any good. Since there’s only an hour left before midnight, I should better hold my temper until then…And after that, I am damn free like a bird, so I decided to kept my silence since I have already gone this far.
But his next action annoyed me a lot when his dirty hand slid at my back and going down to my waist. I inhaled deeply as I stopped my hand from landing on his despicable face. But he was really getting into my nervous, and he was testing my patience so badly when he slowly moving his hand down to the cheek of my butt.
My eyes widened in surprised and that very moment I felt I was being molested by a maniac. Just when I was about to freak out in front of this horrible creature before me, I heard him growled in pain in an instant, when his wrist was grabbed by a huge hand and his arm was twisted behind his back.
“Ouch! What the f**ck are you doing?” Mr. Robert roared in anger unto the man’s serious face, and everyone around us were stunned with the sudden commotion right before their eyes.
I was like deeply terrified to see a murderous eyes on the man I have loved for almost half of my life. His glare was sharp enough to scare him to death.
“You dirty pervert!” Marcus’ voice lingered around the casino VIP room and everyone stared at us with a shocking eyes. “How dare you touch my lady?” he yelled unto his dismayed face.
And me and Mr. Robert at the same time uttered in disbelief
“My lady?”
And his icy blue orbs glared at me as I questioned him. “B-but you s-said you…” I was stuttering before he cut me off to reclaim me.
“Yes. You just heard me right. Aren’t you my escort lady Ms. Park?” and he tightly twisted his arm out of pissed that made Mr. Robert begged for his freedom.
“Let me go, I didn’t know that the lady is already taken, she deceived me. You two timer bitch!” he said to humiliate me, and he didn’t fail when murmuring voices around us started to be heard.
“Bitch? Me? How dare you call me that, pervert asshole?” my face was burning in anger as I exchanged glances on both Marcus and Mr. Robert. My heart was racing too fast because of the mixed emotions that I could hardly contain. Then I burst out.
“You two are nothing but crazy people!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and I immediately turned my back to vanish in thin air.