Darkness has fallen in the busy city of New York, and as the stars filled the universe - Alyssa was going to celebrate her 28th birthday in one of the most luxurious hotel in town without knowing it.
Her boyfriend, Marcus Liam Lee-has decided to take their relationship to the next level. They were friends for more than a decade, and he was Alyssa's best friend.
Just a couple of months ago they've been dating after Marcus confessed his feelings for her, and today...on her birthday, Marcus wanted to claim her as his fiancée so he will propose to her in front of her family and friends whom he secretly invited.
He wanted to make this evening a memorable one so he made sure that everything was personalized.
From the theme of the party...The food they will serve, the music that will be played in the background...Centerpiece on the tables, her birthday cake and even the flower arrangement in the palace garden – were all prepared under his management.
She was truly a lucky girl because Marcus loves her so much, and he will do everything for her just to make her happy.
Finally, no one can ever go between the two of them. He thought as he waited for Aly and her family's arrival at the Palace Garden Hotel.
Along the way, Aly was a bit curious about the party her mother have told her about. She put on a great act in front of her daughter.
She told Alyssa that her Auntie Martha, her father's younger sister will be celebrating her golden year, and they are invited so they need to come.
"Where are we heading?" she asked while being seated at the back seat of the Mercedes Benz, fixing her hair and make-up.
Her mother looked at her with a straight face "I told you many times, the party will be held in the Palace Garden" and she flinched out of shock because of her mom's high tone.
"Okay fine!" she exclaimed then murmured. "It's my day and we are celebrating other's birthday instead, that's absurd!" Her lips pouted and her mom heard her loud and clear so she chuckled lightly behind her face.
Her phone rang...It was Marcus.
"Hi!" her voice was a bit low when she answered the call and Marcus became nosy right away.
"Why your voice sound sad?" he asked. And Aly looked outside the window and watched the bright lights on the road as it sparkled.
"I don't want to go. You know how much I hate parties but mom insisted. I should have stayed home instead" she mumbled under her breath so her mom wouldn't know that she was complaining.
"Thanks to your car and for the driver by the way, we're travelling comfortably" she said.
Marcus plastered a thin smile on his face upon hearing Aly's tantrum. "I'm sorry, I'm not there to celebrate your birthday Hon, I have an urgent business trip" he apologized and Aly felt the sadness in her heart.
For the past 13 years, Marcus was always present in her birthdays, whether they celebrate or not - they were together eating her favorite ice cream.
But today, Alyssa was sad knowing that Marcus wouldn't be there to join her on her special day.
A couple of minutes later, the black Mercedes Benz arrived in the area.
He was patiently waiting for them in the lobby, when he noticed the car was approaching the driveway of the hotel, he stepped outside with a bouquet of red roses in his hand.
He stood proud and tall outside the car door as he opened it, and waited for the woman to come out. Immediately, Aly's eyes were shock when she saw his face right before her eyes.
"Marcus! What a-are....?" She quickly asked but Marcus cut her off with his finger on her lips and kissed her forehead after he gave her the flowers, then she smiled sweetly to him.
"Don't ask hon. Relax, It's your birthday! Just enjoy the night" and they walked inside the hotel after Marcus gave his respects to his future parent's in law.
They wasted no time, so as soon as they set foot on the entrance, they proceeded to the venue.
For some reason, she got nervous and she couldn't explain the strange feeling.
Until they've reached the entrance of the garden hall... her eyes widen out of astonishment, upon seeing her college friends, shop workers, Lilian and her other relatives who were waiting for her.
And as she came inside and began walking on the red carpet, they were all clapping their hands and waving hi to her.
"Happy Birthday!" left and right, guest were greeting her.
The place was set up according to her liking. It has a rustic theme with a touch of fairyland.
Hanging flowers and vine plants were on the ceiling, flowing beautifully. Along with the fairy lights.
She couldn't believe her eyes how wonderful the place was, especially when her sister told her that it was all Marcus's doing.
Mixed emotions captivated her- happiness and fear at the same time.
She couldn't be happier with the surprise party he pulled up for her, but her indescribable feeling was still giving her a hard time though.
She felt that Marcus was up to something, and this hunch thing was telling her that it would possibly break her heart.
But despite the feeling, she decided to get along and enjoy the night.
"You look beautiful and elegant Alyssa" Carmen praised her when she walked right in front of her, and Alyssa gave her a quick word.
"I had no idea this will happen. Good thing I wore a decent dress for tonight." she chuckled as she whispered in her ear.
Then she ironed her black velvet mini dress with her hand, when she pulled away.
"And I love that plunging neckline dear. So hot and sexy" and they both laughed.
The night was still young, and Alyssa was having a great time with the lovely people around her.
She was so tired but happy.
Everyone was busy chatting, eating, drinking and doing their own thing when they heard a voice on the background, speaking on the microphone.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention for a moment please." Marcus voice came out of nowhere.
Then the video was played on the screen projector, and it was a collection of Marcus and Aly's photos since they were young up to the present day.
A sweet song was played with the slideshow, and everyone was amazed to see how they matured overtime.
The music stopped but the video still played on when the lights turned off leaving only the spotlight on her.
Aly was sitting at the family table when her dad took her hand and led the way to the dance floor.
“Can I have a dance with my daughter?”
“Of course! I like that idea, dad.”
The music continued and they danced sweetly. All eyes on them and Aly was overjoyed because of the lovely moment - her tears fell innocently.
Then without a warning, Marcus showed up in his own spotlight and Aly's father handed her hand to her boyfriend.
“Please take care of my daughter,” Mr. Park requested, and Marcus immediately took the hand of his beloved.
Everyone was quiet as they danced on a big spotlight. They looked great together.
And when the song ended, a sudden silence came in and everyone was startled to see Marcus got down on one knee, shaking and uneasy.
Same thing with Alyssa, she froze instantly with that gesture of him. Her heart was throbbing like crazy as she looked at him in the eyes.
He was very serious and his eyes were teary, so she knew right there that something’s about to explode...And she was right.
"Alyssa Park!" her voice was deep. "I want you to know that, ever since I met you...I never laid my eyes on anyone…Well, I meant…girls" and everyone laughed over his little joke, but Alyssa was threatened.
"Forgive me, I'm a little nervous here" He said, before continuing his proposal.
"You know how much I love you, and how much I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you" And her heart was in her throat, now that he’s close of telling her the words she was so afraid to hear.
But nothing could stop Marcus. "Please be my wife, let me love you and take care of you forever Hon. Marry me!"
Marcus opened the small jewelry box and offered it to Aly.
Inside, there was a white gold ring studded with blue sapphire stones around it.
Everyone was cheering for them as he proposed his love, but Alyssa was found speechless right before his eyes.
She was so confused. She doesn't know what to say. At the back of her mind, she knew exactly what she wanted to tell him. And it was a "NO" for her, but her words were backing out on her mouth. She was voiceless.
Suddenly, the air around her became thick that she breathe heavily. She felt her knees will stumble any moment but she tried so hard to stand firm.
For a minute, she felt her whole world was crashing upon her...And there was nothing she can do to stop it. The feeling’s right from the start, something’s about to happen and it will break her heart.
Her feelings for him started to change as she looked at him at the same position. He was patiently waiting for her answer, while Alyssa was being consumed with her emotions.
"She hated him!" That's what she felt when she looked into his eyes. She saw betrayal.
There were so much she wanted to say but when her gaze turned to her parents, most especially to her dad who looked old and weak for his age. She hesitated to make any objection.
Her father was nodding his head, telling Aly to accept Marcus's proposal. Then she looked at his parents on the next table, and they were waiting for her to accept Marcus.
From there, she quickly understood everything. What her father wanted her to do.
She cleared her throat for the announcement.
"YES!" she nodded her head and turned to Marcus. And as soon as he heard her approval...
He quickly took out the ring from the box, and put the ring on her finger.
He kissed her hand softly then got off his feet and embraced Alyssa tightly.
Her tears began to fall slowly without realizing it.
"I love you Hon" he kissed her cheeks and he felt on his lips some warm tears. He stared in her eyes and see the tears pooling in her hazel orbs
"Why are you crying?" Marcus asked her immediately.
I'm just overwhelmed." She looked down and closed her eyes to hold back her tears..
"Congratulations for the both of you!" Mr. and Mrs. Park exclaimed as they both greeted and kissed the soon to be bride and groom. Then Mr. Park wrapped his arms around Alyssa, and whispered softly in her ears.
"Thank you Alyssa, and I'm sorry my daughter!" He tapped her back to at least comfort her. Aly's emotion burst out and she tightly held her father in her arm as she yelp.
"It's okay dad, I can do this!" she tried hiding her pain by convincing herself that she can do everything for her family's sake, and when she fooled herself that night... She stopped living.
"Tears pooled in my eyes when I said yes! And they rebelled without consideration as soon as my heart disagreed"