While walking, Niña suddenly harshly burst some words. "Ugh! Luigi is getting annoying!"
I raise a brow while sipping on my soft drinks. I need to drink some acid. It will help me burp the foods that I take.
"Why? Is he still texting you?" Rohanie asks making Niña nod as her answer. Niña is still looking at her phone while me-- I'm confuse with who the fucking hell is Luigi?
So I asks. "Who the fvck is that boy? Is he harassing you?"
Niña shake her head. "Chill, Alli. Don't start a fight. He's the student from other section that Ms. Jeru is talking about."
I frown. "Well. I don't know him. Never heard of him before."
Rohanie chortled. "If you did not let your pride eat you, maybe you will meet him."
Ugh. They are there again. "So what now?" I asks instead of answering Rohanie's sarcastic remarks.
"Nothing much. He just keep on chatting me." Niña said. I was about to ignore their conversation since I don't get them but then Niña's words caught my attention.
"I pity him." I frown at her. But I keep my silence.
"Why? Because of what he said?" Rohanie asks. I just keep my ears open to their conversation.
This guy is eating my curiosity. And I don't like it.
"Yup." Niña simply replied. I frown at them. "Why would you pity that guy?" I finally asks.
Niña shrug. "Because he told me that he doesn't have any real friend. La lang. It just make me feel bad about him."
Rohanie flicked her finger. "Yup. He said that he feel so lonely."
I bite my lips when I started having this feeling inside me that I wanted to know that guy.
I don't know why... I just want to know him and made him feel how it feels to have someone who will support you with whatever decision you make in your life
And maybe because before meeting my friends now, I used to be so nice and sweet. The reason why some fuckers from my elementary days take advantage of my nice attitude. But now, I'm just fuck you, fuck that and fuck everyone.
"What's his full name?" Ugh! I failed to keep my curiosity inside me.
Both of my girls have the same look. The "don't fuck with us" look. The kind of look that they gave me makes me roll my eyes.
"Duh? It's not like I'm gonna eat him?" I said roughly.
Niña roll her eyes. "We know you, Alli. You and your curiosity."
I wince. "I just want to know him since I don't get the things that the two of you keep on talking about."
"His Luigi Aguilar. Ma'am Jeru is also his science teacher. And he is the one that Ma'am Jeru keep on talking about. The only one who go to the field trip in their section." Niña explained making me make a "ahh~" sound.
The jeepney that Rohanie needs to ride is finally came. We bid our goodbyes before Niña and I go to a different jeepney.
I frown when I saw the time. Why does escorting Niña feels so long right now? I mean-- I'm not complaining that I have to escort her till she get home--- It's just so different right now.
And finally! When Niña is finally home and I got to catch a Jeepney. I suddenly feel relieve.
Once I was walking alone in the same street. I insert my earphones and start the music.
I need to walk a miles and music will escort me to home.
"I hate being single but I also hate being in a relationship." I whisper out of nowhere.
I sigh and bite my lips. There is something inside me that pushing me to search that Luigi dude. So I did.
I type his name and I start stalking him. There is nothing much in his account except for the fact that he is friend with my cousin.
It makes me raise a brow before having a battle with myself whether to add him or not.
And in the end. I let my inner demon to win againts the battle.
I hit it. I hit the add friend button.
Shit. I hope I won't regret this decision of mine.
When I'm finally home, Niña's words is still stuck on my head. Ugh! I hope I can kill those worms living inside my head!
I bite my lips while thinking. Should I just asks Niña for the last time?
And so I did. I chat this Attitude little girl. Since I saw the green circle on her messenger. Nope. Better call her. And so I did.
Three ringing tones and then she answered the phone.
"Oh? What's your problem?" She arrogantly asks.
I roll my eyes. "Yow, so I just wanna asks. How did you guys met that man?"
I don't want to sound so curious, but I did. I hear Niña groan.
"Duh~ We already talked about it earlier. In the fieldtrip. Why are you even asking? And you also call just to asks that?" I can see Niña's face while telling me those words.
I have no words left to say so I hang up without saying goodbye.
Well, that's just a normal thing to do if they are your true friends.
That dude is still bothering me till the morning came. I was getting ready for school when my phone suddenly make a notification sound.
(You are now connected on fbook)
I bit my lip when I saw his other post that you can only see once he accepted your friend request.
While drinking some coffee, I scroll down to his timeline. I raise my brow. He got some old music post that makes me smile.
"And here I thought that no man except for my Papa will love old musics." I whisper and put down the cup in sink before going out go see my cousins waiting for me.
"Yow." I greeted them before we walk and waited for a tricycle.
When Rohanie and Niña is busy and we don't have a girls night. I'm stuck with my cousins.
We sometimes go home together. Our school is kilometers away from our housw but If you wanted to walk, you can. There is a lot of students walking from school to this subdivision.
I like the idea of walking since I can get a peace of mind. But my cousins hate walking and I understand that because for them it's tiring.
When I'm finally at school. I have a thought in my mind. Same old shit and same path that I have to walk to get in my boring classroom.
Nothing special happened that moment. It's just my boring school hours.
It got me excited to go home since I can finally flop in my bed!
Satisfaction was written all over my face when I get to spread my body on the mattress. I was busy picking my nose when my phone suddenly beeped.
I look at the notification panel and I saw Luigi's name. He shared a post. Out of curiosity, I open it and saw an interesting shared post.
I bite my lips. It's about having no friends. His post makes me wonder. He is friend with my male cousin. So that means that he's a friend of my Kuya right?
And while stalking him, I can't help but to think that he is a friend material.
And I think there is something more to him than meets the eye...
This man is eating me alive. And it's not good. I want to be part of his life. And I'm not that kind of girl. To put my nose in someone's business. And I don't add anyone in my accounts--but this man?
Gosh. He is an exception. After a long hour of having an inner conflict. I finally chat him.
"Again. He's an exception." I whisper. This is one of the things that I hated the most. Chatting first. Because if I chatted someone, it means I need that someone or that someone got my attention.
Allison: Hi!
I bit my lips as I wated for him to reply on me. Seen. He seen me. That seen makes me gulp.
My mouth hang open when I saw the three dots. It means he is going to reply to my hi!
Luigi: Hi.
He replied to me. That makes me smile from ear to ear. Waitt-- I frown. I have nothing to say! What now?!
I was thinking of a topic that we can talk when he suddenly send another message.
Luigi: You don't have any topic right?
I can't help but to smile. Yeah. I have nothing to say but my brain keeps on telling me that I should talk to him.
Allison: Yup hahaha.
Luigi: Me too.
I frown and pout. I want our conversation to go on but We both have nothing to say...
So I decided to ask Rohanie. I dialed her number to asks.
"Oh? You need something?" Rohanie boredly asks.
"Yup. I need to ask you something." I bit my lip. Rohanie will sense something about my question. I can sense it!
"Shoot" Rohanie said. "So How do you star a conversation with someone that you just talk right now?" I asks with a speed of a lightning.
"Well, Girl I don't know. You better bring a topic so you can talk to that someone. Yup. That's all bye!"
I frown and look at my phone. This girl! She hang up!
I sigh. I have no other choice now since it's Christmas vacation. I'm stuck in our house and my other bestfriend is still busy.
Luigi: I don't know how to start a conversation because I have no friend to talked to.
I feel melancholy by what he said in our chat. The thought of him feeling alone makes me wanna go to his place and hug him to comfort him that he have me now.
But that's impossible. Who would believe you if you tell a person you just talk right now that you understand him or her and you are there for them.
I sigh. "Shit things bitches." I rolled my tongue inside my mouth while thinking.
Gosh. I pray to god that he finds the right person who will always be there for him.