I made my way through the crowd where the illuminated bathroom sign was pointing, just past the counter to the left. As I got closer to the bathroom, I also got closer to the stage, and by the time I was at the door, I felt like my eardrums were about to burst from how loud the music was. Thankfully, inside the bathroom, the music was muffled, and I could only hear the faint sounds of the drums and the bass. I rested my hands on the sink, looking at myself in the mirror, giving myself time to breathe away from all the chaos of the bar.
My reflection didn't look too bad. I’ll admit, though, I looked exhausted, but can you blame me? I was traveling all day and this time difference is kicking my ass. Three hours isn't a lot in theory, but in reality, it’s just enough to fuck with your internal clock to make you angry, hungry, and tired all at once. That’s a great combo. I combed my fingers through my hair to make it look slightly better, but it really didn't do a whole lot. I was kind of digging this hoodie, to be completely honest. The modern-vintage look was similar to my style, but not identical. Maybe in another life, I’d insist on keeping the hoodie, but that wasn't me. After all, it wasn't mine to take.
How long had I been in here? I didn't want him to worry, so I decided to leave after taking a few deep breaths and pulling my phone from my pocket. I had several texts and a missed call from my friends, but I’d get back to them later.
I slipped my phone back in my pocket, which required me to pull up the hoodie that practically went halfway down my thighs, and I walked out of the bathroom. After a few steps toward the crowd, I realized I couldn't see where Juda and Lula were, so I slowly walked parallel to the counter, peering into and around the crowd. I was so focused on looking for them, I didn't watch where I was going, so I ran directly into someone.
“I’m so sorry,” I apologized. Thank god the guy I ran into wasn't holding a drink or I’d be screwed.
“No worries,” the man replied. He looked to be in his late 20s or early 30s, but I couldn't be sure because it was kind of dark in here. “I’m Parker, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you.” My eyes were still trained on the crowd, and I was about to keep walking toward where I thought they would be when he side-stepped right in my sightline.
“Does this pretty little girl have a pretty little name?” Parker smirked. My heart dropped. I awkwardly laughed a little, tugging on my sleeves.
“Sorry, I really have to go-”
“Come on, what’s the rush? Let me buy you a drink.” Parker reached out and trailed his fingers down my arm. I stood frozen, not wanting to make him angry or cause a scene.
“I don't drink. I should really-” I took a few steps away from him, but his fingers wrapped around my upper arm.
“Aw, no, I insist. Would it be so bad getting to know each other for a bit? What was your name, again?” I started breathing more rapidly, which he took as excitement, even though the fear I felt was evident on my face. He reached his other hand up to touch my hair, but before he could, I was pulled out of his tight grasp.
In an instant, Juda was between me and the creep. He had pushed me behind him and kept one arm out as an additional barrier. I instinctively grabbed onto the back of Juda’s shirt. Somehow, holding onto him made me start to calm down.
“You need to get the fuck out of here right now,” Juda growled. He could be really scary when he was mad, and right now, he was beyond furious. I made a mental note to not get on his bad side.
“Come on, man. Me and the lady were just having a little fun, right?” He was starting to slur his words just enough to let Juda and I both know that this could turn really bad really quick.
“She’s a minor, jackass,” Juda hissed. That seemed to get his attention.
“Oh, shit, my bad-”
“Yeah, it is your bad, now get outta here before I call the cops.” The creep scurried off, out of sight, leaving Juda seething in anger. He made a move to follow the guy, but I knew that wouldn't end well, so I switched from standing behind him to in front of him, putting one hand on his chest to stop him from marching over there and beating his ass.
“Juda, it’s okay, really. I’m okay.” That got his attention, and his eyes dropped to meet mine. The anger in them started to drift away, and he began to look just as exhausted as I felt. We stood there for a few seconds before I realized my hand was still resting on his chest. I quickly pulled it away and crossed my arms. I couldn't give him the wrong idea. I probably already had, so I had to curb this as fast as possible.
“Are you ready to go?” I asked him. “We should probably go before Anna gets too worried.” Juda only nodded.
We walked out of the bar with him scanning the place, walking slightly ahead of me just in case another perv decided to make an appearance.