Pulling up at the side of the road I wiped my eyes. I was angry, no scratch that I was furious. How could he do that to me, his own daughter? Taking out my phone I looked through my contacts pressing dial when I found my moms number. Putting it on speaker I waited for her to answer.
"Ava baby are you alright?..A, honey?"
"M-mom" I sobbed my body starting to shake. I don't think I've ever cried this much in my entire life. I should never have come here. Why did I have to be so stupid?
"What did that bastard do?" she roared "Ava baby please talk to me"
Sniffing and rubbing at my nose I cleared my throat "He doesn't w-want me mom. Why doesn't he want me? W-what did I do wrong?" I cried wishing I was at home with her curled up on the sofa instead of being here all alone in a city I didn't know. I was hurt and angry. What man doesn't want to get to know his own daughter?
"You listen to me Ava Maria Mendez and you listen good. You have done nothing wrong. This is not your fault. Please baby don't blame yourself and please tell me where are you?"
I knew my mom was angry but I knew it wasn't with me. My mom didn't entirely hate my dad but this might have just pushed her over the edge and she only ever used my full name when she was angry.
"I don't know I've been circling for about an hour. I want to come home" I croaked. I had no idea where I was.
"I know baby but I don't want you driving right now not when your in this state. Please baby find a motel to sleep tonight and call me tomorrow when you've had some rest"
"Okay mom see you soon. Love you"
"Love you to baby"
Little did I know I would be seeing my mother alot sooner than what I thought.
Throwing my phone onto the passanger seat I looked around my surroundings. Nothing, not even a street name. Starting my engine I searched for somewhere I could go, there had to be atleast an all night diner about. Making a left turn I sighed with relief when I spotted one. Stopping outside I grabbed my bag, locked my car and headed inside.
"Rough night?".
"You could say that". I said placing the menu back in the stand.
"You ready to order sweetie?".
"I'll just take a coffee thanks" I smiled as she wrote it down and walked away. Glancing at my phone screen it was just coming up on 9.30pm.
What a long horrible day. As my coffee was placed infront of me I smiled at the waitress. What in the world was I going to do? I had no idea where I was and I was in need of a good nights sleep. As a yawn escaped my mouth I pushed back my chair and stood up. Heading over to the counter I waited for some service. The place was dead but I didn't want to be rude and shout out.
"You want something else sweetie?".
"Could you put this in a take away cup for me please?".
"Sure thing honey".
Handing me back my coffee I left the diner. Could I sleep in my car? Would it be safe enough?. Walking to my car my face fell into a scowl the same time my heart skipped a beat.
"Shouldn't be out here alone darling".
Great just what I needed. How did he know where to find me. My day had just gone from bad to worse. Blaze was leaning against my bumper smoking a cigarette.
"Last time I checked I didn't need a babysitter. You come to put a gun to my head again?". I sneered stopping next to my car. I didn't trust him and if I'm honest he scared the living shit out of me.
Getting a good look at him I noticed the bruising that covered his left eye and the deep gash that lay above it. What in the world happened to him?
His eyes fell into slits as he glared at me. That small action caused me to take a small step back. Throwing his cigarette away he stood up straight and put his hands in the front pockets of his jeans.
"Well ain't you a mouthy little witch". He smirked causing my face to pale. "Relax babe I ain't gonna hurt you just making sure you're alright".
My mouth fell open. He was here because he wanted to make sure I was alright? Of course I wasn't alright. He had a gun to my head less than 3 hours ago. Folding my arms under my chest I walked closer feeling more confident this time.
"Why the hell do you care. You don't know me and if I'm honest I'd like you to go away and leave me alone". Turning on my heels I walked to the drivers side of my car and was about to open the door when he grabbed hold of my upper arm.
"No can do princess. Orders from the man himself, I need to make sure you're safe and I ain't allowed to leave your side till it's day light".
You have got to be kidding me. Feeling the anger rise within me I shook off his hand "Get your hands off me and tell that pathetic excuse for a dad that I don't need a fucking babysitter". I snapped opening my car door only for it to be slammed shut.
"Listen you spoilt little bitch you ain't leaving my side till I say you can. Now get that pretty little ass of yours on the back of my bike before I make you". he growled.
Even though I was shaking inside I wasn't letting him see that "I'm not going back to the clubhouse and you cant make me".
Who did he think he was? A spoilt little bitch? I was far from spoilt. Everything I have has been earned not handed to me on a silver plate.
"Just get on the damn bike Ava".
Aubreys POV.....
How could that bastard do that to her? It was nearing midnight when I arrived in NewYork. I was now standing outside the clubhouse back in this shitty little town. I could hear the music and laughter from inside and it just made me more mad. I was fuming but I was more worried and scared because Ava wasn't answering her phone.
I bet he's sitting in there with a biker whore in his lap acting like the king. Straighting my shoulders I marched to the front door and pulled it open as hard as I could.
"Where the fuck is he?". I roared causing the laughter to die down.
This place had not changed one bit it even smelled the same. A mixture of motorcycle oil, leathers, cigarettes and lets not forget sex. Scrunching my nose up I ignored all the stares.
"Well if it isn't little Aubrey".
Gritting my teeth I turned and came face to face with Tommy. Tommy was one of Franko's lifers and his best friend. He's been here for as long as I could remember.
"Where the fuck is he Tommy?".
"Who is that?". A younger biker asked.
"This here brothers is Franko's old lady". Tommy smirked.
The full place fell silent, the music stopping.
"Fuck off Tommy". I hissed having a good idea on where he would be. Probably in his office with a whore between his legs.
"Bitch still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up". I heard Tommy mumble.
Feeling the smirk form on my face I winked at the young biker and disappeared through the clubhouse. Coming to a stop at his office door I pulled it open and there he was sitting in his chair, eyes closed and a whore between his legs.
Slamming the door shut his eyes snapped open. I marched over to him and grabbed the whore by the hair. Ignoring her cries of protest I dragged her across the floor and shoved her near the door.
"Get out". I snapped
While this was happening Franko sat with a fucking smirk on his face. A smirk like he was fucking enjoying it. Picking up her clothes the girl exited the room quietly closing the door behind her.
Watching the smirk fall into a glare I swallowed the lump in my throat. He was a very intimidating man but I knew him better than most and I knew he wouldn't hurt me.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" He snapped buttoning up his leathers.
"How fucking could you?". I shouted "Ava is your daughter Frances. She looks up to you so much even though you haven't been there that poor girl dotes on you". I could feel my emotions getting the better of me and I knew if I cried I would kick my own ass later. "You hurt my baby".
"I know she's my kid. Fuck she looks just like me". He sighed running a hand through his hair. "I didn't hurt her Aubrey I just didn't know how to act around her".
"Then why would you throw her out, why did she call me in hysterics about you not wanting her, asking what she had done wrong. Why Franko, why would you treat her like that?".
He could say or do whatever he wanted to me but when it came to Ava I was drawing a line. She had wanted this moment to be perfect, she had waited so long and yes I stopped her because I was afraid something like this would happen.
"Who the fuck are you to come up in here and start blaming me for this shit, I never threw her out".
"You're the one to blame". I roared my voice breaking as I felt my eyes water "That chain you put on her as a child, she still fucking wears it. You broke her heart and do you know what I'm glad you did because maybe now she'll move on and forget about you". I sneered.
Slamming his hands on the desk he stood from his chair and stormed towards me. Standing infront of me he was so close I could feel his breath fanning my face. It was hard to believe that this was the man I had fell in love with, was still in love with but couldn't ever bring myself to go back there.
"Always had a way with words didn't you". He growled grabbing my face in his hands "Always were a mouthy little shit".
"Don't touch me". I snapped slapping my hands against his chest. "Don't ever fucking touch me Franko".
Something inside of me broke and I couldn't hold it together anymore. "This is your fault". I slapped his chest again and again and again until I was sobbing and if it wasn't for his arms cradling me I would have broke down on the floor.
"I have no idea where my baby is. She's not answering her phone. What if somethings happened to her?".
"Darlin' relax I have my VP watching over her she's safe". His voice was soft and soothing and it had been so long since I had heard it like that.
"So because your VP is watching her she's safe. How do you know she's safe when you were here with your whore?". I snarled feeling the angry wash over me.
"You want my dick Aubrey?" He growled grabbing me by the shoulders.
Feeling the blush form on my face I glared at him the best I could "Get the fuck off me". Struggling to get out of his grip I gave up when his arms tightened and before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine and I was kissing him back.
Feeling the tingles take over my body like they always did when he kissed me I wrapped my arms around his neck and started tugging on his hair. Feeling his hands roam my body my eyes snapped open when they pulled my dress up so it was hunched at the waist.
"W-what are you doing?". I asked between kisses. God this was so wrong but damn it if it didn't feel right. I felt that I belonged in his arms but I didn't come back here for this.
"Taking back whats mine". He growled before crashing his lips back against mine.
Placing his hands on my ass he lifted me my legs wrapping around his waist. Carrying me he placed me on the couch as I watched him unbutton his leathers. My nerves were back again I hadn't been with a man in so long infact he was the last man that I had been with.
Stepping in between my legs he dropped to his knees. I couldn't take my eyes of him or his hand that was travelling up towards my private area. Dragging a long finger down my pussy I bit my lip and moaned. I knew I was wet and I knew the bastard would love that.
"Damn baby you're soaking. Tell me how much you want it sweetheart". Feeling his finger slide underneath my panties I froze altogether. I couldn't do this, it had been to long and I was scared I had forgot what to do.
"Babe whats wrong?". He whispered dropping his hands from my body.
"I- Its been a while". I whispered feeling the heat rise on my cheeks. Fuck I felt like I was sixteen all over again. Him on his knees and me quivering from being nervous and scared.
"How long Aubrey?". His voice was stern but I couldn't look at him. I couldn't tell him he was the last man I had been with. Could I?
"You don't need-"
"How fucking long woman?". He growled putting his hands under my bum and pulling me towards him.
"I don't need to fucking tell you". I glared. Why did he always make this bitch inside of me come out? He always made me angry and frustrated but god he always made me want him. Ever since the first time I laid eyes on him.
Watching as his eyes fell into slits I couldn't make out his next move. My body was aching to be touched. I wanted him to make love to me but my pride wouldn't let me tell him. Biting my bottom lip I saw the lust swimming in his eyes and before I could do or say anything he was in me. Crying out in pain and pleasure my hand shot out grabbing onto the side of the couch.
"Fuuuuck" He groaned "You're tight".
He was inside me but he hadn't begun to move yet. I took that as him letting me get used to the size of him again. Glancing up at him he was watching me.
"How long darlin'?"
Sighing I sat up a little so I could lean on my elbows. I didn't want to tell him but I knew he wouldn't let it go and I knew he wouldn't begin moving until I told him.
"You" I whispered watching his eyes widen and his mouth fall open a little "That time in the prison when you had some how managed to make that happen. You're the last person I slept with. As crazy as it sounds I've never found that connection again".
Watching the smirk form on his face he began to move inside of me "Good! You belong to me darlin' and I'm glad you remembered that".
"Asshole" I growled but that soon fell into a moan as he started taking my body places only he could.