Happy reading ?
Isabella's POV
Waking up in morning after hearing my mother's morning shout I did my routine and brushed my hair looking at mirror.
From Mirror I can see Ms.Bed calling me to comfort her.
My poor bed must be lonely all day.
I can hear her sweet words.
'Come here, Isabella. I feel too lonely. You must be tired too. Let us rest for a bit.See I'm so soft. You will feel at ease. Come here my dear baby. Let us travel to Mars peacefully. Nobody, Just us, All day!'.
Shaking my head at Ms.Bed I walked down.
"Isabella, Do you have any appointment today?", My mom inquired with a smile.
Something is fishy Isabella. My mom never would ask about my whereabouts. You have to get out of here right now.
Not answering her question I dialed my assistant.
"Stella. I would like to arrange the meeting with Mr.Marcus ASAP. I will be in the office in next ten minutes!", I informed her and stood up.
"Mom..I'm busy..I'll see you later", kissing her cheeks I'm about to escape from the place.
"Stand right there Isabella Collins", my dad's stern voice made me rooted to my place.
Some big bomb is going to be dropped on my head.
Get ready for the war Isabella!
"Take a seat", he told while I obeyed calmly.
But inside I'm literally screaming and breaking things at the table.
"I have arranged a wedding proposal for you", he told while I relaxed.
"Text me the details dad. It's just a meeting. You should have informed my assistant", I said relaxing in seat stopping my leg which is dancing below the table in tension.
"It's a wedding Isabella. Not a Meeting", his words made me blink at him.
I blinked at my dad and mom. They both reflected my action.
So my brain started processing his words seriously!
Still processing! My brain buffered due to poor communication!
Processing fast!
Processing very fast!
Still No Comments.
My brain declared it's decision.
I laughed hard clutching my stomach. I feel from chair still I can't stop my laughs. I rolled in floor still clutching my stomach to stop my laughs.
"What happened baby? Are you okay?", My mom's worried face made me stop a little.
"Dad..I'm hearing words now. I must say this is hilarious out of all my misinterpretation", I laughed still remembering the joke taking the seat.
"Your dad is not joking baby", my mom said placing her hand over my shoulder in worry.
She is scared that I might go crazy.
"Mom..stop. It's not funny. But I admit this prank will be in top of my list. This is hilarious!", I said smiling.
"Isabella Collins. Be serious", my dad sighed.
"Dad..I don't get it. I really don't", I asked being honest.
"You are 23 dear. You have to get married", my mom's words made me dodge her hand from my shoulder.
"This..is insane", I said shaking my head in disbelief.
"You are still immature. We are worried about your state princess. We want you in a safe hand where someone would take care of you after us", his words made me upset.
"Dad. I just wanted some time to myself. Of course I know I'm wrong. I do regret. I apologized and I'm trying to behave. Calling me immature is making me upset. Yes I'm 23 but there is no rule that a woman want to get married on or before 23. And I'm sorry dad. A woman's wedding has nothing to do with her age and her personality. I'm leaving", I said and walked to door.
He called me immature and he wanted me to marry some random guy to get matured.
"Take your time. But I really want to see my little princess getting married. I'm sorry I called you immature. I know you are grown enough to look after yourself. I'm selfish. I wanted to see my daughter's wedding. I really want you to give it a thought princess", my father's sad voice made me gulp.
He is using your weakness Isabella. Don't get it in your head!
Not answering him I walked to car.
I saw Mia's Name in caller ID.
Rejecting it I took an drive to the town, one hour away from the city to find some peace.
The coffee aroma relaxed my senses as soon as I entered the cafe.
"Morning my dear niece", Aunt Emma greeted me with a smile.
Aunt Emma is my father's sister. She is such a sweetheart. I love her a lot. I look more like her. It's not my words. It's my father's.
"Morning Aunt Em", I hugged her.
"Is something wrong dear?", She asked worried.
"Your brother arranged a marriage for me", I sighed.
She started laughing loud attracting the customer's attention in cafe.
"Um..I'm sorry..my niece said something really funny", she told in fit of laughters making the crowd laugh seeing her reaction.
God..she is an amazing soul.
"That's very funny dear", she slapped my arm playfully.
"Ouch! That hurts Em", I glared at her.
"Don't act. Now tell me what happened?", She asked again.
"I told you already", saying I took a seat in table and ordered my favourite chocolate milkshake.
I really really love chocolate milkshake. And chocolates are my top favourites
I don't think there would be any human in the world hates chocolate milkshake. If there is one then they might not be a human.
After taking a sip my muscles relaxed.
"Are you serious?", she asked with her eyes wide as saucers.
"Are you seriously serious?", She asked again as I ignored her.
"Yes",sipping on drink my tongue swirled in bliss.
Chocolate milkshake are the best!!
"So what's your answer?", She asked composing herself.
"I left", I said getting annoyed at myself why I haven't given a strong reply to my father.
"You don't want to hurt your dad", she answered my untold question.
"This time I'm not going to give in Em", I said determined.
"You know that would never happen. You are always a Papa's girl dear. Whatever your father's wish you would definitely do it for him", she said with a happiness swirling in her eyes.
"Don't tell me you are excited about this marriage thing", I dead-panned.
"I'm excited like hell", clapping her hands she jumped and danced a little.
There is no way I'm like her. She is crazy.
"You are crazy Em", shaking my head I stood up.
"Of course I would be crazy if I wanted to see my favourite niece getting married", she showed her dimples.
God..seeing her happiness a smile brought on my lips.
Will my dad and mom would be excited like her if I chose to say yes?
Isabella Collins! Don't be crazy.You are not getting married. That's final.
Taking my car I drove to office. I immersed myself in work.
But my mind was wandering around a single thought.
How to protest my family? How to protest my wedding?
God this is insane!!
Wish I was reborn in Mars and continue my life there!!