☆☆ Kevin POV☆☆
I sat down drinking my coffee and staring directly without blinking at the horseshoe placed in the middle of the table.
While Mia sat opposite to me with her elbows raised on the table and both her palms on her cheeks also staring without blinking at the horseshoe.
We were both separated from the world and immersed within our own thoughts. How did that thing come here and in my bag? What the hell is it? I thought as I sipped on my coffee slowly.
“Mia” I called, she wasn’t listening. I called again, startling her as she responded, blinking her eyes a couple of eyes: “yes Kevin what is it?”
“What’s next Mia? What should we do?” I said, putting my cup down and picking the horseshoe up. Again I felt the electric shock pass within my body.
Mia picked up her cup for the first time since we sat down, raised an eyebrow saying with a shake of her head in frustration: “I really have no idea”
“I swear, I put it back in the safe Mia. I even double checked before we left”
“I know Kevin, I believe you. I think we should call granny and ask her. It is hers in the first place”
I sighed loudly relieved with the idea: “that’s great. Let’s go now and call her in the car then” I said gesturing to the waiter to get us the check.
Mia reached for her bag, but I stopped her: “hey, I got a new bonus today, let me treat you” I reached for my wallet when
Suddenly someone blew a confetti cannon all over us, while shouting hurray and the waiters were clapping and whistling around us.
With wide open eyes, we both looked at each other confused and back at the staff surrounding us. Only a camera flash woke me up from the daze and made me blink again.
I stood up and saw the manager approaching with a board saying: “No. 1,000,000 customer. Free coffee for LIFE”
I looked at Mia whose mouth dropped open; I winked back at her and flashed a smile.
The manager handed me a customer loyalty card. I squeezed the horseshoe in my hand and put it back in my pocket afraid to lose it. Although, I thought it would come back to us.
Mia stood up and grabbed her bag ready to leave. Putting her hand on my shoulder, I smiled and turned around to leave too. “HAHAHAHAH, you are damn lucky Kevin” she said with a big smile on her face.
With an arrogant tone I raised my head up and teased her saying “I will not pay for coffee ever again”.
“I will definitely use it too,” Mia said confidently. I laughed out loud at her comment.
We walked out of the coffee shop and got into the car. As I started to drive again, Mia picked her phone up and dialed granny’s number.
I was really scared of granny’s reaction or what she would say? Before she answered the call, I asked Mia concerned: “what will you say?” she replied without thinking: “the truth” and then granny picked up.
☆☆Mia POV☆☆
“Hello” when I heard my granny’s warm voice coming over the phone, I froze. I couldn’t speak a word.
“Hello” I felt like I just betrayed her trust. Guilt consumed me like fire. Kevin glared at me mouthing the word “speak up” without a sound. I shook my head and felt my eyes sting with tears that threatened to roll down my checks.
“Hello, Mia. Are you okay?” Kevin snatched the phone from my hand and spoke to her instead of me saying: “Yes, granny it is me Kevin. I am sorry I have dialled the wrong number”
“Yes, yes, we are okay.”
“Yes we are almost home just stopped for coffee break”
He ended the call and yelled back at me: “what the hell was that?” my tears rolled down uncontrollably and I gasped for air Kevin sighed loudly before saying calmly: “it’s okay; just tell me, what happened? Why didn’t you talk to her as we agreed?”
“I couldn’t do it, Kevin. You don’t know how many times she has warned me about the attic. I felt like I betrayed her trust” I sobbed soundly.
Using one hand to steer the wheel, Kevin gave me a tissue and patted my shoulder with the other saying: “calm down. Do you want me to do it?”
“No, I want to figure it out on my own” I immediately replied, wiping my nose and tears off my face.
“How about I go back next weekend and put it back again?” he suggested. I know he means well and wants to help me because he gets worried when I start crying, but this was just a stupid suggestion.
“Apparently, putting it back doesn’t do any good. Plus, she will be suspicious”
I calmed down a little and said: “I think I will keep it till my next visit”. Kevin was worried and couldn’t hide it well either so he turned his head and asked: “Are you sure? What if she went looking for it?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I will tell her the truth then” he glanced at me, still worried and concerned.
I smiled at him briefly and as I turned to look back at the road; my heart dropped, my eyes widened in horror, I pointed at the road to direct Kevin’s attention back to it, as I gasped loudly for air like it was my last breath.
“WATCH OUT” I shouted loudly and then everything went dark as I heard the screech of the brakes on the street and my head hit the side window…