Nora followed Mrs. Wade to her office, every step she took was filled with fear and heaviness. She has never felt this way before. "Sit!" Mrs. Wade gestured pointing to the chair in front of her. After they had both settled, Mrs. Wade looked at Nora and she could feel her fear. "I am sure you know exactly why I called you here." She told her bringing her phone from her shelf and placing it on the table as she rest her chin on her knuckles.
"I'd be lying if I say I do Mrs. Wade. Is everything okay?" She asked.
Mrs. Wade opened her phone and played the video to watch. Watching the video, Nora's eyes widened in shock. "Do you now know why I called you here?" She asked again collecting the phone from her.
Nora was too shocked to speak. That's a video of her in that bedroom but how come? was she drunk when it happened? Who would do such a thing to the point of posting it to her work site? She thought. Mrs. Wade hit her hand on the table trying to get Nora's attention when she noticed she was in deep thought. Nora regaining herself looked at her boss who was waiting for an explanation.
"Mrs. Wade..." She started. "I have no idea how that video..." She was interrupted by the slamming of the desk by Mrs. Wade.
"You have no idea??" She asked standing up from her seat and walking towards Nora. "Tell me, Is that you or not?" Mrs. Wade asked.
Nora nodded. "That's me but..."
"But nothing." Mrs. Wade cuts in.
"Your irresponsibility has made us lose a lot of customers. I have to give them feedback so I can secure the little that is left. I have to make a report soon to get back this company's name that you have soiled with your filthiness and I have decided that for me to get back this company's name, you have to leave."
Nora went to her knees pleading and crying. "Please ma'am, I have nowhere else to go...Please don't throw me out." She continued begging but all fell on deaf ears.
Mrs. Wade opened her drawer and brought out an envelope. "That's your pay for this month." She threw the envelope at her. "I don't ever want to see you in or near this premises. Have I gotten myself clear?"
Nora didn't stop begging to the point that she held Mrs. Wade's leg. Annoyed by her filthy hands touching her, Mrs. Wade kicked her hands away. "leave my office or I call security." Nora continues to cry and beg. Mrs. Wade took her phone and called security who came immediately. "Take her out of here and make sure she never smells this place." The security nodded. The two guards pulled and dragged Nora out of the office.
Sara was having a conversation with Amanda when she saw Nora crying and being dragged by security. She rushed to meet them hailing the security agent to wait. "Just give me a few minutes with her please." She begged them. The securities refused but after much persuasion, they permitted two minutes of discussion. "Nora," Sara called wiping her friend's tears and consoling her.
"I didn't do it...I am innocent." These were the words Nora continue saying. "You do believe me right?" She asked Sara.
"of course I do," Sara said. "But what happened? why is the security agent dragging you?" she asked.
"Please Sara, help me to beg Mrs. Wade to not take this job away from me. I am the breadwinner of my family. I have a sick brother to take care of and I can't do that without this job...Please." Nora begged to hold her friend's leg.
"Your time is up." The security agents came to drag Nora.
"Let me get her things." Sara quickly rushed to get Nora's things which she handed over to her. "I will call you." She said as she watched the security drag her friends away.
"Everybody, Mrs. Wade said I should inform you all that there will be a meeting in the next five minutes." The secretary informed as everyone got ready for the meeting,
Walking on the street with tears in her eyes, Nora couldn't go home looking like this. She didn't want her brother to be worried about her because that would hurt her more. She looked for a quiet and remote place to sit as she thought about the video. She couldn't stop the tears that rolled down her cheeks profusely. She brought out her phone and went to her work site to check out the videos again. She saw the hateful comments and the abuses that reigned on her, and with annoyance, she switched off her phone as she bent her head to cry.
"Wait! That's the girl right?" Nora looked up at the two ladies that were pointing at her. "You are such a disgrace!" One of the ladies said.
"Let's go." The other lady pulled the first lady as they walked away.
Nora wiped her tears as she took her bag and her phone. Everywhere she went people could tell she was the one in the video. They called her a whore, a disgrace, a fool, a bitch, and all other bad words. Nora opened her bag. It was a good thing she brought her headphone with her. She connected her headphone with her phone and played music increasing the volume to the highest range that way all the things people are saying about her wouldn't get to her. Slowly, she walked home with her arms crossed and the tears rolling.
The clouds decided to be mean to her by releasing the rain. Everyone was running helter-skelter but Nora walked as the rain washed her tears. She sobbed all the way home. She wiped her tears when she got home but she was surprised to see her brother waiting for her in the rain with his phone in his hand. The look he gave her made her know he had seen the video and that was why he was outside waiting for his sister. Nora stood there as the tears rolled down her cheeks, the tears she was trying to hide finally became visible. Andrew pulled his wheelchair towards his sister pulling her hand to his level as he hugged her. Just then, Nora's phone rang and when she looked at the caller it was her boyfriend Michael. Her heart skipped a beat as different thoughts came into her head.