Ramona Pierce, a 26-year-old woman, moves to Jackson, Mississippi, after her mother's untimely death. After many endurin...
Chapter 1: Special Assignment
When I was just a young child, my mom had taken me to the city of Jackson, Mississippi, to visit some distant relatives, and I fell in love with its beauty. Since then, I had dreamt of moving here when I was older, but for the longest time, I had thought that my dream would never come true as I had to care for my mom.
When I was just 15, my dad left my mother and me. He had left for work just like any other day, but then dad didn't come back; he was just gone without any warning, and it hit us both hard. After which, mom fell into a dark depression, the heartache of his disappearance consuming her with despair. I did everything I could by taking care of her and trying to get her help. However, just after my seventeenth birthday, mom had taken her own life, something I still struggle with to this day, wondering if there was more I could have done.
After mom passed, I was tossed around from foster home to foster until my eighteenth birthday, when I was booted to the ugly streets of New York City. I was on my own, with nowhere to go and no one to turn to in my time of need. For the longest time, I felt lost and consumed by the darkness that my demons surrounded encased me in. Then, one day, I was waiting in line at the local soup kitchen when I looked at my reflection in the store window, and that's when I vowed to turn my life around. I gathered what little belongings I had and made my way to Jackson. Things were rough for a while, and I wondered if I would ever find happiness if I would ever find peace. However, after seven excruciating years at MC Law and working numerous jobs to make ends meet and pay for the school costs that I couldn't get covered under assistance, I am now proud to call myself a lawyer. I finally can say that I am a graduate with a degree in Law, and I have obtained a job at one of the top law firms in Jackson, the Andrews and Andrews firm. After many years and constantly doubting myself, I found the peace and stability that I so badly craved in my life.
I arrived at work and barely even put my things down before Mr. Andrews called me into his office. "Ms. Pierce, please come to my office," I sighed, not even given a chance to get myself settled in before he demanded my presence.
Not in the mood to rush, I finished putting my things down before making my way to his office. I approached his office door and knocked on the softwood, announcing my arrival. "Come in," He quickly replied.
I opened the door and entered his grand office; the only wall within the room was where the door stood. The rest of his office was surrounded by glass, showcasing the extravagant view of the city. Natural light poured into the room, making the elegant furniture in his office all the more noticeable. Mr. Andrews was a very flashy man who loved to flaunt the money and luxuries he had. At times, Mr. Andrews could be decent, but he could also be a cruel and perverted man. "How can I help you, sir?" I asked as sweetly as possible.
He sat back in his chair and clasped his hands together before his eyes roamed up and down my body very slowly, making me bite the inside of my cheek. I held back the nasty remark and reminded myself that I needed this job. I had only just started working here a few months ago, and this was a position I had worked too hard to obtain.
After he finished eye fucking me, he rose from his seat and walked over to one of the windows, his back now facing me as he peered out at the city. Mr. Andrews wasn't a tall man, but he had a lean and muscular physique. In addition, he had short light brown hair, brown eyes, and a well-kept beard, making him look like a classy gentleman.
He peered over his shoulder at me. "Ms. Pierce, you've been with this firm for…four months now, correct?" Mr. Andrews asked me in that soft tone of voice of his.
I thought about his question for a moment, remembering back to when I first started. "Yes, sir," I replied casually, curious as to why he was asking.
Straightening himself, Mr. Andrews flexed his muscles before turning to face me. "You've been making quite the name for yourself around here, slowly rising within the company." He said, a brow raised and a sly smirk tugging at the corner of his lip.
His demeanour was hard to read, and I wasn't sure if he was being a dick or not. "Well, sir, I plan to stay here as long as I am welcome, and I hope to one day make partner." So I told him, knowing that I may sound cocky, but that was the goal I had set for myself.
The corner of his lip twitched up as his eyes scanned my body again, making me feel uncomfortable. "Good, I'm glad to hear that." He said proudly, and my eyes widened, shocked by his words. "Now, we are currently working on a murder trial alongside the Templeman and Weese firm in Georgia. The case in question is at a delicate stage, and I have some crucial documents that need to be hand-delivered to Mr. Goodwin by Friday. These documents could have the potential to determine the outcome of the case, and you are the only person I trust to deliver such documentation."
I must look like a fish standing here with my mouth agape; because this was huge for the firm and my career. For the last few months, this case was all over the papers, the Marianne Spencer murder case; it had been ongoing for almost two years now. Marianne had been raped and murdered by her neighbour, a sick and twisted monster named David Michaels; he had stalked and tortured her for months before finally taking her life; she was only 22. The case has been ongoing for so long because the police investigating the incident had made a critical mistake and lost crucial evidence that would have put David behind bars by now. So, this must be the key to the case, the documentation needed to prove that, without a doubt, David is guilty and finally put him behind bars.
I straightened myself and kept my composure. "Thank you, sir. I am pleased that my efforts haven't gone unnoticed, and it would be my pleasure to deliver the documents to Mr. Goodwin," I told him confidently.
He gave me a curt nod. "Good, the documents have to be there Friday morning by 10:00 am." Today was Wednesday, and it was about an eight-hour drive to Georgia. I could leave tomorrow morning and get there by nightfall. Then I can rent a room for the night and get some sleep; this way, I am up early, and the documents are delivered on time.
Mr. Andrews turned to face me. "This is crucial, Ms. Pierce; I am trusting you to care for these documents and the importance that they hold. You may leave early today so that you can get yourself all packed for the drive ahead of you."
I smiled at him. "Of course, sir, I won't let you down. Is there anything else I can help you with?" I asked politely, even though it was killing me to be this kind to him, but he was giving me the chance to show this firm what I was capable of doing.
He shook his head. "No, that is all." Mr. Andrews then handed me the brown envelope labelled, "Classified."
I looked down at the contents now resting in my hands, and I swallowed roughly, feeling a little nervous now, knowing how important this was. Then, I looked back at Mr. Andrews and smiled before leaving his office.
I continued with my day, filing and signing off on documents, as well as running errands for Mr. Andrews. The day had been going pretty smoothly, and I was able to keep myself busy, keeping my mind off the task ahead. I was down in the archives, putting away closed case files, when I looked at the clock and noticed that it was now lunchtime. I sighed in relief as my stomach had been growling at me for the past thirty minutes now.