This is a book filled with werewolves adventures.
Releasing Tensions - Chapter 1
"Oof!" Chetney groaned, the small gnome (though he was not always a gnome) stretching out his back as he put an arch into it. "That was a difficult one."
It was not always something that he would have revealed, that he had struggled with the day of travelling, but he had been working with Fearne more than enough to know that he could reveal just a little more of himself there. People just tended to make assumptions about him, which was fair enough: he assumed things about them too. Yet it was his age and the lines of such in his face that highlighted that he had lived for much longer than others, his ears pointed and yet drooping over at the tips.
Fearne, however, never seemed to treat him as if he was any different at all. The faun smiled, her mossy hooves settled on the ground as she puffed out a breath, frosty air pooling before her lips. Her seafoam hair spilt down her back as she smiled, despite the chill of the air. Somewhere, high above, snow had started falling, sending tiny, frozen flecks to the land below. They would want to be inside soon, so that they could regroup and then carry on, merely exploring the land and seeking out what bounties were there for them to take. It was rare that they had nothing in particular to do, but it allowed them to talk more, to move with less purpose across the land.
"Perhaps an inn would be best to slip into?" She suggested. "We have more than enough coin to pay for it right now."
Chetney nodded.
"Hm... I think a massage could work quite nicely too, don't you think?"
If they didn't have such an easy, light relationship between them, a sparkle in the small gnome's eyes, it could have come off as creepy. Yet things had been changing between the faun and the gnome for quite some time, two beings that, somehow, had found one another and come to an understanding in a world that was forever challenging and changing around them.
She smiled, though there was a teasing edge to it.
"Oh, you would say that, wouldn't you, Chetney?"
He shrugged, his smile breaking into a full, easy grin.
"What can I say? I intended it to be for you."
Fearne laughed lightly, pulling her furs closer around her, though they were taken from animals that they had hunted during their missions and chosen quests. Nothing went to waste when they hunted, of course, but it was Fearne who had a kinder eye for that than Chetney.
"Of course, you did... Come on then, let's head for the inn then, it can't be that far."
The town that they were in was sprawling, yet still small enough for them to traverse on foot, for they had no pack animals with them at that time: they would reduce their mobility and ability to traverse higher terrain especially. There were a couple of inns, but they chose the quieter one, one where they would be able to get a good meal before heading upstairs with the key to their room.
Filling their bellies was the first port of call and went a long way, with flagons of ale, towards making both the faun and the gnome feel more like themselves again. It was easy to sit there, laughing and talking, letting whatever it was that had softened between them ease into something more all over again. Anyone watching them could have easily assumed that the two of them were together and not even Fearne nor Chetney could have denied them, either way.
They weren't in a relationship, but considering that sex was a big part of their more relaxing time together, when they were bundled up in a tent or staying in rooms at inns, not having a base to go back to, not at that time. But that suited them both, feeling out the nature of things and taking things forward, even if they didn't quite understand those "things". Chetney had been alone for so long that he didn't quite know what to do about it, though being close to Fearne made him feel good.
Did there have to be anything more to it than that?
Retreating to the room, however... That was where things grew interesting. Chetney smiled and stretched out his arms above his head, stoking the fire while Fearne comfortably stripped down, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to do. Casual nudity between them had begun when they had been out travelling, needing to wash in rivers and lakes, but taking things at a slower pace had simply worked for them.
It was casual...but it also could have been something more.
He joined her in nudity, though the difference in their heights did cause a few issues with him hopping up onto the bed, cursing at the rather sturdy frame.
"Unff... They should make these things lower!"
Fearne laughed lightly, lying back on the bed, relaxing into the comfort. With the heat of the fire that Chetney had stoked into a blaze roaring at the back of the room, the soft warmth infiltrated every corner of the room. For those small comforts, she was excessively grateful.
He smiled and scrambled up at last, kneeling beside her.
"Now scoot over," he said. "I've got my hands all warmed up by the fire just for you!"
She giggled, though there was no embarrassment in her features. She stretched out obligingly on her front, breasts pressed into the bed, her head propped up on her arms with her hair spilling softly around her face. It framed her like a halo, though the faun was no angel, despite what others thought of her. She was so much more than a pretty face and was in the process of truly striking out on her own adventure.
"Mmm... If you insist."
It was easy, however, to let Chetney massage her, the gnome's hand expertly sweeping her upper back and shoulders. He pushed and kneaded carefully and easily into the sore muscles, knowing just where her pack had been digging into her shoulders, the weight of it needed for their travels and yet not always all that easy to bear.
The focus of the massage, however, was not on muscles, not for them. It was something far deeper and prompting a relief of tensions like nothing else ever could, his hands easing down over her back, to the small of it, toying at the top of her glutes.
Yet the gnome did not need to stay there, not as he swept over her backside and them up again, easing out the tensions, pressing into her muscles as his brow furrowed. Even though he was trying to focus on massaging her, it was hard not to think about his rising need too, admiring the shape and form of her body, the eroticism of her shapely form curious even to him.
He didn't know why the faun so entranced him, from the smoothness of her pale skin to the fluff of her brown faun fur. Her glutes were thick and tensed a little, as if she was trying to show off the muscle, however subtly, visible even through the soft fur, her haunches like that of a deer, though Fearne had always preferred faun over deer. Her tail twitched back and forth as he massaged down the backs of her thighs, fingers playing over the hamstrings, though he did not press down too hard, particularly when she flinched from the ache and sting over her hamstrings.
He chuckled.
"Fancy something a little easier?" Chetney invited. "Roll over onto your back for a moment, let me see what I can do for you, darling."
The term of endearment was one of the first times that such had slipped from his lips, but, thankfully, Fearne did not comment. He didn't know how far to go, but he did know still how to give a damn good full body massage.
With the faun on her back, his hands worked up her thighs again, focusing on the quads, how the muscle had been abused during their travels and needed more than a little recuperation. Still, the gnome could not ignore just how firm her legs were, how the muscle seemed to press back up into his hands, the fur tickling his palms. He worked his way up, letting her stomach be and only lightly tracing her abdominals and obliques, though more sensuality still was to be had in the massage of her breasts.
Fearne blushed a little as his hands swept over her breasts, though it was something that they had done many times over before, even though that time was a little more intimate, somehow. His hands dug lightly into her breasts, giving her a deep massage, though Chetney never once applied too much pressure for her, his palms brushing her nipples as if he was trying to bring another flicker of heat to her body.
Knowing the gnome, that's what he most likely was trying to do. But Fearne did not mind, not as a warm glow enveloped her body, his fingers going up over her shoulders, massaging in slow circles, as if they had all the time in the world together. The night stretched out before them with nothing else to do and she sighed warmly, his hands once more teasing over her breasts, rubbing around the nipples, even letting them perk softly against his fingers.
She blushed a little, her body reacting to his touch, though everything was right for them, exactly the way it was. Even then, the faun wondered if there was something there for her, something different between them that she should have paid more attention to before.
But they could have whatever relationship they wanted between them, the faun nipping lightly at the inside of her cheek as her body heated up. It felt as if there were hot, flushed patches creeping across her skin, though it was still pale and smooth, a lighter shade than it was in the warmer, hotter months of the year where more of her skin was exposed to the elements. And yet it was easy and smooth there, his fingers massaging into her breasts, worshipping them.
She adored that, shivering into his touch, relaxing more and more. It did not feel as if she should have been quite that relaxed, considering the eroticism of the situation, but Fearne took all that she could, moaning faintly, though it would have been a far cry for the faun to feel embarrassed at all about any sounds she made as passion mounted. His skilful hands slipped lower and lower, until they were no longer caressing her breasts at all, working down past her stomach to her thighs.
Fearne couldn't hold out a groan then.
"More pressure?"
Chetney grinned up at her, letting everything that Fearne did (or didn't do) guide him. She was more sensitive around her thighs that day, but her legs parted seamlessly for him to work his fingers more and more deeply into her inner thighs, finding every tiny point of stress and soreness there. The travelling apparently had done a number on her body, though he was more than happy to take his time with her.
He let her roll over again, presenting her back and buttocks and calves to him, though he took her back in long, sweeping motions of his hands, more to warm the muscles than to ease soreness from them. He had to keep her warm, despite the flickering, dancing fire, though things would soon truly heat up between them, all in a way that kept them both warm without any outside interference at all. The backs of her thighs, however, begged his attention too, right up to the crease at the base of her buttocks, his fingers working and kneading, even as his body responded to the sight of her too.
Chetney crooned to Fearne, entering a softer side of his psyche as he slipped his fingers up higher, but still between her legs, easing them apart increasingly as she lay on her front. The faun quivered, fur bristling, though she still very willingly flicked her tiny faun tail up high for him, making sure that every last part of her was completely exposed. He took the offering, his fingers brushing the soft folds of her sex, though the lighter, fluffier fur there hid her pussy more than anything on a human or a gnome woman would have. Yet a bit of hair wasn't ever going to turn the gnome off, not as he slipped his fingers against her folds, teasing the gleam of moisture glistening on her pussy lips.
He smirked softly, enjoying her reactions as she hugged a pillow to her chest, relaxed and succumbing to pleasure. His fingers easily worked back and forth inside her, her passage accepting his first finger and then the second, pushing both inside her with the casualness of a long-time lover. Chetney knew so very many of the ins and outs of her body by that time and worked her over easily, curling his fingers down inside her so that they curved towards the front of her pussy and her G-spot. It took a little sliding and grinding for him to find it, but Chetney knew that he had hit it at the very moment that she stiffened, her tail even going ramrod straight.
"That's right," Chetney murmured, getting more into the moment. "Just relax..."
She tried. But she couldn't fully relax as his fingers drove deep, grinding teasingly back and forth over her G-spot, showing her everything that she had been missing and more. They hadn't had much time to relieve those kinds of tensions while they'd been out on the road and Fearne had not at all realised just how much she had missed it. Gripping the pillow tightly, she got her knees under her, humping and bucking back against her partner.