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Chapter three

Wendy has a few dates in high school but nothing romantic. These dates are mostly with friends to a football game or a dance. Up until Wendy was sixteen, she was a little pudgy. She was never fat but did struggle, a little, keeping her weight in check. It is never a big deal, and by the time she is eighteen, and a senior, she is trim and shapely with nice boobs. She has become a pretty, young woman.

Like girls her age, she attends school dances with her girlfriends, rather than with guys. Boys ask her to dance often, at these school functions. The boys she dances with always made sure her tits are against their chests. Some of the guys call her Bumper Cars, because of her big boobs. She is never called that to her face; the guys giggle amongst themselves at the silly term. One time a guy is dancing so close, her titties are hard against him. He holds her so tight, she thinks she feels a roll of Lifesavers in his pants pocket.

Another time one of the jocks from the football team is holding her so tight at the dance, she thinks he has a cucumber in his pocket. Her girlfriends laugh at her when she tells them about it.

Jenny, her closest friend at school, tells her, “That’s not a roll of Lifesavers or a cucumber. It’s his boner.”


“His hard dick! You got him so excited he got hard.”

Wendy loves the idea of getting boys so excited they got a boner from her. From then on, she would always push her titties into her dance partner. She knew, from her mom and the sex education class, what a hard dick is used for, but she could not imagine doing it. Still, she would love to see and touch a boner sometime.

In high school, she does have some actual dates with a boy named Larry. Her dad insists on meeting him. Larry is scared to death at the once over by the then Lieutenant Colonel. Wendy goes to a couple movies with Larry, and he is her date to her prom.

Wendy’s prom in high school is the first formal date in her life. Her mom took her to buy a dress and new shoes. The night of the prom, Wendy looks beautiful. Larry had rented a tuxedo with a light blue coat and gray cummerbund. Wendy has never seen a cummerbund before and is amazed how grown up Larry looks. He brings her a corsage for her wrist. They are an attractive looking couple. Wendy’s mom takes pictures and cries after they left for the dance.

The junior prom is like Cinderella going to the ball. Wendy is beautiful and Larry is handsome. When he brings Wendy home, at the time her father had specified, he walks her to the front door. “Thanks Wendy, for a fantastic time.”

“This was the nicest date I have ever had.” Wendy is beaming.

There is a short pause, as they faced each other. He moves forward a little, and she moves toward him. Wendy has never kissed a boy and figures this is the time to start. The space between them disappears. His lips touch hers in a soft kiss. He begins to pull away but returns to add another tiny kiss. They do not speak. Wendy hugs him then goes into the house.

Wendy will think about this first kiss a long time. It made her feel all tingly. She will never forget Larry and this kiss.


Part way into her senior years in high school, her father is reassigned to the bay area of California. It will be tough moving for her senior year. Her friends from her old school would have to be left behind. It is something that has occurred often in her life and is always a challenge. Larry and her other friends from the old school, will fade into a pleasant memory.

Wendy enters her new high school without knowing a single person there. Her experience changing schools does make it a little easier. From necessity, she has become good at chatting and making new friends. Wendy would have preferred it different. She knows this is how it has always been, and she accepts it.

Wendy has only been at Jefferson High School a week. It is lunchtime; she is in the cafeteria. She is walking, carrying her tray of food. Looking for a place to sit, she sees an open seat at a table full of kids. They all seem to know one another.

A boy at the end of the table, across from the open seat, sees her. “You can sit here if you want.”

“Thanks!” Wendy takes the empty seat and puts her tray down. She is a little uncomfortable in the middle of a group of obvious friends.

“You new here?” the boy asks.

“Yeah, my dad got transferred here last summer.”

“Army brat?”

“Air Force.”

The boy smiles, “My dad is a captain in the army. I transferred here last year. I’m Ryan.”

“Nice to meet you Ryan, I’m Wendy.”

Ryan introduces Wendy to his friends at the table. Within a short time, Wendy is part of their group. Life got better for her. They are not really girlfriends and boyfriends; they enjoy doing things together. The small group of five or six might go to a football game or even miniature golf. Depending on their classes, they do homework together sometimes.


Math was always Wendy’s best subject in school. Numbers come easy for her. She never knew why. Her brain is wired the same as a calculator. Wendy used to race her younger brother with math problems. He used a calculator; she did the calculations in her head. She did not win all the time but enough to be impressive.

High school classes in chemistry and physics are also easy because of her mathematics abilities. She likes history and does well at most of her other classes.

English and spelling are an entirely different matter. As much as her brain is wired for math, it is totally short-circuited when it comes to words. Grammar rules and spelling do not stick in her head. Wendy has to work hard to get an acceptable grade in her English class.


Wendy and Ryan become friends and begin going on dates with just the two of them. He asked her to a movie twice. He has an older car that is a family hand-me-down. An ugly sedan, but at least he has wheels.

On their third date, Wendy’s dad wants to meet Ryan. Ryan shows up looking terrific and ready for inspection…he is used to military protocol. Ryan is nice, and he is polite. Wendy’s dad likes him. No threats were actually made, but Ryan figures he would be killed if he got caught taking any liberties with Wendy. Still, the thought of touching her soft titties would outweigh the fear of death in his young man’s mind.

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