Amelia, a young girl targeted for her appearance, faces heartbreak and humiliation at the hands of Lucie Walker and his ...
Amelia's point of view:
"I don't think this is a good idea, Lia," my older brother, Ace, said softly, looking at me.
A sigh left my lips; he had been overprotective again.
"It's just one party, Ace, and I promise if anything happens, I'll call you," I begged him.
But he still shook his head at me.
"Don't you understand that those kids will make fun of you because you are..."
"Fat?" I asked with a tilted head.
A sigh left his lips before looking away.
"Look, I'm just trying to help you out here. Don't go to the party. Stay with me. We could both watch a movie, do anything you want, Amelia. Just don't go," he said softly, his eyes searching mine.
"I want to go, Ace, that's all I asked. If anything happens, I'll call you and never go to any party again, I promise," I whispered.
"Let her go; she's going to be the one crying back," I heard someone say from the door.
Turning my head, I looked into the eyes of my father, a scold on his lips.
"But Dad-" Ace mumbled.
"Enough; she wants to go, so let her go," Dad ordered, making me look away from his eyes.
He is so intimidating.
Ace nodded his head, then placed a kiss on my forehead; with a sigh, he walked out of the room.
"And you, if you come home with a tear in your eyes, don't come to any of us, since you feel like a big girl now," Father said before letting out a chuckle.
Then he walked away.
Shaking my head, I turned my body towards my big mirror.
"What's wrong with being fat?" I asked no one in particular.
I'm 5'3; my friend said I'm too small.
I have fat cheeks, fat thighs, fat hands, fat ass, fat tummy.
Everything about me is fat.
My brother was overprotective of me because, in my last school, I was bullied by some girls.
No, guys never made fun of my body; they said it was cute.
But all the girls did.
They made fun of my hair, my skin, my everything.
But I didn't care, cause I had my best friend, Frank.
He was always there for me, protecting me from them.
But Frank moved away, and so did I, because my brother and father couldn't stand the bullying.
Today, in the new town that I just moved to, someone was hosting a party.
How did I know?
Frank told me; we both moved to the same town, so we could still be friends.
He told me to come because I'll be starting school soon, and I need to know some people around.
At first, I didn't like the idea because I knew people would talk about my body.
But Frank will be there, so everything was going to be safe.
I hope!
Letting out a breath, I used my fingers to comb my brown hair; I looked down at my dress, which was a flower dress, it wasn't too long, or short, just perfect.
But the only thing, my tummy made it look like I was 6 months pregnant.
"Maybe I should listen to Ace about not going," I whispered with a sad sigh.
Grabbing my phone, I was about to text Frank, but only for my door to be slammed open.
"LET'S GO, BABY!" Frank yelled while throwing his hands up.
"I don't think I want to go, Frankie," I whispered looking away.
"I ain't hearing nothing; now come on, let's go, pretty lady." He said with a smile.
Placing a kiss on my forehead, I smiled at him before nodding my head.
Frank was every girl's dream guy; he was 6 feet tall, with brown hair and very pretty eyes; he had tattoos and even had a bike, and girls loved him.
But the only thing is, that Frank is gay.
And a lot of people thought he liked me, which made more girls hate me because of that.
Waving at my brother, he gave us a nod before walking away.
"Did he say something to you?" Frank whispered as we walked towards his car.
"Just to be safe and to call him when anything happens," I replied softly, looking at my fingers.
"Sure?" Frankie asked.
I bit down on my lips before nodding my head.
With a sigh from my best friend, he opened the car door for me.
"Don't look at anyone; I'll be by your side, I promise," Frankie said.
"Promise?" I asked softly, looking at him through my lashes.
"Promise," he said with a wink.
Letting out a little laugh, I shook my head before entering the car.
Frank moved towards his side, then hopped in.
"Ready?" Frank asked.
"Ready," I replied, trying to sound brave and not scared.
But only God knows what was going through my head.
Let's just hope nothing wrong will happen.