Being a teen Jane felt her ego was hurt here and let her rage consume her, she forgot it was just training and wanted to truly end Duncan's existence.
Duncan felt the slight threat coming from the flame in her hands, he knew what flame that was.
Back in the cultivation world he once fought with a hell-hoard, a three meters tall dog with three heads which spat out different elements.
One of the heads possess the hell flame, he knew what type of damage especially when the host is strong enough to use the higher-grade flame could unleash.
{Kids can easily get emotional, can't believe I just trigger her and hurt her unimpressive ego} Duncan scoff in his mind as he stare intently at the flame and thought again {weird, there's no difference between a Rule bender and a mage from the western kingdom or is there something I haven't confirmed? Guess am gonna visit the library later. Gotta end it now}.
With such thoughts Duncan dashed straight at her, Jane saw Duncan coming she glance at him with contempt and then with her entire strength hurled the flame ball towards Duncan, like an arrow leaving the bow or a bullet leaving the gun the flame ball flew so fast towards Duncan.
Duncan didn't look flustered or scared rather he ran and suddenly his footsteps change into what looks like a weird drunkard move, his body away from side to side making it look like he will fall down any moment.
The Jane and students watching from the ground, outside the stage suddenly felt dizzy the longer they watch the dance.
It was like their head were spinning around making the weaker ones stagger and stumble around.
The instructor watching this squint his eyes and waves his hands making a bubble-like barrier to block the students from watching what was happening on the stage, while he continues to watch with a look of interest.
On the stage, sizing the chance of Jane being dizzy after all, Duncan knew he wasn't strong enough to make a grade 1 rule bender to be dizzy for that long.
As if predicting where the flame ball will pass, Duncan staggers one-sided and the heat of the flame brush passes him.
He then rush right towards Jane and rammed his elbow into her stomach before Jane could react to the pain, Duncan lift his leg and send a kick right onto her stomach sending her tumbling close to the rim of the stage before Jane could fully stand up Duncan rush towards her and ram her with his shoulder sending her flying out of the stage.
Landing on the surface of the ground, Jane didn't feel any pain from falling rather it was from her emotions, she felt embarrassed.
Only top geniuses who haven't awakened were able to defeat rule benders at a young age and they were few, to begin with.
At that moment the bubble which blocked the students' view was removed and what the students saw left them with their mouths agape, seeing Jane on the floor and Duncan was standing on top of the stage with his hands locked together behind his back, with a claim gaze he looked at the instructor calmly.
As if awakening from his daze the instructor hurriedly said
"The winner of this match is Duncan walker!" He said while shooting Duncan a look of admiration.
Duncan didn't say anything as he walked down from the stage, walking towards jack most students on the way subconsciously step aside as they felt like Duncan was releasing a terrifying aura.
Not minding them Duncan stroll towards jack who seems to have just awakened from his stupor,
"Damn that was awesome!" Jack gave him a thumbs up to which Duncan gave a faint smile without replying.
On the other hand, Jane who had stood up shamefully stomped out of the training field,
Deep in her heart, she swore to return the revenge tenfold to Duncan.
A grudge has been birthed in her mind and it will be hard to uproot it from her, on other hand.
The students were all shocked as they stood there looking at Duncan, the feeling of dizziness was still fresh in their heads making them subconsciously shiver and look at Duncan with extra care.
It has to be known that they weren't that strong and now that they have awakened, most of them will be transferred to the main academy to further their studies and learn more about their rules in other to keep advancing forwards.
"Let's go to the school dashboards, we can see how many credits we earn from it" Jack suggest to which Duncan decided to follow him.
Walking out of the training ground, both Jack and Duncan didn't take the teleportation portal again, rather they took a stroll.
Jane was hiding behind a building and observing both Jack and Duncan, she found it unbelievable that Duncan defeat her so she wanted to uncover the secret.
{With the secret in my hands, I might experience a surge in strength} with a greedy look Jane thought.
If only she knew that the person she is following stood second only to gods, someone who slaughter millions and someone close to being a God. She would have definitely been given the shock of her life.
Jane saw the duo moving in between two buildings and decide to follow them, just when she took a turn she saw a wood hitting her on her face before her vision went black.
It was unknown who hit her, but one thing for sure is that it wasn't Duncan or Jack, as both of them could be seen in the distance close to a big hall which could occupy over 5 thousand people.
That hall Is known as the school registration, after getting registered there, one would be allowed to enter the main school.
Although Duncan hasn't awakened yet, his strange technique piqued the instructor's interest which made him give Duncan a free pass.
But for Jack, he wasn't allowed yet as he need to awakeen first.