This girl is driving me insane and she is not even telling her name I asked her like 5 time now and she never spoke a single word.
I'm again following her and once she is free I'll ask her name again. I'm not giving up.
I saw her going to the corner of my garden I liked that fact that she really admired my garden just when she was away from the crowd I went to her again.
"It's really simply I ask you the name you tell me your name" she jumped listening to my voice.
She just stood there and said nothing oh I could just watch her like this and not talk at all and when I was lost in her beauty she nodded her head to someone and again left without any answer.
I went behind her but I lost her she went into the crowd and I again lost my chance to know her name.
"Occupy your seat Vlad" some one said.
"Yeah I'm" I said without looking at the person still searching for her.
"And now we have the winner of the Evans 100% scholarship" the anchor said getting me back to my senses.
"What the 100% scholarship?" I asked to God knows whom.
"Yes we finally got one" some one whose voice was similar to mom spoke when I turned my head to her it was mom herself.
Vlad you have lost all your senses
My inner voice spoke.
"Oh who is that" I asked mom.
"You'll know" she simply said.
"So now I ask the topper of the test Ms. Snow to come up on the stage." And that was when I saw that girl again she was walking towards the stage with her head down I don't understand why is she always looking down.
She went up and took the scroll from mom's hand and I was shocked again. She was the topper of the test and her name is Snow.
"Oh Snow" I said to myself as I felt all loosen up when I say her name. Snow...
Once I saw her getting down from the stage I ran towards her and said "congratulations Ms. Snow" she simply nodded her head and went ahead.
But she stopped when she heard my mom. Asking her to stop.
"Oh dear congratulations I knew you would do it" she said hugging her.
"Ah..this is my son Vlad." I was finally introduced to her.
"Nice meeting you Ms. Snow" I said.
"Like wise" she spoke and my heart was jumping like a stupid teenager.
Then my mom pulled out a cheque and handed over to her.
"No mam please give this to Jenny" she spoke again.
"It's okay take it" this time the old lady who I presumed was Jenny spoke.
"Thank you mam" Snow said to my mom.
"Oh how many times have I told you call me Meghan" many times my mom knows her that much that she is asking her to call her Meghan.
Now this was fishy....
"So Ms. Snow which university are you going to join.?" This time I tried to have a conversation with her.
"I don't know I...."
"She thought she would not get this scholarship so she never short listed any universities" the old lady spoke.
"You could have at least choose a few" I spoke and she did not open her mouth instead she was looking down again.
She had worn flats and yet she reached my shoulders. Boy she was tall and tiny.
She has a single expression plasterd on her face she was having a blank look all the time like she does not want any one to know her emotions.
"Snow he asked you something" Jenny said nudging her.
"I will choose it now" she replied.
"Okay well then we will take your leave Meghan" the old lady said.
"Not so fast not this time let Snow meet people I'm sure everyone might want to congratulate her" as soon as mom said that her expression changed then suddenly she had a blank face again.
"Jenny you stay I'll go" she said . God what is up with this girl why can't she just stay.
"Nope not this time Snow. Vlad take her with you and keep her entertained." Mom said making me happy.
"Then shall we" I asked Snow.
She looked at me then looked down suddenly then the old lady Jenny squeezed her shoulder asking her to go with me. She looked at Jenny for some time and then looked down and nodded her head in NO.
"Go. ...." Jenny dragged the go word.
"How can I..."
"I said go" she was cut off by Jenny again.
"Oh dear go have fun" this time mom spoke.
And that's when THE SNOW took a walk with me.
"So which university do you wanna join" I tried to start the conversation.
"I don't know" she answered.
"Okay I can help you with that" I said and continued as I was sure she would not talk.
"You have the Xavier’s uni, Christ uni, and there are many other B- schools." I said.
She did not reply and I just stood where I was but, she continued walking like she was alone till now.
"Hey" I said from behind her.
No response.
"Ms. Snow?"
Again no response.
I jogged infront of her and that's when she noticed me.
"Are you alright?" I asked her.
She nodded a yes and said
"I better get going Jenny would be worried."
"You look more worried than she worrying about you. What happen? you did not like my company?" I asked her.
"Bye" she said and walked away and the next thing I know was that the old lady and Snow left the venue.
She looked sad to me very sad but why... I have a lot of research to do on her. From what I noticed today She wants to be left alone and I'm not in mood to leave this girl alone not any time soon.
Thank you for reading