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I t shamed me to realize I’d passed out for a few seconds. It shamed me more to acknowledge how ridiculously soft and moony Ryan had me feeling. I should have left him to die. But I hadn’t at the first opportunity and I couldn’t at the second. I also couldn’t erase the whole fire scene without my father finding out and raising hell when he discovered the reason behind my actions.

Since none of the other crew members had arrived to assist us, the only viable course of action was employing my second self to knock Ryan out while I fed him seductively sweet and dirty dreams.

Tucking my second self inside my mind, I removed my facepiece and oxygen tank and then called out my wings. I could walk through the inferno sizzling and popping all around us without a problem. He wasn’t liable to make it unscathed.

Scooping Ryan into my arms, turnout gear, tank and all, I soared to the ceiling and surveyed for potential exits. The door wasn’t blocked by the support beam any longer, but the fire was eating its way through the entry. Small windows lined the top of the basement walls, letting in shafts of oncoming twilight.

The windows were too small to fit his body through.

Shit. I didn’t want to teleport. Mortals had a way of not making the transition so well. It affected their minds, which was one part I knew I couldn’t heal. But then, the side effect of a little lunacy was better than the death I should have let him succumb to.

Holding him close against my body, I retracted my wings and teleported us to the processing plant’s semidark parking lot. We reemerged behind the camouflage of a ladder truck. I laid Ryan down on his side on the blacktop, and then tugged off my helmet, and ran around the truck to shout for a paramedic from one of the waiting ambulances.

A woman in white-and-blue EMT gear raced over and jogged with me around to the backside of the truck. Together, we removed his oxygen tank and then carefully rolled him onto his back.

“He got hit by flying metal,” I said in a shaky voice as she eased off his facepiece and checked his vitals.

I wanted the tremor in my voice to be feigned. But Ryan’s face was sickeningly pale, and I was seriously afraid for the harm I might have caused him. Shivers ignited deep in my belly and swept through me as a tidal wave of terror. I could feel my entire body attempting to slip into shock.

Like some common freaking mortal.

Damn, but he’d gotten to me these past weeks. By making me feel like more than a demon. By treating me like both a sexy woman, inside and out, and a colleague whose hands he’d place his life into without a second thought. By making me go almost as moony over him as he so obviously was over me.

“I have to check on the rest of the crew,” I offered the medic. Like a complete chicken shit, I didn’t even look back at Ryan’s face, but rounded the ladder truck and hurried over to the first of a trio of water trucks.

“What can I do?” I shouted to Landen Vernelli, a beefy blond guy in his midtwenties. His reputation as a playboy was well noted, and I might have found him appealing in that way if he hadn’t made it clear he thought I belonged back at the firehouse, answering phones.

He turned to glare at me. “Where the hell did you guys go?”

“We had to get out a back way. Ryan was knocked un conscious on the way out.”

Surprise entered Vernelli’s eyes. “You carried him all the way around from the back of the building?”

“You got a problem with that?” I snapped.

“Not at all. I’m impressed.”

Though I shouldn’t have cared, I basked in the glory of his approval for a few seconds. Then the enormity of the harm I might have caused Ryan came slamming back. “Don’t be. I have no idea how he’s going to be when he wakes up.”

If he woke up.


Deitre entered my hospital room, and I shut off the wall-mounted TV to grin at her from my semisitting position in the narrow bed. When Vernelli stopped in this morning, he’d mentioned that she planned to come over as soon as her shift ended. I’d spent the fifteen hours since being carted via ambulance to Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center last night, convincing the staff, as well as a number of my coworkers, that I was fine, and all I wanted was to see my devil girl.

Right now, she wasn’t looking like a devil girl, though.

Standing just inside the door, she wore faded jeans and a loose-fitting, white pocket T-shirt. A navy blue, unadorned ball cap covered her head, and a waist-length red ponytail stuck through the ring at the hat’s back.

Nah, right now, she was looking even better than a devil girl.

She looked like someone I could take home to meet my family. Someone I could understand why I loved for more than the sex. Someone I could settle down and adopt a couple of kids with.

Presuming she stuck around after I owned up to my past with Jada.

I’d let sharing the information slide the last few days, while I silently battled the mind-swamping guilt made better only when Deitre had her hands or mouth on me, or spent the night infiltrating my dreams, the way she’d done again when I’d been knocked unconscious last night. But I couldn’t continue to let it slide. I had to tell her the truth. I would do it as soon as I gave her a more complete look at the man beyond the cocky grin and turnout gear.

“Thinking about making a break for it while you still can?” I teased when she continued to stand a few inches from the doorway.

She gave a weak smile. “Just making sure that you look okay.”

I glanced down at my half-dressed body. Not buying my confirmation over the phone that I was fine, Jack had dropped by last night. Since I hadn’t been so sure I would be fine back in the basement of the processing plant, I’d been damned glad to see him. Almost as glad to see the sweatpants he’d brought me so I didn’t have to lie around in a hospital gown with my naked ass hanging out.

Of course, Deitre would have enjoyed the view. Or maybe not.

For only the second time, outside of while we were on the clock and she generally behaved, I wasn’t getting the vibe that she wanted to do me.

Her gaze returned to mine, and I asked in a light tone. “Did I pass inspection?”

“You look good.”

“I feel good. I’d feel even better if you closed the door and came and lay down with me.” Recognizing how that sounded, I clarified, “Not for sex.”

Like the word sex was her cue, a devilishly wicked sparkle moved into her ice-blue eyes. Her smile peaked into a sultry one. “You really think I can handle lying beside you without wanting you?”

Five seconds ago, yes. Now, as she closed the door and then started toward me, not in the least.

With every step she took, the room temperature seemed to notch up another ten degrees. My breathing sure as hell picked up by a good ten anxious inhales. She slid onto the bed beside me, and I jerked at the brush of her hip against mine. Two layers of cotton separated our skin, yet my cock roused to instant hardness; an obvious fact since I hadn’t worn underwear beneath my sweats.

Running her hand along my thigh, she eyed the bulge of my groin. Her tongue slipped out, dabbing at her lush lower lip, not quite that deep shade of cherry-red today and still way too tempting.

Yeah, I could see where this was about to go. The thing was, I wanted it to go there. I wanted her with such an instant and intense desire that it had perspiration popping out on my face and chest. I also wanted to get some conversation in before we had life-confirming sex.

Lifting Deitre’s hand from my thigh, I curled her fingers in my own. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

She turned her attention from my crotch to my face. “For what?”

“Winning over Vernelli.”

“Whatever. I was just doing my job.”

“Were you?” Despite a good deal of what happened in that basement last night being patchy, I could remember the gut-level fear in her eyes when I’d become trapped under the support beam and then later that breathtaking trust. I practically ached to believe those emotions meant that she was feeling more for me than lust.

Deitre frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Saving me didn’t mean anything more to you than rescuing a victim while on the job?”

Her frown deepened. “What was it supposed to mean?”

I wanted a straight-up answer, but not at the cost of killing the moment and the weekend plans I’d yet to share with her. Reverting to the teasing tone, I supplied, “Thought maybe you were afraid of losing me before you had a chance to track down the butt plug and stuff it up my ass.”

Her frown evaporated on a debauched laugh. “You really would enjoy it if you gave it a chance.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” Fisting the end of her thick, silky ponytail, I pulled her flush against me, torso to torso, face-to-face. “And enjoy these killer lips for a while.”

Her mouth opened on a throaty sigh. I slipped my tongue inside and caressed her moist inner cheeks and gums. Over her teeth. Against her own tongue. She responded, but not in her typically fierce style. Rather, soft and slow and easy, and with just a little wiggle of her mound against my erection.

She was giving me the lead without my having to ask for it. That alone told me I was coming to mean something to her. Instead of ravishing her, the way my throbbing cock would have liked, I broke the kiss to send her a smug smile. “You know, I would have saved you if you just left me alone long enough to regain consciousness.”

“Of course you would have. Right after you walked on water.”

We shared a laugh that felt almost as good and not nearly as draining as sex with her had a habitual way of being. Before Deitre stopped laughing, I said, “Jack stopped by last night. He invited us out to the B and B for dinner on Sunday.”

Her laughter died short. “You’re going to be out of here by then?”

I breathed a sigh at her tone. Not wariness to think I wanted her meeting my brother and his fiancée, but relief to know I really was going to be all right. “They’re discharging me after lunch.”

“So it didn’t have any adverse effects?”

“Nah, the metal didn’t even dent my helmet. Mostly they kept me overnight for observation and to check for smoke inhalation.” I gave her a reprimanding look as the memory of the panic I’d known for her returned to quicken my pulse. “They should have held you, too, for that stunt you pulled.”

“What stunt?”

“Breaking the seal on your respirator. Those fumes could have killed you.”

“I didn’t break the seal on my respirator. You must have been hallucinating.” Concern came into her eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Like I said, last night was patchy. Maybe I’d only imagined Deitre’s voice, though I swear I heard her talking. Since it wasn’t important enough to argue about, I took her face in my hands and her lips in another blood-sizzling kiss.

This time she met me lick for hungry lick, slide for needy slide. Her sex rubbed against my cock and her warm, soft palms worked their way up the sides of my bare torso. I had no idea how she kept her hands so soft, considering the demands of our job. I just knew I liked her touch a hell of a lot as she slipped her hands between us and circled the tips of her fingers around my nipples.

She took my nipples between her thumbs and forefingers and pinched the small, hard discs. White-hot electric sensation pulsed in my nipples and darted to my groin.

I pulled from her mouth on a hiss. “Oh, yeah, I’m way okay.” She let out another laugh, this one low and rich with lust, and I pressed, “So are you free on Sunday?”

The amusement left her face again. She wasn’t exactly frowning, but I could feel her body go tense against mine. Placing a hand on the bed on either side of my head, she rocked back on her bent legs. “Actually, I’m not. I have plans with a girlfriend. The one who works at the Liege.”

“She could come along.”

A hint of an impish smile played at her lips. “Hoping for a threesome?”

I was hoping to see her interact with two of the people I was closest with and have the three of them get along as well as Deitre and I did. So as not to look too eager, I again kept it light. “If she’s as demanding as you are, that would be the death of me. I don’t want your girlfriend. I would like for you to meet Jack and Carinna. You know how it is, with family worrying about the people you hang out with.”

“Not really. My father isn’t around often, and I’ve never much known my mother. I have sisters, but they’re mostly off doing their own thing, too.”

I countered the loss of her smile with a knowing one of my own. “In that case, you definitely need to come along. The four of us can be one, big, happy family.”

“I actually prefer not seeing my family.”

“Okay, then, you don’t have to pretend like my family is yours. They can just be your new friends.”

She frowned. “I’m telling you, Ryan, I don’t do families. Not mine or anyone’s.”

“And I’m telling you I’ll make it worth your while.” Taking my smile from knowing to wolfishly naughty, I slipped a hand between her spread thighs and petted her mound through her jeans. “C’mon, now, what’s it gonna take? A little pussy worship?”

Interest flared in her eyes with the rising of her eyebrows. “Right here on your hospital bed?”

“If it gets you to agree.”

A few silent seconds passed. Then a wickedly carnal grin curved Deitre’s lips. She moved off the bed, brought the jeans and underwear down to midthigh with a single, graceful push, and then climbed back onto the bed and lay down on the cramped space beside me. “Start worshipping and I’ll think about it.”

Even if the stakes weren’t so high, I would have risked being caught for the sake of getting my tongue buried inside her pussy. Like every orgasm I shared with her, the taste of her cum was pure heady indulgence. Better than caramel. Better than most anything I could think of save for the tantalizing taste of her mouth.

Going up on my knees, with my stiff cock doing a flagpole number at the front of my sweats, I worked the jeans and underwear down her legs the rest of the way. After depositing her clothes on the tile, I centered her on the bed. She spread her legs, affording me a breath-hitching view of her sex. Her pussy was freshly shaven. The tender skin, past the gently parted lips of her labia was a glistening, slick pink. The scent of her arousal perfuming the air with a sweet and sexy musk was too inviting to keep from tasting a second longer.

“Hey there, gorgeous,” I coaxed her cunt with a smug, rough voice as I slipped my hands beneath her and cupped the silky, smooth skin of her butt. “Looks like you’re in need of a tongue fuck.”

To the sound of Deitre’s laughter, I lifted her ass off the bed an inch, tipped her hips and fitted my mouth to her succulent sex. Her amusement faded to a throaty gasp as I impaled her pussy with my tongue.

I groaned back, struck once again at her tightness. Either she was a master of Kegel exercises, or she had to use some kind of tightening herb or gel.

Whatever the case, the powerful clenching of her sheath as I corkscrewed my tongue up inside her moist inner walls had my balls snug and my dick quivering its need for release.

Writhing on the bed, she grabbed hold of my head and ground her mound hard up against my face. Greedily, her sex sucked my tongue even deeper inside her as she panted out, “Throw in the butt plug.”

I pulled my tongue free of her sheath to lift my head a few inches. Her lips were swollen and back to that shimmering, lush cherry-red. Her eyes half-masked and shiny, cool blue marked with the sizzling heat of ecstasy.

Gorgeous, yeah. Out of her mind, yeah, that, too. “You’re crazy.”

With a primal grin, she jerked the ball cap from her head. She sent it sailing across the hospital room and her luscious, long red hair feathered all around her body. Her grin grew even wilder then, as she pushed the hem of her T-shirt up to expose her big, gorgeous and awesomely bare tits. Another mystery—how she managed to keep the erect state of her nipples hidden when she never wore a bra. A mystery I could have given two shits less about right then.

Deitre took the heavy mounds in her hands and fondled the rosy flesh. “Throw in the butt plug, or it’s a no. To dinner on Sunday and sex with me tonight.”

“Ah, fuck.” It was almost illogical the limits I was willing to go to for her. But I was clearly willing to go just about any damned where and try any damned thing if it meant we had a chance of ending up together. “Fine.” My sphincter muscles squeezed. “On two conditions. It happens after we do dinner on Sunday…and I get to control the lube.”


With the way Carinna insisted I help her grab beer from the B and B’s extensive kitchen while Jack dealt the cards for the next round of pinochle and Ryan, apparently, assisted by keeping the private dining-room table occupied, I could guess a grilling was in store. That might be okay. She had the tall, stacked build of a succubus to complement her Latina coloring and the sort of no-bullshit attitude that I’d always respected. Jack maintained an arrogant charm similar to Ryan’s while making it clear he had eyes only for Carinna. Despite my qualms about coming here, I’d been relaxed and enjoying myself from nearly the second we walked through the B and B door.

“How long have you and Ry been an item?” Carinna tossed over her shoulder. Bypassing a ceramic-tiled island, she went to a double-wide, stainless-steel refrigerator and pulled open the right-side door.

“A few weeks. He seems great.” Frowning at my automatic and irritatingly adoring-sounding reply, I came to a stop behind the fridge door.

Ryan was charming. He made it seem like he cared about me until I had moments where I was convinced that he really did. But he’d made Jada feel the same. She’d been head over heels for him when he dumped her cold. He’d cared about her so little he’d allowed her to die in order to save some guy he’d never even met. Given the opportunity, the odds were favorable he would let me die as easily as he had Jada.

Except, he hadn’t let me die in the basement of the processing plant.

He’d silently vowed to save me and had been attempting to do just that before I knocked him unconscious.

Carinna reached around the side of the refrigerator door, two longnecks of Bud dangling from her fingertips. “He used to be a cocky little shit. But yeah, he’s really come around.”

My relaxed feeling a thing of the past, I accepted the beer. I hadn’t been able to see her face when she’d spoken, or now, as she reached back into the fridge for another set of beers, but the honest affection in her voice knotted my belly with guilt. It wasn’t a sensation I knew a lot about, and it also wasn’t one that I planned to hold on to.

Moving back to the island, I set Ryan’s beer down, and uncapped my own. “Have you known him long?”

The affection was evident in Carinna’s nearly smoke-gray eyes now, as well, as she joined me at the island. Smiling, she repeated my move, setting down one beer and uncapping the other. “Pretty much his whole life. The three of us grew up together.”

I pulled back a long, cold drink as the information settled. Just because she knew him, didn’t have to mean she really knew him. After all, she hadn’t seemed to know how long Ryan and I had been screwing. “Any notable skeletons?”

“Since you work at the firehouse, you must know that he has a reputation for getting around.” I nodded, and she continued, “He can also be pretty narrow-minded, though he hasn’t acted that way in months.” A thoughtful frown formed on her lips. “Actually, he hasn’t mentioned sleeping with anyone in months, either. Maybe it’s just because Jack and I are together and we don’t share our sex stories with him for obvious reasons, but we used to hash on the details of our love lives as part of our Wednesday-night poker routine.”

So he’d broadened his horizons and potentially quit sleeping around. Damn, so much for skeletons, not to mention obliterating my guilt.

“Has he changed in any other way?” I pressed, all but hanging on the hope of a negative find.

Carinna took a pull from her beer as she considered the question. She set the bottle back on the island. “He is more affectionate with Jack. They’ve always been close, with their dad dying young and Jack basically being a surrogate dad for Ryan, but you know how guys can be about their fear of getting too touchy-feely with other guys?”

Not to mention their fear of butt plugs.

I nodded. “I do.”

A conspiratorial smile returned to her lips. My guilt finally ebbed, and I gave in to my own smile over thoughts of the night that lay ahead.

As soon as we got home, I was seeing that Ryan made good on his promise from the hospital. If only because it meant showing him the best of pleasure tonight before I doled out the worst of pain someday in the near future, he was going to experience a G-spot orgasm like nothing but a butt plug and a woman who knew how to use it on her man could deliver.

“Well, Ry seems to have gotten over his fears,” Carinna continued. “He’ll actually hug Jack goodbye when he takes off now, or if they talk on the phone, he’ll say that he loves him before he hangs up.”

My smile had quavered a bit with the thought of Ryan as my man. It quavered a bit more as Carinna’s words sank in and my guilt once again flowed freely. I could see him acting a fraud to a woman he hoped to fuck, or keep fucking. But he had no reason to act that way around his brother.

Did he truly feel remorse over what had happened with Jada and was shaping himself into a nicer guy for it? And, if so, did his regret haunt him enough that I should let him off the hook?

Wanting my mind off thoughts of Ryan and my mood back to relaxed, I took in the expansive kitchen done in all-natural hardwoods and trimmed with a deep shade of green that would be a perfect complement for Ryan’s eyes. “This place is gorgeous.”

Carinna beamed with pride. “It’s a work in progress, but it is coming along a little more every day.”

Apparently, getting my mind off Ryan was also a work in progress, that checking out something as routine as kitchen trim could make me think of him. Whatever my plans for the guy, I had to get them figured out pronto and my mushy, moony ass back to Hell.

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